New STRANGER THINGS Season 4 Trailer Brings Back an Old Friend

Julia Roth

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Stranger Things season 4 logo within the upside down realm Netflix

Be warned now that this post will be full of Stranger Things spoilers. Now that the warning is out of the way, thank you, thank you, thank you Matt Duffer and Ross Duffer. On the official Stranger Things twitter, they released a new trailer for the upcoming season four. Season three may have started to tie up some of the overall storylines, however it left one big one. Is Hopper (David Harbour) really dead?

The new Stranger Things trailer starts with the view panning over what looks to be a snowy war camp. The shot moves in to a group of men working to build a railroad while being over seen by what appear to be military men. The scene then moves down the line before slowing to stop on a man removing his hat to wipe his brow. As he looks towards the camera we can see a now bald but very much alive Hopper!

Now this is just a short 50 second trailer, but we can already tell so much. The ominous music along with the forced labor can only mean that what the workers are doing is against their will. Why? Are the Russians planning on transporting creatures they pull from the upside down somewhere else? Also guys, Hopper is alive! Everyone back home, including Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) needs to know. This also creates the reason for the group to come together once again.

Now back in September, Stranger Things shared another short trailer that ended with, “We’re Not In Hawkins Anymore”. The trailer also shows the upside down slowly creeping onto the logo itself. We know now that Hopper probably successfully jumped into the upside down before Joyce (Winona Ryder) could close it and came out alive on other side. This makes it even more possible that a majority of the season four could take place within it as well. It also makes me believe that the Russians were able to escape at the end of season three through the same hole.

Now many speculated that based on the time in between previous seasons, Stranger Things season four would release around Christmas time. Now I believe the snow on the ground is a sign that yes, we are going to get a winter release for this final season. Maybe Joyce can break out those famous Christmas lights just one more time.

Stranger Things season four is set to release sometime in 2020. You can catch up on previous seasons now on Netflix.

RELATED: Catch Up On All of Our Recaps For Stranger Things Season Three



Julia Roth
Catch Me

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