DISCLAIMER: This recap of Snowpiercer episode “A Great Odyssey” is laden with spoilers. You’ve been warned. Proceed at your own peril.
Welcome back, occupants of the Engine Eternal! Snowpiercer chugged along this week with a quieter, more tenderhearted outing in “A Great Odyssey.” Melanie and Alexandra grew closer while Wilford plotted to get rid of the former. Layton had a difficult conversation with Josie. Even Ruth and Melanie shared a sweet moment near the episode’s end. Snowpiercer prepared to brace for one of its biggest feats yet as it attempted to climb a mountain while connected to Big Alice. Lastly, Wilford continued to be a smug d-bag, but that just seems to be his modus operandi. “A Great Odyssey” is a slower installment. However, it’s just as vital as its faster-paced counterparts. Clearly, we’re building up to something massive here.
Ready to delve into “A Great Odyssey”? Let’s get to it.
RELATED: Snowpiercer Recap: (S02E02) Smolder to Life
Now, we open with Big Alice, for a change. Wilford (Sean Bean) is busy with the morning announcements. He sounds like a creep high school secretary. Of course, he utilizes the opportunity to badmouth Snowpiercer. Additionally, Wilford parades Icy Bob about the train and hails him for his consummate bravery. Icy Bob knows a thing or two about making sacrifices for the greater good. Then, he proceeds to shove Icy Bob into a pod of sorts wherein the resident scientists expose him to an overabundance of freezing air. That must be how he built up a tolerance to the cold.
Later, Melanie (Jennifer Connelly) and Bennett (Iddo Goldberg) wake up after spending the night together. Their last night before they’re separated for a month. Melanie has to save the world, you know. Melanie and Bennett join Layton (Daveed Diggs) and Javier (Roberto Urbina) in the engine. They’re chatting with Wilford and Alexandra (Rowan Blanchard) over the intercom system. Both trains have to mount “Neck Breaker” in tandem, a particularly steep mountain. Why? Because it’s the closest point to the station where Melanie will be staying for her research. Alexandra asserts that Big Alice is capable of such a climb, but it’ll be difficult with Snowpiercer in tow.

Next, Ruth (Alison Wright) is given a list of necessary items to deliver to Wilford. Melanie needs supplies aplenty if she’s to properly conduct her studies. The planet may actually be heating up again. Meanwhile, Bess (Mickey Sumner) and Roche (Mike O’Malley) are discussing the assault on Lights. They decide to visit the Breachmen to ask questions. But first — there’s a party going on at the border! Well, more like Wilford is going to assess Melanie’s supply list and approve or reject it.
Then, we see the door opening to reveal Big Alice. Wilford is perched on his golden throne. A new liaison is taking Kevin’s place, much to Ruth’s dismay. Layton is standing next to Melanie. Wilford scoffs at some of the items on the supply list and only vows to deliver a portion of what’s required. However, Layton reveals a cart loaded with fresh fruit and veggies, something that Big Alice’s occupants would kill for. He’ll give them a once-a-week offering of food in exchange for everything Melanie needs. Wilford decides to think about it.
Now, Melanie joins Wilford in Big Alice. Alexandra will get her mother set up with whatever she requires. Wilford leaves the mother-daughter duo to their work. Of course, he wants Alex to ultimately disown her mom and, well, get rid of her. However, the young girl appears to be warming up to her mother. Slowly, but surely. Initially, Alex was hurt because Melanie is making the choice to leave her yet again. Melanie reminds her that it’s for the best. Her research could lead to eventual human repopulation on Earth. Alex relents and takes Melanie to her sleeping quarters.
Later, Layton pays Josie (Katie McGuinness) a visit. Some of the Tailies are present and ensuring that Josie is comfortable. They disperse so our fearless leader can have a chat with his former lady love. Josie isn’t a fan of Layton joining forces with Melanie. You know, the one who essentially left her for dead. And Layton running into Zarah’s arms doesn’t look that great either. Layton reassures Josie that teaming up with Melanie is for the benefit of everyone. They have a common enemy — Wilford. Josie believes that Layton lost the thread regarding his revolution. He hasn’t delivered on everything he’s promised, especially for the Tail. That being said, if he wants to keep people in his corner, then having Josie on his side would be best.
Meanwhile, Layton finally sees the extent of Lights’ (Miranda Edwards) mutilation. Definitely a token of Mr. Wilford. Bess vows to catch the person responsible for this reprehensible act. She’s convinced that Wilford has his own fanatics planted on Snowpiercer. Bess and Roche head over to the Breachmen’s quarters. They’re like firefighters. Breachman Boscovic (Aleks Paunovic) is there to heartily greet them. Roche and Bess question all the present muscle-heads. Apparently, none of them participated in the revolution nor did they work against it. They’re impartial. However, they’re also loyal to Wilford. This is especially evident from Boscovic’s tattoo.

Then, we see Melanie and Alex sitting in the latter’s sleeping quarters. Newfound respect lingers between the two. They geek out over maps and the trains’ charted pathways. Melanie places her hand on the wall and notes that Big Alice has a wheel that’s slightly out of place. She’s the Train Whisperer. Bennett divulges the lowdown regarding Wilford to Layton. Apparently, Big Alice is a “Ben Free” zone. He reveals that Wilford’s jealousy stems from a desire to control. Not love. Wilford merely craves power over people. Layton vows to find a way to use it against him.
Later, Wilford finds Icy Bob is out cold. His body temperature is well below zero. He urges the scientists to go further. Lower the man’s body temperature even more. Go big or go home! Icy Bob is like Frankenstein’s monster.
Next, everyone is preparing to mount Neck Breaker. Melanie suggests they knock the power out of second and third class aboard Snowpiercer so they have enough to climb the summit. Wilford decides to have Alex take the reins. He urges her to kill them all. Cut off the excess fat that is Snowpiercer, thereby murdering her own mother. Ruth and Layton scurry off to warn the passengers. Everyone is sent straight to the Night Car in case the trip gets too rocky. Prepare to brace. Layton sits with Josie since she’s all alone in the med bay. He helps her remove her facial bandages at her request.
Now, the moment of truth. We see the power switch off in the second and third-class cars. Alex cranks up the speed for Big Alice while Melanie steers Snowpiercer. Wilford is like the devil on Alex’s shoulder. He continues to persuade the young girl to get rid of Melanie. Perhaps tapping on the brakes would send Snowpiercer careening off the cliff. However, Alex successfully gets both trains over the mountain. She couldn’t go through with patricide. Bess and Roche notice that Miss Audrey (Lena Hall) is a mite inebriated while she’s on stage in the Night Car. Wilford’s return has taken a toll on her.
Meanwhile, Wilford notices that Alex is crying. He quietly informs her that that’s the last tear he’ll ever see from her. There’s no crying in baseball or while maneuvering trains in freezing dystopian wastelands. Bess reunites with the preacher from the Tea Room. He hands her what appears to be a rosary. Perhaps faith is what’s keeping everyone together. However, Bess is alarmed that the train is so quick to fawn over Wilford even after the revolution. This preacher man seems strange.
Back in the sickbay, Josie is reticently rallying to Melanie’s cause. If Melanie’s research yields positive results, if life can really exist in the outside world again, then the Tail has a new objective. Josie’s moral compass is ironclad, even in the face of almost fatal injuries. She’s selfless in every sense of the word. Melanie and Bennett share a passionate smooch prior to her departure. Layton and Ruth travel with Melanie to see her off. Melanie and Layton bid each other farewell for now. She impresses the importance of science above all else. Data is what will see them through this. Layton notices that Pike (Steven Ogg) is eavesdropping on their conversation. He asks Pike to reconnect with the latter’s contact on Big Alice. Pike can have all the weed he wants, but Layton gets to determine what goes the other way.

Next, Melanie tearfully asks Ruth to look after Alex should something terrible unfurl. There’s the possibility that Melanie won’t survive alone in the station. In the middle of icy tundra. Ruth’s eyes glisten with tears as she vows to protect Melanie’s daughter. It’s a sweet moment in a fractured friendship, but hopefully, they can start to heal. Alex arrives to help Melanie prepare for her exit. The pair share a warm embrace. Melanie reminds Alex that Wilford wanted to hurt her by putting her through mental duress. Forcing Alex to murder a train full of people just to be rid of one person — Melanie.
Alex appears to be on Team Melanie now. Melanie dons her gear including a helmet and she leaps into the snow outside while both trains speed on by. Bennett sends out a flare to, presumably, mark the place Melanie is supposed to jump. We see her supplies are pushed out with her.
RELATED: Catch up on all the Engine Eternal drama with our Snowpiercer recaps!
“A Great Odyssey,” for me, was driven by character interpersonal relationships. Melanie and Alex, primarily, had some wonderful moments between them. Both Connelly and Blanchard work well together. Layton and Josie’s interactions. Even Melanie and Ruth’s brief scene, in the end, was so powerful. It’s proof positive that in this harsh survivalist world all anyone wants is companionship. Connelly continues to be a force with her mesmerizing performances. Bean is doing a fantastic job of making me despise him. While this week’s episode wasn’t as intense as last week’s, it’s still a puzzle piece to the overall picture.
Do you think Alex will eventually live on Snowpiercer and cut ties with Wilford? Will Wilford make his move against Layton now that Melanie is out of the way? What discoveries will Melanie find amid her tenure at the research station? Join me next week as I recap Snowpiercer, here on Geek Girl Authority.
Snowpiercer airs Mondays at 9 pm on your TNT affiliate.
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