Daniel Portman

Daenerys Stormborn surveys her people from the steps of the ruined Red Keep in King's Landing on Game of Thrones

GAME OF THRONES Series Finale Recap: (S08E06): The Iron Throne

Leona Laurie

How will history (and Twitter) judge the series finale of Game of Thrones? Perhaps they’ll say that the last episode, ...

The Dragon Queen's armada sets sail on Game of Thrones

GAME OF THRONES Recap: (S08E04): The Last of the Starks

Leona Laurie

The fourth episode in the final season of Game of Thrones is organized into three rough acts: The Funeral, The Celebration ...

GAME OF THRONES Season 8 Episode 2 and 3 Poster Analysis

Maisie Williams

Already at the halfway point of Game of Thrones‘ final season, commissioned artist Robert Ball has designed two beautiful new ...

Jon Snow looks on in horror during the battle with the army of the dead

GAME OF THRONES Recap: (S08E03) The Long Night

Leona Laurie

The moment of truth has arrived on Game of Thrones. Who will live to fight another day? So many spoilers ...

Jaime Lannister stands before an unhappy crowd at Winterfell

GAME OF THRONES Recap: (S08E02) A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

Leona Laurie

The latest episode of Game of Thrones is an exercise in tension as Winterfell waits through the calm before the storm. ...

Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon chronicles the history of House Targaryen

GAME OF THRONES Final Season Trailer: The War Is Here

Jenny Flack

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhaaahahhahhahh!!  Okay.  Sorry.  I need to settle down.  But, the Game of Thrones trailer for the eighth and final season ...

jon snow aegon targaryen GOT Season 7 Finale

GAME OF THRONES Season Finale Recap: (S07E07) The Dragon and the Wolf

Leona Laurie

My colleague, Kimberly Pierce, and I alternated weeks recapping Game of Thrones this season. I did this final season seven ...

sansa weirwood winterfell GOT

Facing Off: GAME OF THRONES (S07E04) The Spoils of War

Leona Laurie

My colleague, Kimberly Pierce, and I are alternating weeks recapping Game of Thrones this season. On our off weeks, though, ...

Daenerys Targaryen and friends GOT

GAME OF THRONES Season Premiere Recap: (S07E01) Dragonstone

Leona Laurie

I have to make a confession. Sometimes… in fact, a lot of the time, Game of Thrones makes me mad… ...