SURREALESTATE Recap: (S02E03) The Butler Didn’t

Melody McCune

Susan opens the door to a house while cast in an orangish light in SurrealEstate Season 2 Episode 3, "The Butler Didn't."

DISCLAIMER: This recap of SurrealEstate Season 2 Episode 3, “The Butler Didn’t,” contains spoilers. There are also mentions of suicide. Proceed at your peril. 

“Something’s afoot, and the butler didn’t do it…” I’ll give you a nickel if you tell me what stage production that’s from. Anyway, SurrealEstate‘s latest outing takes on a more somber tone compared to last week’s lighthearted, silly fare. While I love the whodunit elements integrated into the narrative, I found the characters’ stories more intriguing than the murder mystery unfolding. Season 2 has methodically constructed the conflict between Luke and Susan, which comes to a head in “The Butler Didn’t” with her departure. To be fair, Luke’s being a jerk with a capital “J.” 

Side note: bring back Kit Rampart, please, and thank you. He should become a recurring character. 

Ready to delve into “The Butler Didn’t”? Let’s get to it. 

RELATED: Check out our recap for SurrealEstate Season 2 Episode 2, “Truth in Advertising”

We open with Susan (Sarah Levy) chatting with a new client, an older man named Andrew Tolliver (Eric Peterson), about selling his house. A young couple parks in front of Andrew’s home for a showing. Unfortunately, Susan doesn’t get too far into the tour when a woman in wedding garb drops from the railing of the staircase, a noose around her neck. Um, that’s not what Susan meant about friends “dropping by.” Naturally, the couple flees. Afterward, Andrew reveals that that’s the first time the woman has appeared for anyone but him. He’s been tormented by this ghost ever since he purchased the house a year ago. 

Later, Susan reunites with Luke (Tim Rozon), August (Maurice Dean Wint), Phil (Adam Korson) and Zooey (Savannah Basley) at the agency. They devise a game plan to rid Andrew’s house of the spirit. Luke accompanies Susan for the next visit to the home. They whip out one of Auggie’s devices. Luke explains that those on the other side prefer analog stuff to digital. They respond better to it. Sure enough, the woman in white (Ruth Lawrence) materializes. She descends the staircase. She utters “Tolliver” as Susan and Luke scramble to understand what she wants. They conclude she desires for them to find her murderer. Why? Because this wasn’t a suicide. 

Andrew Tolliver, an older white man, sits in a chair in his living room in SurrealEstate Season 2 Episode 3, "The Butler Didn't."
SURREALESTATE — “The Butler Didn’t” Season 2 Episode 3 — Pictured: Eric Peterson as Andrew Tolliver — (Photo by: Duncan de Young/Blue Ice Pictures/SYFY)

Then, Luke and Susan bring Zooey and Phil into the murder investigation equation. Why was this woman murdered on her wedding day? What’s her story? Who wrote that suicide note? Phil calls around to learn who resided in this house before Andrew. Meanwhile, Luke, Susan and Zooey split up to search each building level for clues. Luke spots the woman moving about the house before he finds a collection of journals. Everyone takes one home to read. Then, they’ll present their findings to each other. 

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Next, Zooey tells Luke she got her real estate license. Yes, girl! She’s officially ready to be a real estate agent. Luke vows to keep her on the team and have her work as an agent while he finds someone to replace her. I’m excited to see Zooey more involved in the supernatural housing market fun. She’s also easily my favorite character. Susan returns home to her Smart Home device (voiced by Patrick Kwok-Choon; fun fact: Kwook-Choon is the third Wynonna Earp alum to appear in this season). We see a flashback to Susan’s childhood. Her father plays the piano while young Susan savors the music, staring out the window. 

The following morning, Susan oversleeps because her Smart Home device set the incorrect alarm time. Hmm. I don’t trust it. This is a classic case of technology seeking to rule humans with an iron fist. To make matters worse, the device refuses to unlock the door as she tries to depart. At The Roman Agency, our crew hashes out what they know about the case.

Zooey stands outside a house during a cloudy day while smiling in SurrealEstate Season 2 Episode 3, "The Butler Didn't."
SURREALESTATE — “The Butler Didn’t” Season 2 Episode 3 — Pictured in this screen grab: Savannah Basley as Zooey L’Enfant — (Photo by: Blue Ice Pictures/SYFY)

The woman’s name was Genevieve. She wrote parenting advice books that skyrocketed her to fame. She married a man called Arthur. Genevieve loathed her son, Nathaniel, who was a little sh*t. He was also there on her wedding day, along with Judy and Marilyn. Zooey suspects the husband did it, as is the case with most true crime podcasts. Phil reveals that Nathaniel wrote a scathing book about his mother, besmirching her character, in the ’90s. He emailed Nathaniel, who still resides in town, to ask if he’d meet them for a chat. To Phil’s surprise, Nathaniel agreed to the meeting. 

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Later, Susan returns from visiting Andrew’s house with the doll Luke spotted on the top floor. It bears a note with “Tolliver” written on it. Uh-oh. Andrew might become the next victim if they don’t solve this case. Nathaniel (Patrick Garrow), a bona fide creep who requests 2 percent milk (Who does that?) from Zooey, sits next to Susan while recounting his memories from the night of his mother’s murder. He also correctly guesses Susan’s zodiac sign and asks if he can sniff her hair. You know, normal stuff. 

All the journals mentioned one thing: Genevieve’s love for “W.” She had an affair with whoever “W” is. Nathaniel brushes it off, claiming Genevieve’s feelings toward W were merely primal. He talks about Arthur, Genevieve’s husband, having a fling with Marilyn. Judy was Genevieve’s assistant, who took Nathaniel’s (not Nate’s) virginity. After scaring the group with over-the-top, empty threats, Nathaniel departs. But not before leaving a present for Susan: a copy of his book that boasts his signature … in blood. Ick. I wonder why he’s single.

A family stands in a room while posing for a photo with a bride and groom standing in the center in SurrealEstate Season 2 Episode 3, "The Butler Didn't."
SURREALESTATE — “The Butler Didn’t” Season 2 Episode 3 — Pictured: (l-r) Courtney Ch’ng Lancaster as Judy Renault, Ethan Cromwell as Young Nathaniel, Ruth Lawrence as Genevieve Wilson, George Robertson as Arthur Aldean, Alexis Koetting as Marilyn Bates — (Photo by: Duncan de Young/Blue Ice Pictures/SYFY)

Next, our gang pulls a late night at the office as they piece together the murder mystery. We hear everything from young Nathaniel (Ethan Cromwell) strangling Genevieve with the rope around the curtains to Judy (Courtney Ch’ng Lancaster) doing the deed to Marilyn (Alexis Koetting) and Arthur (George Robertson) killing Genieve because she walked in on them having sex. All viable options. All could have written the fake suicide note, too. After throwing their theories at a wall to see which sticks, Luke addresses the elephant in the room. Who took the picture of the bridal party?  

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Then, the following day, Susan calls Nathaniel to ask if he recalls who snapped the pic of said bridal party. He doesn’t remember, only that it was someone from the household staff. After doing some digging, Phil presents Susan with an employee log. One man, Warden T. Olliver, had been in Genevieve’s employ for six months prior to the wedding. However, he resigned the day after Genevieve’s death. Suspicious. Phil mentions that “Andrew” is an anagram for “Warden.” Plus, “T. Olliver” and “Tolliver” … it all adds up. 

That night, Susan has a dream that consists of her and Andrew discussing Genevieve’s death. Sure enough, Andrew fills in the blanks regarding that night. As it turns out, he was the elusive “W.” He was 22 years old and fell in love with Genevieve. They had an affair. Andrew decided to quit upon learning she was getting married despite her protests that they could continue their affair. Distraught, Genevieve grabbed the golden rope from the curtains and fastened it around her neck. She ran to the staircase banister and threatened to leap over it. Andrew tried to pull her away from the railing. 

August and Phil sit at a table in a real estate agency while eating Chinese food in SurrealEstate Season 2 Episode 3, "The Butler Didn't."
SURREALESTATE — “The Butler Didn’t” Season 2 Episode 3 — Pictured in this screen grab: (l-r) Maurice Dean Wint as August Ripley, Adam Korson as Father Phil Orley — (Photo by: Blue Ice Pictures/SYFY)

Unfortunately, Genevieve lost her footing and toppled over the side of the banister. In Susan’s dream, Andrew tells her that Genevieve didn’t want them to find her killer; she was explaining to them that he was her killer. Of course, it was accidental. Andrew discloses that he resigned the following day, moved away, changed his name and donated money to Genevieve’s charity of choice. He purchased the house when he saw it for sale last year. 

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Later, Susan wakes up from her strange dream starring Andrew. Meanwhile, Zooey brings Auggie coffee while he perfects a new device for Luke to wear to communicate with spirits. Before departing for Andrew’s house, Susan and Luke butt heads again. Once they arrive, Susan utilizes Auggie’s contraption to chat with Genevieve. She persuades Genevieve that Andrew didn’t mean to kill her — it was an accident. Susan asks the ghost to free Andrew of his guilt. She frees him. Luke finds Andrew in his chair, having passed away from a heart attack. 

That evening, Luke checks on Susan. Susan got on with Andrew, so his death must hurt. Luke notices Susan packing some belongings in her office. She claims she needs to take time away from this place. She needs to reassess her career path. Susan believes Luke is morphing into her ex-boss, who was horrible to her. The agency doesn’t feel like home to her anymore. She storms out. Please stop fighting, Mom and Dad. 

Luke and Susan stand in the hallway of a house while looking shocked in SurrealEstate Season 2 Episode 3, "The Butler Didn't."
SURREALESTATE — “The Butler Didn’t” Season 2 Episode 3 — Pictured in this screen grab: (l-r) Tim Rozon as Luke Roman, Sarah Levy as Susan Ireland — (Photo by: Blue Ice Pictures/SYFY)

We see Genevieve and young Andrew/Warden (Luke Power) dancing on the top floor of the house, together at last. While Susan looks over paperwork, the Smart Home device informs her that the hot water is ready for her tea. She looks content. There’s nothing like being at home. We see the Smart Home device light up ominously as Susan heads into the kitchen to make tea. Dun, dun, dun

RELATED: Keep up on the haunted housing market with our SurrealEstate recaps!

Will Susan decide to quit The Roman Agency? Will we see Zooey selling (formerly haunted) houses soon? Is Susan’s Smart Home device up to something sinister? Only time (and more episodes) will tell. 

SurrealEstate airs new episodes every Wednesday at 10/9c on your Syfy affiliate.

Melody McCune
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