SUPERMAN & LOIS Recap: (S03E04) Too Close to Home

Andrea Carter

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Superman standing with his hands on his hips.

A new week is upon us and I had to emotionally prepare myself for the rollercoaster that is Superman & Lois  Season 3, Episode 4, “Too Close to Home.”

The episode kicks off with a national forest on fire and an RV frantically trying to navigate through the flames. Just before a tree crushes it and its occupants, Superman (Tyler Hoechlin) saves the day. Jordan (Alex Garfin) offers to stay and put out the fire and Clark (Hoechlin) hears Lois (Elizabeth Tulloch) in trouble. 

Back home, he finds she only broke a  glass. She calls Clark out for spying on her. Later that morning, the boys argue and Clark advises them not to bother their mother. The pair offers to spend time outside the house and Clark tells Lois she will not work today.

RELATED: Catch up with our Superman & Lois recaps here!

Back at Kyle’s (Erik Valdez) apartment, he learns the truth about what happened between Sarah (Inde Navarrette) and Lana (Emmanuelle Chriqui). John Henry (Wolé Parks) visits Clark with news about his doppelganger’s death. He then learns of Lois’s investigation into Mannheim, much to his dismay. 

While trying to get out of the house Jonathan (Michael Bishop) visits Candice (Samantha Di Francesco). He encounters her father, Emmit (Adrian Glynn McMorran), who denies dealing XK and confronts him. While he denies the accusations of stealing or dealing, their argument heats up and he punches Jonathan. 

In the middle of television time with Lois, Clark leaves to speak with an angry John Henry. After sharing information with one another, John Henry decides to go see his sister. 

John Henry Irons standing looking at Bruno Mannheim
Photo Credit: The CW

As Jordan hangs out with Sam (Dylan Walsh), the two get into an argument because Sam wants him to cut his hair to be more discreet while helping his father. When Jonathan gets home, Lois discovers his black eye, but he doesn’t tell her who delivered it.

In the spirit of confrontations, Kyle confronts Lana about slapping Sarah. She gives him the full story of what caused her anger, and they talk it through. When Clark gets home, Lois confronts him about telling the boys not to bother her. 

Finally a united front, Clark and Lois demand the truth about Jonathan’s black eye. Just as they learn about the stolen truck, Jordan gets home and informs them of his argument with Sam. Just as the conversation started, Clark has an emergency at the DOD. There, he learns the blood they discovered came from the DOD. They took it when he was hurt in order to find a way to save him.

RELATED: Catch up on all of The Flash recaps here!

Back at Kyle’s place, he pleads with Sarah to hear her mother out. John Henry encounters Dr. Irons (Angel Parker), and he pleads with her to give him information on Bruno Mannheim (Chad Coleman) and her brother. She tells him John was selling military weapons on the side before he was murdered. Just as his sister retreats, Mannheim’s men request John see their boss. 

Once Lois gets the full story and the name of who hurt her son, she immediately takes the boys and drives over to confront Emmit. Emmit threatens Lois and the boys with a gun in his waistband. She doesn’t back down and instead tells him to stay away from her family. 

As soon as the trio arrives home, Lois nearly faints. While at the DOD, Superman destroys the reserves of his blood, and John Henry visits Bruno Mannheim. Bruno reveals that he knows of John Henry’s association with Lois and Superman. 

Superman standing looking at Sam.
Photo Credit: The CW

Meeting up at the diner with Kyle and Sarah, Lana apologizes and asks for Sarah’s forgiveness. Sarah also apologizes to Lana for her hurtful words, and Kyle asks Sarah to be open to trying with her mother. When Clark arrives home, they fill him in on what happened with Emmit. As soon as Clark hears the news he leaves to confront Emmit too, promising that Superman wouldn’t be the one making the visit. 

During his talk with Bruno Mannheim, John Henry learns that Bruno has captured his sister. Within moments, he escapes to find her. At the diner, Clark finds Emmit and confronts him about his actions. When he attacks Clark, he easily takes down Emmit and promises to come for him if he ever steps out of line with his family again. 

Clark apologizes to Candice and agrees to allow her to see Jonathan. In a time crunch, John Henry learns he only has thirty seconds before the explosives attached to his sister detonate. The tech is something he designed, and he finds a way to stop it saving his sister’s life. After saving her, he confronts Mannheim one last time. 

RELATED: Read our Titans’ recaps here!

Lois offers Candice a place to stay until she finds something more permanent. Just when Jordan thinks he’s off the hook, Lois advises him to apologize to his grandfather and to visit the barbershop. Instead of a haircut, Sam gifts him a super suit. 

In an effort to bring down Mannheim, Lois, Clark and John Henry devise a plan. She will infiltrate the hospital for treatment and Bruno vows to find out what she wants. 

I absolutely loved the episode. Tensions were high all around and confrontations were needed. Seeing Lois confront Emmit was so incredible, and then Clark after that. I truly adore the way the Kent family sticks together. What they did for Candice was so sweet and it reminds me of what a big heart they all have, especially Lois. I can’t wait to see what the next episode holds as Lois’s plan to get treatment at Mannheim’s hospital has me worried. 

You can stream Superman & Lois on The CW app.

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