SUPERMAN & LOIS Recap: (S02E12) Lies That Bind

Andrea Carter

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Lois and Clark standing speaking to Lana

The CW’s Superman and Lois is back from a hiatus to give us long-awaited answers to what’s in store for the Kents and the threat of Ally’s (Rya Kihlstedt) grand plans. 

The show picks back up with Clark (Tyler Hoechlin), revealing his secret to Lana (Emmanuelle Chriqui). Understandably, she has questions about how long he had powers, putting together all the strange things happening when they were kids being attributed to Clark. Clark explains his reason for leaving to become Superman (Hoechlin). 

RELATED: Read our recap of Superman & Lois episode 11 “Truth and Consequences,” here!

Back at the farmhouse, the boys question their father about his encounter with Lana. Lois (Elizabeth Tulloch) ushers them to get ready for school, with Jonathan (Jordan Elsass) being accepted back after his suspension. Lois offers to speak with Lana to smooth things over. 

At school, Sarah (Inde Navarrette) ignores Jordan (Alex Garfin). Jonathan, Natalie (Tayler Buck) and Jordan decide to skip school after the football team picks on Jonathan. 

Thinking over all her encounters, Lana pieces the signs of Clark being Superman together. She gets a text from Lois, leaving Kyle (Erik Valdez) on after-school pick-up duty. 

Superman visits Jon-El’s (Elsass) holding cell. He extends the offer of redemption to help save both worlds. Jon-El refuses to help, believing Ally will fix the world and there’s nothing Superman can do to stop it, even if he has the pendant. 

While at the D.O.D, he consults with John Henry (Wolé Parks) and Sam (Dylan Walsh). They give him a bleak outcome that only saves this world, rather than Bizarro world as well. Clark refuses to accept an outcome that won’t save both worlds while destroying Ally’s pendant. 

While visiting Lana, Lois finds the source of Lana’s anger is her. 

At Natalie and John Henry’s place, she reveals a suit she built originally for herself, but she will gift it to Jonathan to keep him from merging with Jon-El. She asks for their help to get a power source for it. 

In the spirit of asking for help, Clark visits Tal-Rho’s cell (Adam Rayner) asking for his help to destroy Ally’s pendant. He brings Tal home to speak with Lois and make amends. Tal promises never to hurt anyone she loves again. John Henry and Sam arrive at the farmhouse to confront Clark about breaking Tal out. 

Because of Clark’s actions, the men argue, but Lois’s stern words urge them to figure it out before more people get hurt. 

The kids travel to the mine to gather more X-Kryptonite to power the suit. As soon as Jordan uses his abilities to gather the X-Kryptonite, the cavern they are in nearly caves in. In a split second, Jordan saves the three of them using his abilities. 

Jonathan standing talking to the football players in the hall
Superman & Lois — “Lies that Bind” — Pictured: Jordan Elsass as Jonathan Kent — Photo: Shane Harvey/The CW — © 2022 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

After picking up Sarah, Kyle questions her about Lana’s love life. She urges him to speak to Lana on his own. 

Back at Lana’s office, Lois visits Lana to apologize and informs her of the dangers coming their way and all the secrets surrounding the Kent family. 

In order to destroy the pendant, Superman and Tal-Rho opt to use their heat vision, combined with the heat of a volcano, to destroy the pendant. Ally intercepts them, injuring Tal. To keep Ally busy, John Henry joins the fray. 

After they destroy the pendant, Tal escapes. While they’re back at the farmhouse, Clark admits Ally siphoned his abilities to strengthen herself. 

When Lana comes home, Sarah questions her strange behavior. Just as Lana begins to explain, her youngest daughter interrupts. This causes Lana to change course. 

Later, saved by the knock on the door, the Kents visit Lana to talk. They give her full transparency on the Ally situation. Lana asks for a clean break from the Kents. While Lana speaks with the Kents, Kyle surprises Sarah by taking her to open mic night, urging her to sing. 

Sarah standing facing forward
Superman & Lois — “Lies that Bind”– Pictured: Inde Navarrette as Sarah Cushing — Photo: Shane Harvey/The CW — © 2022 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Back at John Henry’s, he delivers the good news of the pendant to the kids. 

At the end of the episode, Ally is in Bizzaro world, showing Bizzaro Lana the broken pendant. She reveals she has another way for her plan to succeed. She visits the cell of Bizarro Tal-Rho and siphons power from him.

What an episode! It gave so many side plots while keeping us engaged with the overarching plot of the season.  

Kyle and Sarah had such cute father-daughter moments tonight. He’s coming into his own as a single dad, but I do wonder if he and Lana will get back together. Even though a part of me wants Tal-Rho to encounter Lana on this earth. 

I hope Lana forgives the Kents. Their friendship has been such a staple throughout the show. 

With the overarching plot, though, Ally always has a backup plan. It makes me wonder just what it will take to defeat her. I can’t wait to see what’s in store next. 

RELATED: Catch up with our Superman & Lois recaps, here!

Superman & Lois airs Tuesdays at 8 pm on The CW. You can stream it the next day on The CW app.

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