SHORESY Recap: (S01E05) Hockey Brings People Together

Melody McCune

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Miigwan, Nat and Ziigwan standing before the National Ontario Senior Hockey Organization in Shoresy Season 1 Episode 5 "Hockey Brings People Together."

DISCLAIMER: This recap of the Shoresy episode “Hockey Brings People Together” has spoilers. Proceed at your peril, and give your balls a tug. 

Welcome, hockey players! Shoresy‘s penultimate outing, “Hockey Brings People Together,” puts its title into practice. 
The Bulldogs’ brawl with the Norsemen unifies Shoresy and his teammates, rebuilding bridges between our titular dirty hockey player and his enemies, i.e., Michaels and Fish. 

“Hockey Brings People Together” brims with more warmth and love than its predecessor. It’s surprisingly sweet and triumphant, and you find yourself cheering for the Bulldogs’ victories as you fall in love with these characters. 

Ready to delve into “Hockey Brings People Together”? Let’s get to it. 

RELATED: Shoresy Recap: (S01E04) If You Can’t Win, Don’t Play

We open where we left off, with the brawl between Shoresy (Jared Keeso) and the Bulldogs versus the Norsemen. We see helmets and hockey sticks strewn about the ice and beyond. Nat (Tasya Teles) runs toward the fight, aghast. Suddenly, Dolo (Jonathan-Ismael Diaby), Goody (Andrew Antsanen), Hitch (Terry Ryan) and JJ Frankie JJ (Max Bouffard) enter the fray, assisting Shoresy and the team with the battle at hand. 

Later, the boys enjoy drumsticks while Nat, Miigwan (Keilani Rose) and Ziigwan (Blair Lamora) grill them regarding the brawl. Sanguinet (Harlan Blayne Kytwayhat) compliments some players for stepping up to the plate and helping the team. Even Shoresy mends fences with Fish (Jacob Smith)!

Hitch, Dolo, Goody, Shoresy and JJ Frankie JJ standing outside at night in Shoresy Season 1 Episode 5 "Hockey Brings People Together."
Shoresy — Season 1 Episode 5, “Hockey Brings People Together” – Terry Ryan (Hitch), Jonathan Diaby (Dolo), Andrew Antsanen (Goody), Jared Keeso (Shoresy) and Max Bouffard (JJ Frankie JJ), shown. (Photo by: Lindsay Sarazin/Hulu)

Michaels (Ryan McDonell) presents Nat, Miigwan and Ziigwan with an idea: What if they use his money to pay for the damages from the fight? What if he quits? Michaels has a plan to win over the team, which Nat suggests he execute with the utmost finesse. 

Next, Michaels sits with Shoresy and the studs at Peppi Panini. After learning about the problematic Coulson guys, he proposes they approach his ex-girlfriend Mercedes’ brothers. They’re feared in Sudbury, so they might help keep those fellas at bay. 

So, Michaels and Sanguinet meet with Mercedes (Eliana Jones) at a restaurant. Mercedes flirts heavily with Sanguinet while blatantly ignoring her ex-boyfriend. She asks her brothers if they can help the Bulldogs fend off the Coulson dudes. Now, her brothers are … peculiar. They sit silently with mouths agape and eyes wide, almost as if they’re frozen. 

Mercedes reveals her brothers will assist them as long as Sanguinet gets them season passes. Sure, there are only two games left, but that doesn’t matter! Sanguinet agrees to these terms. 

Meanwhile, our favorite hockey trio heads to meet with the Northern Ontario Senior Hockey Organization (NOSHO). The representatives therein give Ziigwan and Nat guff regarding their attire while praising Miigwan. Nat urges the council to forgive the Bulldogs versus Norsemen battle and bestow the former with a W. They didn’t play the game, but they put up a hell of a fight. 

The NOSHO panel gives the Bulldogs the win, so now they only need two Ws from the Soo Cyclones games to win the season. 

Later, our studs exit a convenience store when the Coulson guys approach them while donning costumes. They wave the white flag and reveal that Mercedes’ brothers will take the Bulldogs to the game in a dazzling limo. The Coulson fellas escort our Bulldogs, running ahead of the limo for all of Sudbury to see. Michaels wins over the admiration of Shoresy and the gang for eradicating the Coulson problem. 

Miigwan, Nat and Ziigwan standing before the National Ontario Senior Hockey Organization in Shoresy Season 1 Episode 5 "Hockey Brings People Together."
Shoresy — Season 1 Episode 5, “Hockey Brings People Together” – Keilani Rose (Miigwan), Tasya Teles (Nat) and Blair Lamora (Ziigwan) shown. (Photo by: Lindsay Sarazin/Hulu)

Shoresy flirts with Laura (Camille Sullivan) before the game, as is his modus operandi. She reciprocates, and it’s only a matter of time before these two embark on a sushi date. I love all the clichés they throw at each other. 

Our boys get pumped before the big match, and Sanguinet adds the three Jims to the starting lineup. Thankfully, the Bulldogs kick ass and take names, significantly overpowering the formidable Soo Cyclones. Michaels and Shoresy even hug! Of course, they all enjoy celebratory drumsticks afterward. 

RELATED: Catch up on all the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldog antics with our Shoresy recaps!

“Hockey Brings People Together” sets the stage for what’s sure to be a fun finale, as the Bulldogs play the Cyclones in the last match for all the marbles. This series is perfect for Letterkenny fans — a comedic balm for your ailing soul. It’s brilliantly sharp while maintaining a breeziness and lightheartedness to it. 

My only gripe is the JJ Frankie JJ/Laurence/Lysandre storyline. It’s not captivating enough to arrest my attention, and unless we see a payoff in the finale, I don’t think it fits the show. 

Do you think our boys will win it all in the finale? Join me while I recap Shoresy, only on Geek Girl Authority. 

Shoresy Season 1 is now streaming on Hulu



Melody McCune
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