Call of Cthulhu RPG

The Tavern Talk Thursday logo next to a screenshot of Edgin holding his lute behind his back.

Tavern Talk Thursday: Movies To Binge With Your TTRPG Group

Julia Roth

Looking for a movie to enjoy with the crew? Tavern Talk Thursday has five movies with TTRPG feels that should be on your next must-watch list.

The Tavern Talk Thursday logo with a screenshot from Call of Cthulhu with Pierce holding a lantern while standing in front of a large gate.

Tavern Talk Thursday: 5 TTRPG Video Game Adaptations to Enjoy

Julia Roth

Looking to go from the table to the virtual world? Tavern Talk Thursday has 5 TTRPG video game adaptations players are sure to enjoy.

Tavern Talk Thursday logo and headshot of Julia Roth.

Tavern Talk Thursday: JULIA ROTH

Julia Roth

On this week's Tavern Talk Thursday, the tables are turned as I, Julia Roth, answer the tons of fun TTRPG-related questions I've been asking.

Headshot of Matt Young next to the Tavern Talk Thursday logo.

Tavern Talk Thursday: MATT YOUNG

Julia Roth

Welcome to Tavern Talk Thursday! This is a weekly column where we chat with a member of the TTRPG (tabletop ...

The Tavern Talk Thursday logo next to a headshot of Ginny Di.

Tavern Talk Thursday: GINNY DI

Julia Roth

Welcome to Tavern Talk Thursday! This is a weekly column where we chat with a member of the TTRPG (tabletop ...

The Velvet Lodge banner featuring the cast, logo and the exterior of the lodge.

THE VELVET LODGE TTRPG Actual Play Is Filled With Horror and Mystery

Julia Roth

Dive into the new horror and mystery-themed TTRPG actual play The Velvet Lodge and find yourself immersed in this incredible story and world.

Tavern Talk Thursday logo and headshot of Adam R. Crymble

Tavern Talk Thursday: ADAM R. CRYMBLE

Julia Roth

Settle in for this week's Tavern Talk Thursday as we chat with The Stubborn Heroes' GM, Adam R. Crymble, about his love for TTRPGs.

Tavern Talk Thursday logo and headshot of Mark Meer holding a Mass Effect prop gun.

Tavern Talk Thursday: MARK MEER

Julia Roth

Take a break before your next big dungeon crawl and settle in for this week's Tavern Talk Thursday featuring the incredible Mark Meer.

Tavern Talk Thursday logo and headshot of Josh Dean.

Tavern Talk Thursday: JOSH DEAN

Julia Roth

A well-done job deserves a reward, so settle in for this week's Tavern Talk Thursday with Josh Dean. See what he loves about the TTRPG world.

The Tavern Talk Thursday logo and a headshot of Joseph Limbaugh.

Tavern Talk Thursday: JOSEPH LIMBAUGH

Julia Roth

This week's Tavern Talk Thursday features the incredibly creative Joseph Limbaugh. Find out what he loves about TTRPG and playing in castles.