SHORESY Recap: (S03E05) SOO Hunt

Melody McCune

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Nat sits at a bar with a drink in front of her. She looks at Shoresy, who stands beside her, in a photo from Shoresy Season 3 Episode 5, "SOO Hunt."

DISCLAIMER: This recap and review of Shoresy Season 3 Episode 5, “SOO Hunt,” contains spoilers. Proceed at your peril. 

It’s the penultimate episode of Shoresy, and our team captain must confront his place in the future of hockey. 

“SOO Hunt” picks up where “Brooks Barrelmen” left off, with Shoresy recovering from yet another injury. This outing gets introspective and emotionally deep for him. I imagine it’s profoundly relatable for any hockey player who begins to age out of the game. 

This outing deftly balances humor and drama and finally gives the delightful Miigwan and Ziigwan more screen time. It’s also a lovely showcase of how far Shoresy’s relationship has evolved with Nat and Sanguinet. 

RELATED: Read our recap of the previous Shoresy episode, “Brooks Barrelmen”

Shoresy’s “SOO Hunt”

We open with a montage featuring Shoresy (Jared Keeso) receiving care after getting a second concussion on the ice. Nat (Tasya Teles), Ziigwan (Blair Lamora) and Miigwan (Keilani Elizabeth Rose) chase the paramedics as they wheel our titular captain away. Eventually, Shoresy opens his eyes. The ladies help Shoresy back to the locker room, where Nat silently sits with him as the game between the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs and Brooks Barrelmen continues. 

Later, Nat informs Shoresy that he’s sitting out for the semi-finals. It might be permanent. She encourages him to think about life beyond hockey. He’s had two concussions in the past month: a pulled groin and a smashed ankle. Oh, and he can’t push while he sh*ts. Factor in his age, and it might be time to consider retiring. Sanguinet (Harlan Kytwayhat) tries to comfort him, but Shoresy isn’t in the mood. 

Shoresy wears his hockey jersey and helmet while standing on the ice in Shoresy Season 3 Episode 5, "SOO Hunt."
SHORESY Season 3 Episode 5, “SOO Hunt.” Photo credit: Gerry Kingsley/Hulu.

Nat reminds Shoresy that he got knocked out on live TV. She has to think about the organization and community. This isn’t solely about him. Shoresy’s eyes fill with tears as he tells Nat he hates her. Jared Keeso’s got dramatic chops, folks. Damn.

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Sudbury Kids Sports Report

Then, Jory Jordan (Maclean Fish) delivers a segment for the Sudbury Kids Sports Report. The SOO Hunt will have a rematch against the Bulldogs, while the Charlottetown Reds will face off against Les Rapides Des Rawdon. Jory interviews three players from the SOO Hunt. In typical Jory fashion, he takes the piss out of them. Fish (the actor) has a ton of fun moments this season. He’s also got great comedic timing. Jory ends the chat by informing the trio that Shoresy won’t play in the upcoming game. 

Next, Shoresy sits with Dolo (JoDolo), Goody (Andrew Antsanen) and Hitch (Terry Ryan) in their apartment. Oh, and Big Sexy is there, too, but that goes without saying. The fellas tell our fave hockey player he’s now on his “4-6.” He’s pretty damn hurt. Like Nat said, it might be time to hang up the skates. Sometimes, hockey players don’t bounce back. Dolo gets honest with Shoresy, telling him he “sucks.” I love that Dolo switches to English for this moment. 

Hey! You Guys

The b’ys wonder what JJ Frankie JJ is up to. Sure enough, Frankie (Max Bouffard) is a guest on Hey! You Guys, hosted by Marie-Camille (Jordana Lajoie). She introduces his former partners — Lysandre Nadeau, Laurence Leboeuf and Marie-Mai. They air out their dirty laundry, telling us what happened with Frankie. Frankie sits in awkward silence. Laurence reminds Frankie that they’re officially over. Marie-Mai vents her grievances regarding how inconsiderate he is. Lysandre flat-out hates him. Marie-Camille keeps the conversation going because, let’s face it, drama sells. 

RELATED: You can catch up on the Texas-sized 10-4 fun with our Letterkenny recaps if you want to. 

Later, Shoresy referees and gets a few chirps in at the expense of Liam (Keegan Long) and Cory (Bourke Cazabon). Just because Shoresy can’t play doesn’t mean he can’t keep their mothers satisfied. That evening, Shoresy meets Nat at the pub. He begs her to let him play. She doesn’t budge but will consider his place in the team after the tournament. Nat admits she cares more about Shoresy than the team winning. 

Elsewhere, Ziig and Miig inform Gord Gallant that their friend will store his seafood in a restaurant freezer. Gord shoots his shot with Ziig again, asking her to join him for dinner. However, she doesn’t date sluts. Meanwhile, Laura Mohr (Camille Sullivan) asks Shoresy if he’s ever thought about life beyond hockey. He hasn’t because life doesn’t exist outside of the sport. 

Goody, Hitchcock, Shoresy and Dolo stand in an apartment living room while deep in conversation. They wear casual clothes in a photo from Shoresy Season 3 Episode 5, "SOO Hunt."
SHORESY Season 3 Episode 5, “SOO Hunt.” Photo courtesy of Hulu.

Gord’s Got Ziigwan on the Brain 

Then, we learn that Les Rapides Des Rawdon beat the Charlottetown Reds, knocking the latter out of the senior tournament. So, whoever wins the Bulldogs versus the SOO Hunt game will face off against the aforementioned team. Anik (Kim Cloutier) interviews Gord. After their chat, she asks him out. He politely rejects her, claiming that he might meet someone later. 

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After that, Miig gives Ziig sh*t for getting a speeding ticket. Oh, and for refusing the advances of Gorgeous Gord. Ziig insists that Gord could have any girl in town. She doesn’t seem to think he wants her (even though she’s stunning). Even Shoresy, who makes fun of her constantly, admits that she’s hot. He teaches Ziig how to leverage her good looks to get out of a speeding ticket next time. 

Then, Shoresy and Jory commence a “f*ck you” battle while Anik tries to persuade our titular mother-loving chirper to go on BROdude live. Shoresy refuses. He doesn’t talk about hockey; he plays it. Later, he reunites with his family. They comfort him as he reconciles with not playing in the semi-finals. 


Shoresy relives his best moments on the ice and in the locker room with his guys — sharing game sticks and enjoying their winning streak. Elsewhere, Ziig finally meets Gord for drinks at the bar. These two make a cute couple. 

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Later, Sanger informs Shoresy that he wants the latter to read the lineup for the game. Shoresy is still the team captain. Nat wants him to find a way to contribute. Shoresy looks emotional but declines Sanguinet’s offer, calling him “soft.” We overhear Sanger reciting the lineup in the locker room. Shoresy greets each player as they emerge from said locker room. 

Anik chats with Shoresy before the game starts. He’s dismissive and gives vague answers. After their convo, Anik meets with Emma (Vanessa Matsui), the BROdude rep from Letterkenny. Love a good crossover. Emma admits that Shoresy is perfect.

When the game begins, Shoresy takes his seat with Liam and Cory. Unfortunately, the Bulldogs get off on the wrong foot with the SOO Hunt. Their opponents are winning—3 to 0. Michaels (Ryan McDonell) orders the team to get it together. Nat texts Shoresy a plea: “Find a way to contribute.”

Nat sits at a bar with a drink in front of her. She looks at Shoresy, who stands beside her, in a photo from Shoresy Season 3 Episode 5, "SOO Hunt."
SHORESY Season 3 Episode 5, “SOO Hunt.” Photo courtesy of Hulu.

Find a Way to Contribute

Shoresy and Nat exchange grins. Shoresy, Cory and Liam toss their drinks on the SOO Hunt fans behind them. 

RELATED: Catch up on all the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldog antics with our Shoresy recaps!

Shoresy Season 3 is now streaming on Hulu

Melody McCune
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