Big Bang Theory Season 10 Recaps

BIG BANG THEORY Long Distance Dissonance 1

THE BIG BANG THEORY Season Finale Recap: (S10E24) The Long Distance Dissonance

Leona Laurie

Maybe the most delightful episode of The Big Bang Theory ever, season 10’s finale, “The Long Distance Dissonance,” ends with ...

BIG BANG THEORY Recap Gyroscopic Collapse Sheldon

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E23) The Gyroscopic Collapse

Leona Laurie

In the penultimate episode of season 10 of The Big Bang Theory, change is in the air. The guys are ...

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap The Cognition Regeneration 3

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E22) The Cognition Regeneration

Leona Laurie

Oh, Sheldon. Tonight on The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon (Jim Parsons) failed to help the other guys defeat some teenagers they ...

Separation Agitation Big Bang Theory

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E21) The Separation Agitation

Leona Laurie

The latest episode of The Big Bang Theory, The Separation Agitation, takes its name from one of the two major ...

big bang theory Recollection Dissipation

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E20) The Recollection Dissipation

Leona Laurie

The Recollection Dissipation, tonight’s episode of The Big Bang Theory, could easily have been called “The Hangover Part IV: Sheldon and ...

big bang theory Collaboration Fluctuation

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E19) The Collaboration Fluctuation

Leona Laurie

Tonight’s recap of The Big Bang Theory episode The Collaboration Fluctuation just doesn’t require a lot of detail. Raj and Penny have ...

BIG BANG THEORY Recap Escape Hatch Identification Christine Baranski

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E18) The Escape Hatch Identification

Leona Laurie

Tonight’s episode of The Big Bang Theory, The Escape Hatch Identification, continued the saga of Raj taking responsibility for himself ...


THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E17) The Comic-Con Conundrum

Leona Laurie

In tonight’s episode of The Big Bang Theory, it’s clear that our little gang of nerds is growing up. On ...

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E16) The Allowance Evaporation

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E16) The Allowance Evaporation

Leona Laurie

The Allowance Evaporation was a simple, straightforward episode of The Big Bang Theory. In a nutshell, Raj has decided to ...

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E15) The Locomotion Reverberation

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E15) The Locomotion Reverberation

Leona Laurie

Let me start by saying that I was late viewing The Big Bang Theory tonight because I had to go see ...

BIG BANG THEORY Emotion Detection Automation 3

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E14) The Emotion Detection Automation

Leona Laurie

What are your favorite things to see on The Big Bang Theory? Mine are probably Shamy and Raj’s girlfriends. Tonight’s ...

Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 12

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E13) The Romance Recalibration

Leona Laurie

I have a variety of pet peeves about television– especially sitcoms. I hate seeing characters on long-running shows devolve into ...

big bang theory season 10 episode 12

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E12) The Holiday Summation

Leona Laurie

The Big Bang Theory crew has spent the holidays apart, and now that they’re all back together for their first ...

Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 11

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E11) The Birthday Synchronicity

Leona Laurie

Honestly, if The Big Bang Theory is going to skip weeks (like they did last week, for example), you’d think they’d ...

big bang theory season 10 episode 10

THE BIG BANG THEORY Recap: (S10E10) The Property Division Collision

Leona Laurie

It’s finally time for Leonard and Sheldon to divide their belongings, and for Sheldon and Amy to settle into the ...