Silo Season 2 Episode 8, “The Book of Quinn,” sets the wheels in motion for the final two episodes of the season. We learn a few major revelations about the famous (or infamous, if you’re his descendants) Salvador Quinn. It ultimately sheds light on Bernard’s motivations. Sure, the means he employs to get what he wants are morally questionable, but it’s for the greater good. At the same time, one can understand the Down Deep’s objective to learn the truth and call the Up Top out on their lies.
“The Book of Quinn” falls prey to the same pacing issues plaguing this season, particularly with Juliette’s arc. The editing is also a bit strange. That said, the performances really keep the boat afloat, and the narrative is heading in an intriguing direction.
RELATED: Read our recap of the previous Silo episode, “The Dive”
Silo, “The Book of Quinn”
We open with Juliette (Rebecca Ferguson) in Silo 17 after she discovers that someone kidnapped Solo. She grabs the hatchet on the ground before ascending the stairs, keeping her eyes peeled for this unseen foe. Juliette spots splatters of blood on said stairs. At first, she hears a high-pitched ringing. Then, she clutches her lower abdomen/side, doubling over in pain. However, she forges ahead in search of Solo and the stranger.
Later, Bernard (Tim Robbins) heads to a room marked “Utilities” while Shirley (Remmie Milner) paints Cooper’s name on the wall of those who’ve rebelled before her. After this, she eats with Paul (Chinaza Uche) in the cafeteria in the Down Deep. She asks if he’s still the sheriff. Paul confirms he is until he hears otherwise. Shirley urges Paul to help Mechanical. Paul insists he will to the extent of The Pact. Shirley may scoff at The Founders’ words of wisdom, but to Paul, it’s all they have by which to live.

Salvador’s Descendant
Elsewhere, Lukas (Avi Nash) kicks out a few Judicial employees packing up Judge Meadows’ apartment. All he had to do was flash his IT shadow badge. It pays to be Bernard’s shadow. There, he searches for a book belonging to Salvador Quinn. Lukas comes up short in that regard. However, he learns the address of Quinn’s descendant, Terrance Penbrook. He jots it down.
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Meanwhile, Shirley, Knox (Shane McRae), Teddy (Olatunji Ayofe), Dr. Nichols (Iain Glen) and the others gather in Walk’s (Harriet Walter) shop to discuss raiding Supply for medical supplies. Walk doesn’t approve of this plan. Why not free Carla and have her get what they need? Knox and Shirley insist that busting Carla out of Judicial suspension is significantly riskier than raiding Supply.
Irritated, Walk kicks everyone out of her shop. They can plan for their raid elsewhere. Shirley tries to talk sense into Walk, but she won’t hear it. In Silo 17, Juliette takes Solo’s advice and plunges herself into the water to relieve her pain. She breathes through the breathing apparatus. Robert (Common) confronts Amundsen (Christian Ochoa) about withholding information, particularly where Lukas Kyle is concerned. Amundsen reminds Robert that he no longer reports to the latter. After all, Robert never reported to Judge Meadows.
Then, Lukas chats with Terrance Penbrook (Stuart Milligan) and his daughter Josey (Díana Bermudez) about Salvador Quinn. Fun fact: You might recognize Bermudez as Kimi Joma in The Ark Season 2. Anyway, the family makes wool for the Cleanings, along with blankets for the Up Top. They have rather strong opinions regarding their descendant. Lukas inquires about whether they possess a book owned by Quinn. Terrance claims all the books were destroyed 140 years ago during the rebellion. Lukas departs empty-handed.
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Later, Lukas reunites with Bernard to reveal that Terrance Penbrook was a bust. Bernard is unsurprised. They discuss Quinn’s role in the rebellion. Lukas believes he burned all the books and erased the servers. Bernard admits that’s not the whole truth. Before Quinn, rebellions occurred every 20 years. Each one increased the risk of opening the airlock and, in Bernard’s words, “the death of 10,000 people.”
Quinn realized the problem was remembering: people recalled previous rebellions. So, he decided to sever the Silo from its history. This included cutting access to the servers, confiscating books and blaming the rebels. Then, he put a chemical compound in the water to make the denizens of the Silo forget about their past. Once the drug erased their memories, the Silo had 140 years of peace.
It’s Really Something
Meanwhile, Kathleen (Caitlin Zoz) chats with Patrick (Rick Gomez) while the latter eats in quite the fashionable pink robe, I might add. Patrick asks Kathleen about the page from the Georgia tourism book, aka the red-level relic that Paul showed him. He wonders what she thought about it. Patrick clocks instantly that Paul never told Kathleen about his findings. Kathleen lies, claiming it was “really something.”
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After emerging from the water, Juliette’s pain subsides. She arms herself with makeshift weapons before continuing her search for Solo and his kidnapper. In Silo 18, Camille (Alexandria Riley) and Amundsen discuss the latter meeting his wife, Marcy. Now, Amundsen and Marcy are expecting a child.
The conversation pivots to Lukas being Bernard’s IT shadow. Camille wants Amundsen to track Lukas’ movements. She reassures Amundsen that Robert has the best interests of the Silo at heart. They must be careful, or they’ll all die. That’s why it’s crucial to learn what Lukas is up to.

Walk and Bernard
Next, Walk encounters Bernard as she prepares to repair the pump in the Up Top. However, he already fixed it. He lured her there with a massive favor: Reinstall her camera in her shop. Bernard also wants Walk to remain in her shop from now on. He needs someone on the inside so he can monitor the brewing rebellion. In reward for Walk’s service, Bernard vows to show her Carla. It’s all in the name of keeping the peace in the Silo.
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Elsewhere, Juliette finally runs into the stranger stalking the Silo. Said stranger claims Solo is dead before launching an arrow at Juliette. It strikes her underneath her collarbone. Our gal can’t catch a break. She barrels into an empty apartment, removes the arrow and applies bandages.
Meanwhile, Robert gets a message from Amundsen. It says: “Thinking of the time you came to my father’s funeral. Seems so long ago. I sometimes wonder how that little apple tree has grown.” Robert meets Amundsen near a grove of apple trees.
The IT Shadow’s Movements
Amundsen delivers vital intel regarding Lukas. Bernard’s IT shadow was in Meadows’ apartment before visiting Terrance Penbrook. Then, Lukas went to Bernard’s office. Amundsen reveals that Lukas was searching for a book that belonged to Salvador Quinn. As of now, Lukas is on the stairs. However, that’s as far as Amundsen’s intel goes. He refuses to continue feeding Robert information.
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After this, Kathleen confronts Paul about the page from the Georgia tourism book. Why did he show it to Patrick and not her? Paul decides to let his wife in on the secret. He hands her a page with imagery from the Blue Ridge Mountains. She bursts into tears. Paul reveals this was what life was like in the Before Times. Kathleen wonders what happened. How did the world change so much? They embrace.
Then, Lukas returns to Terrance’s apartment to apologize for his earlier visit and share what he learned from Bernard. Quinn was trying to save the Silo, not disgrace or harm it. Terrance and Josey reveal a few books Meadows traded for Quinn’s copy of The Pact. Meadows visited them years ago, back when she was Bernard’s shadow. She was looking for the same answers as Lukas.
Brace Yourself
Next, Juliette returns (presumably) to the spot where the stranger shot an arrow at her. This time, she sees what looks like a dead body on the bridge. Armed with a pipe and a shield, Juliette crouches behind the corner, contemplating her next move.
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Later, Teddy and the others break into Supply for medical supplies for the Down Deep. Unfortunately, Amundsen and his raiders catch them. True to his word, Bernard shows Walk Carla (Clare Perkins), who’s sitting in her chair in Judicial seclusion, bound by the wrists with a blindfold over her eyes. Bernard claims he didn’t torture her; rather, she did this to herself.
Bernard won’t free her until all this is over. So long as Walk acts as Bernard’s informant and keeps her word, Carla will remain unharmed in Judicial seclusion. Walk reluctantly agrees to these terms. Robbins is so good at being intimidating and towering over people. It pays to be 6 feet 5 inches tall.
The Game Is Rigged
After this, Lukas returns to Meadows’ apartment and finds Quinn’s copy of The Pact. He gets down to business on Quinn’s code-within-a-code from the letter. He deciphers this: “Proceed 20 paces forward, then two.” So, Lukas flips to page 99. He translates another message from Quinn: “If you’ve gotten this far, you already know the game is rigged.” How ominous.
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As Lukas leaves Meadows’ apartment, he runs into Robert, who was waiting for him. Robert questions Lukas about what’s in his bag. Lukas refuses to disclose anything, reminding Robert that he’s Bernard’s shadow. Robert offers advice. He urges Lukas to watch himself. Bernard will always be multiple steps ahead of him. Lukas thanks Robert for the words of wisdom before departing.

A Snitch and a Confrontation
Meanwhile, Walk reinstalls her camera per Bernard’s instructions. Shirley barges into Walk’s shop to reveal that Amundsen arrested Teddy and the others in Supply. She believes the raiders wouldn’t have known about this unless someone in Mechanical snitched on Teddy. Walk looks nervous. She gives Shirley the boot, claiming she’s tired from the journey to fix the pump. After Shirley leaves, Walk flips off the camera — well, Bernard, who’s always watching. He smirks.
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Juliette holds up her weapon and shield as she tiptoes past the body on the bridge. However, said body is alive, and the person leaps up to attack Juliette.
After a brief scuffle, Juliette overpowers this person and removes their helmet. It’s a young woman (Sara Hazemi), possibly a teen. Juliette looks up to find a young man (Orlando Norman) and another young woman (Georgina Sadler) — the latter trains her bow and arrow on Juliette. She’s the one who shot our Jules. The girl threatens to fire another arrow into Juliette’s heart if she moves a muscle.
Silo drops new episodes every Friday on Apple TV+
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