~Matt Key
It’s finally happened! January 21st has come and gone and we’ve all finally seen the CW’s next DC offerings in Legends of Tomorrow! And it was glorious! And the narrative completely went a different direction than we were expecting!
Spoilers ahead.
So rip Hunter is NOT working for the Time Masters, but working against them! He stole the ship because he lost his family! And our heroes are not yet Legends, but they are actively trying to change history, so they could still become legends. And Hawkgirl and Hawkman have a kid!?
It’s all so much!
Well now we have a trailer for next week’s episode and what we can expect to see. It appears that we have some pretty epic team fight scenes and that this is the episode where Martin Stein loses his wife. Well, maybe.
But we also see Firestorm going nuclear. Or is he going antinuclear? He seems to be absorbing the explosion, so perhaps one of Vandal Savage’s bombs goes off and Firestorm saves the day?
We’ll have to wait until next week.
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