Darya Ekamasova

Paige Americans

THE AMERICANS Recap: (S06E05) The Great Patriotic War

Leona Laurie

“The Great Patriotic War,” in which The Americans goes two-for-two in making me cry out “Oh no! Oh no!” at my TV, ...

paige elizabeth americans

THE AMERICANS Recap: (S06E02) Tchaikovsky

Leona Laurie

So much tension in the second episode of the final season of The Americans! In “Tchaikovsky,” Elizabeth (Keri Russell) looks so ...

AMERICANS Recap World Council of Churches

THE AMERICANS Recap: (S05E12) The World Council of Churches

Leona Laurie

If I refuse to recap the penultimate episode of the penultimate season of The Americans, will it stop the end ...

Philip Elizabeth Americans Darkroom

THE AMERICANS Recap: (S05E10) Darkroom

Leona Laurie

Oh my gosh. I hardly know where to start with the latest episode of The Americans. All the best stuff ...

americans keri russell matthew rhys

THE AMERICANS Recap: (S05E08) Immersion

Leona Laurie

I’m starting to think my belief that last week’s episode was slow was more about me being tired than the ...

Americans Committee Human Rights

THE AMERICANS Recap: (S05E07) The Committee on Human Rights

Leona Laurie

How can we already be in the last half of this season of The Americans??? The seventh episode (of only 13!), The ...