TRUE BLOOD Stars and Friends React to The Sudden Death of Nelsan Ellis

Erin Lynch

On Saturday, the world lost a brilliant star. Nelsan Ellis was only 39 years old when he passed away, shocking friends and fans alike. Best known for his role as Lafeyette on HBO’s True Blood, he became a series regular on the show due to his popularity. In fact, it is impossible for a fan to think of True Blood without thinking of the ever effervescent Lafayette Reynolds who was the heart of the series. The actor also became a regular on Elementary, appeared in numerous films, and left behind a continuing rising career.

According to THR, Ellis had died due to heart failure caused by addiction to drugs and alcohol. In a statement released by the family, they said he was trying to overcome his addiction when his death occured.

Nelsan’s father has bravely agreed for me to share the circumstances of Nelsan’s heart failure. Nelsan has suffered with drug and alcohol abuse for years. After many stints in rehab, Nelsan attempted to withdraw from alcohol on his own. According to his father, during his withdrawal from alcohol he had a blood infection, his kidneys shut down, his liver was swollen, his blood pressure plummeted, and his dear sweet heart raced out of control.

On the morning of Saturday July 8th, after four days in Woodhull Hospital, Nelsan was pronounced dead. Nelsan was a gentle, generous and kind soul. He was a father, a son, a grandson, a brother, a nephew, and a great friend to those that were lucky enough to know him. Nelsan was ashamed of his addiction and thus was reluctant to talk about it during his life. His family, however, believes that in death he would want his life to serve as a cautionary tale in an attempt to help others.

Since the announcement of his death, his True Blood co-stars, other colleagues and fans have be reminiscing and grieving. Sharing photos, memories or just praising him as a person – it’s incredibly apparent that he was a joy to work with and is truly missed. Here are some reactions by castmates, shows and colleagues. We send our condolences to his family and friends during this difficult time.



Celebrating my brother @NelsanEllisOfficial. 4Eva linked like Bobby Byrd and JB. We love u. We miss u. RIP.

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Erin Lynch

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