Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is PG-13

Claudia Dolph

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens has officially been rated PG-13, which is good news because that means it won’t be too tame.

PG-13, the rating that means it’s just a little too violent for kids under 13 and that as a parent, you may want to supervise (which, I’m sure won’t be a problem for this movie), was put in place in the 80’s. The movie’s Gremlins and Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom received a lot of complaints to the effect that they were too violent and gory for a PG rating. I’m not sure what movie these people actually watched with their eyeballs because neither of them are that violent or maybe it’s true…I’ve just become desensitized.

It was Steven Spielberg, the director of Indiana Jones and the producer of Gremlins, that suggested the PG-13 rating. A mid range rating that meant it’s not so hardcore that a movie deserves an R, but not something you can bring crummy little kids too. I’m kidding, I love kids….or do I….

I’m assuming this rating is due to the violence in the movie and maybe possible language. I’m hoping for a “Fuck you!” from BB-8!


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Claudia Dolph
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