STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Now Has Klingon Subtitles on Netflix


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Netflix in Klingon

Why is it that the United States gets the short stick when it comes to Netflix? I mean, Netflix is the home of Star Trek: Discovery for those that do not live in the United States. Or, apparently, Canada, but they get Star Trek:Discovery on their television via the Space channel (think their version of our Syfy).

Well, on top of the ability to watch Star Trek:Discovery without an added pay service, like the US customers forced to purchase CBS All Access, Netflix users get the opportunity to watch new Trek in Klingon! It is still broadcast in English with subtitles to English when the Klingons speak, but there is an option to add Klingon subtitles to the English, as well!

To say the internet was excited would be an understatement. This move is a step forward in language-inclusion and provides another avenue for language learning. Who doesn’t want to learn Klingon and add one more language to their multi-lingual resume?

A Language All Its Own

To learn more on the history of the language, from inception in Star Trek: The Motion Picture to common convention tongue, check out the Wikipedia page. To learn Klingon (properly written tlhIngan Hol), there are many options, from self-taught dictionaries to full on lessons from The Klingon Language Institute and DuoLingo.

Fully Embraced By Star Trek

Aside from reading Klingon, Star Trek was keen to release an all-Klingon trailer before the premier last week. Catch it below and tell us what you think of the Klingon subtitles: would you use them? 

Star Trek: Discovery releases new episodes Sunday nights at 8:30 pm EDT to CBS All Access (US) and The Space Channel (Canada), and releases to Netflix (the rest of the world) on Mondays.

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