“What else ya got?!? GIVE ME MORE!!!!” When it comes to animated Star Wars content, Wrecker speaks for all of us. Star Wars: The Bad Batch premiered this May the 4th and we at Geek Girl Authority couldn’t be more excited for this series!
Warning! This recap will contain MAJOR SPOILERS about the premiere of The Bad Batch! Haven’t seen it yet? Binge the first episode here on Disney Plus!
Still here? Alright, then gear up, regs: you’re in for a heck of a ride!
RELATED: Star Wars The Bad Batch Is Coming to Disney Plus – Here Is What You Need To Know
Immediately from the start, we get hit with nostalgic feels, thanks to the red-lettered Star Wars: The Clone Wars logo…which burns away into the rusted steel of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Those feels are only doubled when followed by that now-iconic introductory narration by Tom Kane. Kane, who suffered a stroke in December 2020, may need to retire from voice acting, leading to the realization that this may be the last series and the last season we ever get to hear that voice.
The Clone Wars Season 8…err, pardon me: “The Bad Batch Season 1″ starts just after the rescue of Chancellor Palpatine by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. We learn that after General Grievous had escaped Coruscant and went into hiding on Utapau, he covered his retreat by ordering a massive counterattack across the Outer Rim Sieges. Thus, lending some credence to Palpatine’s claim during Episode III: Revenge of the Sith that the Clone Wars could not truly end until General Grievous was destroyed (“Ironic, isn’t it?”).
The narration points out how brutal and desperate Grievous’s counteroffensive is: the Separatist droid armies are severely depleted after three years of continuous warfare. It brings to mind the equally desperate Nazi counteroffensive in World War II, which led to the Battle of the Bulge from December 1944 to January 1945. Indeed, as our story begins, we are introduced to a similarly dense and snowy forest planet. This is one of those battles of the Outer Rim Sieges: the Battle of Kaller.
Wait, Kaller…? OH NO.
Oh yes, fans of the Star Wars: Kanan comics will recognize the name of this planet, but we’ll get back to that in a bit.
We are reintroduced to Master Depa Billaba (Blindspot’s Archie Panjabi): a former apprentice of Master Mace Windu. (She also briefly fell to the dark side of the Force, causing her to be removed from her seat on the Jedi High Council, though that story may not exist in the current canon.) As the last of their AT-TEs are destroyed by Separatist artillery, Captain Grey says they won’t last much longer without reinforcements. Caleb Dume (Freddie Prinze Jr.), Jedi Commander and Billaba’s Padawan, states that their reinforcements are right behind him. When Grey asks how many the Padawan managed to bring, Caleb answers there are five coming. “…We’re done,” a hopeless and deflated Grey retorts.
Suddenly, a rumble is heard on the nearby mountainside. The droid forces halt…and then begin firing to their right flank. “Hold your positions,” they humorous shout as a gigantic boulder rolls over half their ranks. We quickly learn this is another use of the classic “Plan Rockslide” as Wrecker charges in. “Make a hole,” he gleefully shouts. As Captain Grey watches from the defenders’ foxhole, he realizes that Caleb’s reinforcements are Clone Force 99 (all played by Dee Bradley Baker)! Better known as “the Bad Batch,” these five clones all possess desirable mutations and/or modifications to enhance their performance as soldiers.
The clone commandos bob and weave through the remaining droids: smashing, stabbing, or shocking as befit their skillsets (Wrecker laughing all the while). The taciturn Crosshair provides overwatch for his unit, sniping from above. As Hunter’s order, Crosshair fires cables that attach between the Separatist AATs. Wrecker begins to push one, dragging them all over the cliffside.
At this point, I’m starting to really appreciate the comic relief provided by the bewildered and easily-cowed droids (Matthew Wood). From the tank pilot ordering Wrecker to “Stop that!” to the half-disassembled droid commander demanding that the commandos surrender. It is the deep warm breath before the icy plunge into frigid and dark depths.
The Bad Batch introduce themselves to Master Billaba: Wrecker (a brawler with enhanced strength), Hunter (the leader and a stealth expert capable of tracking electromagnetic fields), Echo (now a hacker with a scomp link replacing his right arm), Tech (a specialist with enhanced data analysis skills), and Crosshair (an expert marksman, thanks to his enhanced vision). Hunter informs that another droid battalion is still on the way, so Billaba orders a counterattack at Hunter’s suggestion. Hunter reports that Billaba’s actual reinforcements were rerouted to the capital, but Wrecker boasts that the Bad Batch is all she’ll need.
At that moment, Tech announces that he has intercepted an encrypted communication: Clone Intelligence reports that General Kenobi has found and engaged General Grievous on Utapau. An astonished Echo recognizes that with Grievous captured or killed, the Separatist command structure will collapse. Billaba reminds the commandos that the Clone Wars are not over yet. Billaba dispatches the Bad Batch to “do what they do,” sending Padawan Caleb with them. Hunter warns Caleb that the unit moves fast. “Good,” Caleb boasts, “That’s the only way I know.” Caleb runs ahead of them as Wrecker laughs, “I like him!” Meanwhile, Captain Grey answers a comm…
Depa Billaba looks over her shoulder at her loyal clone captain…just in time to see a hooded Palpatine order Captain Grey: “Execute Order 66.” Billaba has a split second to realize something is wrong. Enough time to dodge Grey’s blaster bolt and charge him. At the sound of blaster fire, Caleb stops running and turns around. He sees as his Master is now surrounded by an entire squad of clone troopers, firing on their general. “MASTER,” Caleb shouts as he runs back.
Billaba gestures him to stop and shouts, “You must run!” Caleb pauses, uncertain. “Run, Caleb,” she insists as she takes shot after shot. Finally, Caleb turns and runs. He doesn’t see his Master fall…he only hears her screams. Caleb stops as Clone Force 99 runs towards him. “Stay away from me,” he screams as he runs off.
Echo asks what just happened?!? Tech has no idea. The encrypted comm channel just keeps repeating the same three words: “Execute Order 66”. The squad appears confused, with Wrecker even asking, “What’s an ‘Order 66’?” Hunter orders Tech and Echo to try and clear up what’s happening with the “reg” (regular clone) Captain Grey. Hunter and Crosshair go to find Caleb, leaving Wrecker to stall anyone who tries to follow them.
With Crosshair’s vision, the pair quickly find Caleb in the treetops. Hunter asks the Padawan to come down and insists they are there to help…which Crosshair interrupts by taking a shot. “Liar,” Caleb rages as he deflects the bolt and leaps away. Hunter demands to know what Crosshair is doing?!? Crosshair insists he is following orders, but Hunter points out they don’t even know what Order 66 is yet. Hunter orders Crosshair to stand down until they can confirm what is going on. As Hunter walks away, Crosshair cryptically mutters the phrase that the malfunctioning Tup in The Clone Wars Season 6: “Good soldiers follow orders.”
Wrecker informs Hunter that he has regs inbound. Tech tells the unit that Order 66 orders all clone troopers to execute the Jedi. “Which Jedi,” a bewildered Hunter asks? “ALL of them,” Tech clarifies. The Supreme Chancellor claims that the Jedi Order has committed treason. Though Crosshair readily accepts the explanation, Hunter insists that it makes no sense. Tech recommends that the two abandon their search, but Hunter insists on finding Caleb.
Crosshair then shoots a branch, causing a hidden Caleb to plummet to the forest floor. He charges at Crosshair, even as Hunter orders his marksman to stand down. Caleb kicks Crosshair into a tree, knocking him unconscious. Hunter tries to convince Caleb he is on the Padawan’s side, even throwing away his blaster. Caleb continues to follow her Master’s command, and he runs.
Caleb finds himself cornered over a waterfall. He orders Hunter to stay back. Hunter asks Caleb to hear him out, but Caleb insists that Hunter helped kill Billaba. Hunter confesses that he doesn’t understand what’s happening either. Though Hunter offers to help Caleb, they both hear clone troopers nearby. Caleb leaps across the falls and runs off. Crosshair approaches and asks where the Jedi is? Hunter lies, claiming that he stunned the Padawan in mid-air, and he plummeted to his death. Crosshair says nothing but quickly scans the bottom of the ravine as clone troopers run up.
The scene cuts to the Bad Batch’s modified Omicron-class attack shuttle: the Havoc Marauder. They are returning home to Kamino from Kaller after being away for 205 galactic standard days straight. Crosshair questions Hunter about Caleb Dume. How could Hunter be sure Caleb died in the fall if he was looking *across* the ravine rather than down it? Hunter brushes off the concern. “Some of us don’t like to watch,” he says bitterly.
As the Havoc Marauder approaches, a pair of V-Wings demand the shuttle’s clearance code. Echo remarks how this isn’t standard practice for them, but Tech suggests it’s just a protocol drill. When they land, they realize that it’s no drill: security has been significantly increased on Kamino, with the arrival of Coruscant Guard shock troopers and a Level 5 lockdown.
A shock trooper fills the squad in: the Clone Wars are over. General Grievous was destroyed, and the Separatist Council “collapsed” on Mustafar. Just then, a sheet-covered corpse is carried past the squad. A lightsaber drops from the gurney. The shock trooper picks it up, asking the shocked and disgusted squad if they have a problem? The Bad Batch heads to their barracks.
On their way back to their barracks, Hunter remarks that all the “regs” are acting strange. No clone would be so callous about the Jedi they had fought and bled beside. Tech notes that otherwise, the clones seem to be acting the same as they always have.
At their barracks, Wrecker marks down another 11 successful missions onto their wall, bringing them to a total of (ironically) 66 successes. Echo insists that Kaller wasn’t a success, to which Crosshair agrees. Crosshair reveals that Hunter let the Padawan escape and Hunter confesses that he doesn’t consider “executing our commanders” to be a mission objective. Crosshair insists, “An order is an order.” Bewildered, Hunter wheels around to face Crosshair, who usually is as disobedient as the rest of the Bad Batch. “Since when?!?”
Echo asks how the clones could have turned on Depa Billaba so suddenly: some of them had served alongside their general for *years*?!? Tech concludes it has to do with the clones’ “programming”: their training and indoctrination to ensure the clone troopers follow orders without question. Tech has been aware of it for some time, as the Kaminoan use of inhibitor chips is well documented.
Wrecker insists they aren’t programmed, to which Tech clarifies that they are, just in different ways. The Kaminoans manipulated and enhanced preexisting aberrations in the clone DNA. Tech concludes that heightening those mutations must have had the unintended side-effect of making them immune to the inhibitor chips. “Though I can’t be 100% certain of it,” Tech admits as he stares at Crosshair.
Hunter and Echo ask why Echo isn’t similarly affected since he began as a reg? Tech hypothesizes that the cybernetic damage inflicted on Echo by the Techno Union likely wiped out all behavioral modifications.
Just then, the PA announces a mandatory “briefing on the state of the Republic.” Palpatine’s address to the Galactic Senate is broadcast before the assembled clones on Kamino. As Palpatine announces that the “Jedi Rebellion” has been foiled and any surviving Jedi will be hunted down, Hunter notices a strange Human girl standing next to the Kaminoans. When he looks again, she is gone. Palpatine then announces that the Republic will be reorganized into the Galactic Empire. As the Bad Batch is stunned by the news, the other clones cheer. Shouts of “New Order!” can be heard over their roars of approval. “Still think the regs aren’t programmed,” Tech asks the rest of the squad.
On their way to the mess hall, Echo is disgusted by the news. “We’re soldiers of the Republic,” Echo insists. Crosshair claims that serving an Empire will be no different than serving the Republic. Tech concurs with Echo, though: protesting the Empire’s systematic termination of the Jedi Order.
Hunter silences them when he realizes they are being followed. They turn around to reveal a blond-haired adolescent Human female. Tech scans her but is unable to determine her origins. The girl introduces herself as Omega (Michelle Ang) and expresses excitement at meeting Clone Force 99. Hunter asks why she’s on Kamino, but they are interrupted. A Kaminoan medical doctor named Nala Se (Gwendoline Yeo) claims that Omega is her medical assistant. She hurries Omega away, saying they have work to do.
The reason for all the additional security is revealed by the arrival of Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin (Stephen Stanton). Prime Minister Lama Su (Bob Bergen) is shocked to learn that Emperor Palpatine is questioning the need for future clone troopers with the end of the Clone Wars. When Lama Su states that Kamino’s contract stipulates continued production as long as the Republic maintains a standing army, Tarkin retorts that the Republic no longer exists. Lama Su rightly points out that the newly formed Empire is in a precarious position and will need additional troops to maintain order during the governmental transition. Tarkin insists that a conscripted soldier costs half as much as a Kaminoan clone. An offended Lama Su insists that a clone trooper is far superior in skills and training to any mere recruit. “I shall be the judge of that,” Tarkin snidely comments as he walks away.
Clearly, someone never heard Dexter Jettster’s warning that Kaminoan friendliness depended on how good your manners and pocketbook are.
In the mess hall, the Bad Batch joins the other clones in gossiping about the arrival of “the Imperial” and what his “evaluations” might mean? Omega sits down at the Bad Batch’s table. The squad is bewildered that anyone would want to sit with them. Omega says she likes them because they don’t fit in on Kamino either. Hunter asks what Omega is really doing on Kamino and where her parents are? “Parents,” a confused Omega repeats.
Before she can elaborate further, a group of clones mocks them, saying that Omega is another “defect” for the “Sad Batch.” Omega throws some food at one of them, demanding that they apologize to her “friends.” Hunter tries to defuse the situation, suggesting they all move about their business…which would have worked if one of the regs didn’t call Omega a “lab scrabber.”
Wrecker throws several trays at the reg, and a brawl breaks out in the mess hall. Echo notices that Admiral Tarkin is watching the melee from above, but he is knocked out by a tray. When he comes to, he panics at the sight of medical droids and mechanical equipment. Omega is there to greet him. “I don’t like being hooked up to their machines either,” she admits. When the rest of the Bad Batch arrives, Echo reveals that the Imperial is Tarkin. Recounting his experience at the Citadel, Echo warns that Tarkin has it out for clones. The squad is summoned to meet with Prime Minister Lama Su. Omega insists on going too, as the fight was her fault, but Hunter orders her to keep her distance from them. “Our squad is nothing but trouble,” he warns.
To the Bad Batch’s surprise, they are not being reprimanded. Instead, Tarkin requests to see them tested in a combat training scenario. “So…we’re NOT in trouble, and they want us to fight MORE,” a surprised Wrecker muses, “Ha! Maybe this Empire thing’s not so bad after all!” Tarkin runs the Bad Batch through a combat proficiency test to evaluate the unit’s effectiveness. The simulation involves several training droids and four turret towers. Crosshair disables the towers, using one as a sniper nest to provide cover. The rest of the squad moves in, but an impatient Wrecker charges in. With the last droid disabled, Wrecker boasts to Tarkin.
A disgusted Tarkin insists on running the next test with live rounds. Though Prime Minister Lama Su protests the damage to Kaminoan clones and property, Tarkin brushes off the concerns by stating that all deaths and injuries will be fairly compensated.
More intimidating Dark Trooper-style droids are deployed. Wrecker laughs and charges at them. Hunter realizes that Wrecker’s shots have no effect. Wrecker is shot point-blank with a blaster bolt. Tech brings Wrecker to cover, who admits that he actually felt that one. The squad realizes that live rounds are being used on them. These are actual battle droids, so their training lasers will have no real effect on them. New battle droids are released to the flanks and behind the squad, forcing them to fall back into the arena center.
Hunter signals Tech and Wrecker (Wrecker being unable to memorize hand signals, to which Tech bluntly states, “What we did on Felucia!”). The rest of the squad runs circles around the droids as a distraction, while Wrecker takes down one of the droids. As Wrecker holds it down, Echo and Tech reprogram the droid.
Tarkin is surprised that the commandos haven’t died yet. Lama Su remarks that Clone Force 99 tends to “veer from standard combat protocol.” Tech finishes reprogramming the droid. With Tech and his droid leading the charge, the commandos surge forward: Hunter slicing with his vibroknife and Wrecker smashing apart the droids. Tech’s droid is eventually destroyed, and Tech is exposed. With the squad pinned down, Crosshair asks for Wrecker’s knife. As it flies through mid-air, Crosshair shoots it…deflecting the blade right into the last droid’s head.
In one of the cloning labs, Tarkin asks Nala Se for more information on Clone Force 99. Nala Se reports that the Kaminoans have five clones with mutations desirable to enhance military traits. When Lama Su cites the Bad Batch as proof of the clones’ benefit to the Empire, Tarkin dismisses their efforts due to the disobedience and disregard that the unit shows for orders. The Kaminoans dismiss the concern as just a side-effect, as it has never affected their completion of missions.
Tarkin asks if Clone Force 99 completed Order 66. Lama Su points out that both Depa Billaba and Caleb Dume were killed on Kaller, to which Tarkin reveals that only Billaba’s death was confirmed. Crosshair filed a counter-report claiming that the Padawan escaped. Tarkin decides to test the loyalty of the Bad Batch…
The Bad Batch is understandably upset that Tarkin switched to live rounds. Though Crosshair dismisses their anger, pointing out they get shot all the time, Tech remarks that there’s a difference between fighting a battle and being target practice. Their discussion is interrupted by the arrival of Tarkin. Tarkin tries to smooth things over by stating that though the Empire’s methods may be unorthodox, the Bad Batch is similarly unorthodox in achieving success. Citing how highly Nala Se speaks of her five enhanced clones, Tarkin gives the squad a mission.
Separatist insurgents intent on continuing to fight have been tracked to Onderon in the Japrael Sector. Tarkin incentivizes the Bad Batch by stating that if they neutralize the threat, he will look favorably on them as he assesses “the needs of the Imperial Army.” Suspicious, the Bad Batch try to get more information on these insurgents, but the Empire locks down their files tighter than the former Republic. Wrecker and Crosshair happy with the firepower added to the new Imperial armory.
As Hunter is about to leave, Omega finds him. She warns that Tarkin has it out for the Bad Batch and he REALLY doesn’t like clones. Though Hunter brushes off her concerns, Omega reiterates that she doesn’t trust Tarkin. Omega asks to leave with the squad. She claims it’s too dangerous on Kamino and they all need to go. Hunter tries to reassure Omega that changes take time to get used to. Omega tries to tell Hunter something as he walks off but changes her mind. As they board, Crosshair teases Hunter that clearly kids aren’t his area of expertise.
The Bad Batch arrives at night in the jungles of Onderon. Wrecker expresses relief that at least it’s not a swamp. Tech can’t detect any droids: something is interfering with his scans. As the squad gets a closer look, they detect a camp with 25 heat signatures. Crosshair points out that Tarkin said “insurgents,” not “droids.” Echo reveals that only some of the figures are armed: others are children! Knowing that no Onderonian would bring their child out into the jungle with so little protection, Hunter realizes something is wrong. Crosshair sets his sights on an elderly woman, but Hunter tells them to stand down. Wrecker asks what they should do, and Crosshair demands that Hunter give the order. Hunter explains they need to stand down because they are not alone.
Armed insurgents reveal themselves on all sides. The squad (including a frustrated Crosshair) stands down. Upon being brought to the camp, Echo recognizes the “Separatists” as the Republic fighters that Captain Rex and Anakin Skywalker trained. When Tech asks why Tarkin would send them to attack their allies, a figure announces that the Onderon rebels refused to fight for the Galactic Empire. Saw Gerrera (Andrew Kishino) asks if the commandos will strike them down like the clones did with the Jedi. Hunter explains they had expected to find battle droids, not civilians. “Times change,” Saw reflects cynically, “Targets change.” Saw asks what else the Empire might be lying about?
Saw tells the rebels to pack up the camp. He reveals that they are villagers, farmers, and former Republic fighters who have become refugees now that Palpatine is Emperor. Tech points out that since the Jedi made an attempt on Chancellor Palpatine’s life, the Declaration of a New Order could be justified as a defensive measure. Saw paints the bigger picture: with the Jedi decimated, the clone army now falls under the sole command of Palpatine. Without an opposing military force, the Emperor has effective control over the entire galaxy.
Crosshair insists that the war is over, but Saw Gerrera refuses to let the lives lost be for nothing. Saw states that the Clone Wars may be over, but a new civil war will soon begin. Hunter warns that a handful of fighters with limited firepower don’t stand a chance against the new Imperial Army. Saw counters; that’s only true if the Onderon rebels are the only ones fighting.
Saw’s men ask what to do with the Bad Batch? Out of respect for the clones’ help in freeing Onderon from the Separatists, Saw lets them go. He tells them they now have a choice: “You can either adapt and survive or die with the past.” As the Bad Batch collects their gear and returns to their shuttle, they do not notice the Imperial probe droid spying on them.
Tech laments how at least with the Republic, the clones knew which side of right and wrong they stood on. Crosshair insists they still need to complete the mission, but Echo refuses to kill innocent civilians. Crosshair points out that not all of those refugees were innocent.
Hunter again asks what’s wrong with Crosshair? Crosshair insists he is following orders, to which Hunter identifies that as the problem. Crosshair states that they have confirmed the presence of insurgents actively plotting against the Emperor. If Hunter doesn’t have the stomach to follow the orders, Crosshair suggests that new leadership is needed for Clone Force 99.
Their showdown is interrupted by the probe droid, which Hunter shoots down. The squad realizes that Tarkin was following them. When Echo remarks that the Jedi would never spy on them, Crosshair counters that they don’t know that for sure. Hunter then realizes the veracity of Omega’s warning about Tarkin and the mission. He reveals her warning not to return to Kamino.
When Crosshair challenges Omega’s insight, Tech reveals that her heightened awareness must mean that she is also an enhanced clone like the Bad Batch. Tarkin mentioned that Nala Se said there were five enhanced clones. Since Echo began as a reg, Tech confirmed his suspicions by analyzing Omega’s DNA scan. Omega *is* a clone of Jango Fett, but with his X chromosome doubled. The Bad Batch doesn’t know what mutation the Kaminoans were trying to isolate in a female clone, but they are determined to rescue Omega from Kamino.
As the Bad Batch approaches Kamino, Omega is taken captive by shock troopers, and clone troopers begin confiscating the gear in the Bad Batch’s barracks. Upon landing, the commandos are taken captive by Tarkin and the Coruscant Guard. Tarkin insists that the Empire does not tolerate failure and charges Clone Force 99 with treason for “conspiring with Saw Gerrera.”
The Bad Batch are taken to the brig to await their court-martial (which will likely end in their executions). Fortunately, the Bad Batch wind up in the same cell as Omega. Omega is shocked to learn that the Bad Batch came back for her, but she eagerly agrees to escape Kamino with them.
An angry Crosshair turns on the rest of the squad. He blames Hunter for their predicament, claiming that he went “soft.” Crosshair claims if Hunter hadn’t disobeyed orders on Kaller, none of this would have happened! The squad confronts Crosshair and his attitude: he’s never had any issue with disobeying orders before? “Good soldiers follow orders!” Crosshair roars back.
As Crosshair vents in the corner, Omega tries to converse with him. She says she can tell he is angry, but then the conversation gets unnaturally insightful. “I know what you’re going to do, but please don’t,” Omega pleads, “I know it’s not your fault. You can’t help it.”
The shock troopers then come to take away Crosshair. Hunter insists that they stay together, but the shock trooper attacks him. With his squad threatened, Crosshair goes peacefully. Crosshair is taken to a lab, where Nala Se analyzes Crosshair’s inhibitor chip. Nala Se concludes that while Crosshair’s inhibitor chip is more impaired than a regular clone, it is working enough for Crosshair to exhibit loyalty to the new Empire. Tarkin asks if the inhibitor chip’s programming can be intensified to compensate, and Nala Se proceeds with the operation.
Back in the brig, Tech realizes that because the Kaminoan facilities were built before the Clone Wars, they had no barracks or prisons when initially constructed. So the brig they are currently held in is a different kind of room, repurposed for confinement. Even when retrofitted to hold humanoid individuals, they couldn’t have possibly accounted for someone as strong as Wrecker.
Wrecker punches the correct spot enough times to allow him to peel back a panel big enough for Omega to fit through. The shock troopers notice that Omega is gone, but internal scans claim that she is still in the brig. As shock troopers demand Wrecker move from the wall with the damaged panel, Omega comes crashing down on the shock troopers when a ceiling panel comes loose. Lowering the shield, Wrecker saves Omega by punching the shock trooper (so hard it cracks the clone’s helmet).
Omega reveals that they started moving the Bad Batch’s gear to the hangar, so they can grab their gear and their ship in the same spot. As Tech powers up the ship, the rest of the squad resolves to go after Crosshair. As they hear an alarm in the distance, Omega claims they won’t need to go far.
A squad of shock troopers enters the hangar…led by Crosshair, with new black armor. Crosshair coldly insists that by not killing Caleb, Hunter has disobeyed orders. Hunter defends his decision as the right thing, to which Crosshair laments that Hunter could never see the big picture. Crosshair orders the Bad Batch to surrender. “Well, I guess I’m disobeying that one too,” Hunter sighs.
Knowing his former squad member all too well, Hunter ducks from the anticipated headshot as both sides open fire. The shock troopers pop smoke and Crosshair uses his enhanced vision to see through the smoke to his targets. Hunter orders Wrecker to clear the smoke, but Crosshair knows their tactics and hits Wrecker…wounding him just enough to act as bait.
As Tech warms up the Havoc Marauder’s engines, Crosshair orders the bay doors sealed. However, someone (revealed to be Nala Se) is overriding the commands from another part of the facility. Hunter tells Omega to run for the ship while he and Echo get Wrecker. On her way up the ramp, Omega notices a blaster. Crosshair lines up a headshot on Hunter, but Omega blasts the sniper rifle out of Crosshair’s hands.
The Bad Batch make their escape, even as Crosshair blasts at them with a pistol. Nala Se meets with Prime Minister Lama Su, who asks if the matter has been rectified? Nala Se confirms that she successfully augmented Crosshair’s inhibitor chip, but the remaining clones of the Bad Batch escaped…with Omega. Lama Su warns they need to proceed cautiously: say nothing about Omega until the Empire’s true intentions are made clear.
As Echo and Tech provide medical treatment for Wrecker, Omega stares out the cockpit. Hunter realizes it is her first time in space. Omega clarifies it’s her first time *anywhere* that’s not the cloning facility on Kamino. Hunter curiously asks how a clone who has never fired a blaster is such an impressive shot, but Omega dismisses it as being “lucky.” (And we all remember what Obi-Wan Kenobi said about luck, don’t we?)
Tech asks, what their next move is? Hunter had initially planned to lay low, but Crosshair is sure to be gunning for them now. Omega asks if they have any friends that could help, to which Tech humorously remarks their list of friends is a “shortlist.” Then Hunter gets an idea: he knows one friend who could help. He orders a course plotted to J-19: the Suolriep Sector. As Omega straps in, she watches with awe as the shuttle jumps to lightspeed…the beginning of her adventures with the Bad Batch.
What did you think of the premiere of Star Wars: The Bad Batch? Are you ready to go on the run with these clone commandos, or would you instead prefer some Imperial programming? Who is the Bad Batch’s “friend” in the Suolriep Sector? Do you have any ideas on what Omega’s “desirable mutation” maybe? More importantly, how are we going to make it through the wait until the next episode drops on Friday?!? Geek Girl Authority is reporting for duty to provide all the details on the Bad Batch and their adventures!
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