Krysten Ritter

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Season Finale Recap: (S01E10) We Will Come Again
The Orphan Black: Echoes season finale, "We Will Come Again," lays waste to best-laid plans as Darros launches his new world vision. Read our recap!

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Recap: (S01E09) Attracting Awful Things
With only one episode left to go in Orphan Black: Echoes, Kira and the Eleanor Self-lings are "Attracting Awful Things." Read our recap!

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Episode 9 Preview: Craig’s Not Dead
On the penultimate episode of Orphan Black: Echoes, Kira gets a surprise visitor. Read our spoiler-free preview of "Attracting Awful Things."

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Recap: (S01E08) The Paradox of Joyce
We recap the many moving parts of Orphan Black: Echoes's "The Paradox of Joyce," which spin frantically as things snowball for the printouts.

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Recap: (S01E07) The Dog’s Honest Truth
Orphan Black: Echoes's Jules, Lucy and Eleanor 2.0 unite on "The Dog's Honest Truth" to stir up some solutions. Read our recap!

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Episode 7 Preview: Fighting Back
Jules is determined to stand up to her pursuers on Orphan Black: Echoes's "The Dog's Honest Truth." Read our spoiler-free preview!

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Episode 6 Preview: Print-Outs Gone Wild
Our spoiler-free preview of Orphan Black: Echoes's "Unless You Trusted Someone" considers the whos and whys of Jules's existence. Read on!

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Recap: (S01E05) Do I Know You?
The past comes alive on Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 5, "Do I Know You?" We learn what led Kira to create the tech to print people. Read our recap!

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Recap: (S01E04) It’s All Coming Back
Our recap of Orphan Black: Echoes' "It's All Coming Back" covers the answers Lucy and Jules find by tripping out. Also, Kira makes her move.

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Episode 4 Preview: Trippy Times
Orphan Black: Echoes' upcoming episode, "It's All Coming Back," sees Lucy and Jules team up. Our spoiler-free preview explores their potential for chaos.

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Recap: (S01E03) Pegasus Girl
We recap which webs unravel under Jules's scrutiny and how Charlie's guilt becomes overwhelming in Orphan Black: Echoes' "Pegasus Girl."

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Episode 3 Preview: Looking for Answers
Things take flight with Orphan Black: Echoes' "Pegasus Girl" when Jules begins to dig into her history. Read on for our spoiler-free preview!

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Recap: (S01E02) Jules
Orphan Black: Echoes continues with "Jules," as Lucy's quest to solve her past to secure her future gets ever messier. Read on for our recap.

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Series Premiere Recap: (S01E01) Pilot
On the Orphan Black: Echoes series premiere, Lucy's life falls apart when her past intrudes with deadly consequences. Read on for our recap.

ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES Premiere Preview: A Unique Copy of the Original
The Orphan Black: Echoes series premiere introduces Lucy, a woman desperate to learn her own identity. Read on for our spoiler-free preview.