GAME OF THRONES Series Finale Recap: (S08E06): The Iron Throne

Daenerys Stormborn surveys her people from the steps of the ruined Red Keep in King's Landing on Game of Thrones

How will history (and Twitter) judge the series finale of Game of Thrones? Perhaps they’ll say that the last episode, “The Iron Throne,” would have made a good final season. Let the spin-offs begin… RELATED: Catch up on last week’s episode here! The finale opens with Tyrion (Peter Dinklage), Jon (Kit Harington) and Davos (Liam … Read more

GAME OF THRONES Series Finale: Who Will Win and Who Will Die

Wow.  Well, that sure happened.  I have to admit I did not consider the possibility that Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) would just burn all of King’s Landing and everyone in it.  I knew she’d come with fire, but… just wow.  Daenerys is now, truly, the queen of ashes.  She has committed an unredeemable act.  Her vision … Read more

GAME OF THRONES Recap: (S08E04): The Last of the Starks

The Dragon Queen's armada sets sail on Game of Thrones

The fourth episode in the final season of Game of Thrones is organized into three rough acts: The Funeral, The Celebration and The Sh*t Hitting the Fan.  RELATED: Catch up on last week’s episode here! The first order of business in the wake of The Battle of Winterfell is eulogizing and burning the thousands of dead. … Read more

GAME OF THRONES Season 8 Episode 2 and 3 Poster Analysis

Already at the halfway point of Game of Thrones‘ final season, commissioned artist Robert Ball has designed two beautiful new posters for the two most recent episodes. ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms’, followed by last weekend’s battle epic ‘The Long Night’. As we wait with anticipation for Sunday’s fourth instalment, we attempt to breakdown … Read more

GAME OF THRONES Season 8: Battle of Winterfell Is Over – Some Things to Consider

sansa stark looks at ayra

Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 3: The Long Night was, in short, freaking amazing! Oh my gods! Arya saved the world with the Cat’s Paw dagger, the war against the dead is over and we can move on to complete A Song of Ice and Fire. Yes! And, because not as many characters died … Read more

GAME OF THRONES Recap: (S08E03) The Long Night

Jon Snow looks on in horror during the battle with the army of the dead

The moment of truth has arrived on Game of Thrones. Who will live to fight another day? So many spoilers (including a roll call of who lives and dies) below! RELATED: Catch up on last week’s episode here! The army of the dead is outside, and the forces massed at Winterfell move into battle positions. … Read more

GAME OF THRONES Season 8 Theory: 5 Characters to Survive the Battle of Winterfell

Brienne, Jaime Lannister and their troops brace for the onslaught of the Army of the Dead.

{WARNING:  GAME OF THRONES SPOILERS!  Seriously.  Get to Watching!} * * * Game of Thrones season 8, episode 3 is coming. It’s coming fast, and it brings death with it. We’ve had our reunions. We’ve seen the results of having everyone in the same place and how each of them handles their “last night” in … Read more

GAME OF THRONES Recap: (S08E02) A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

Jaime Lannister stands before an unhappy crowd at Winterfell

The latest episode of Game of Thrones is an exercise in tension as Winterfell waits through the calm before the storm. On the eve of the battle that most expect will be their last, emotions run high and forgiveness is in the air. RELATED: Catch up on last week’s episode here! In the last moments of … Read more

GAME OF THRONES Season Premiere Recap: (S08E01) Winterfell

Photo: Kit Harington, Emilia Clarke (Credit: Helen Sloane/HBO)

Satisfaction was served hot and fresh throughout the entire premiere episode of the final season of Game of Thrones, “Winterfell.” Character reunions, first-time meetings, suspense resolved and forward movement– let’s just say that Jon Snow isn’t the only one who went for a wild ride tonight! RELATED: Catch up with our recap of last season’s … Read more

GAME OF THRONES Character Recap: Tyrion Lannister, Seasons 1-7

{WARNING: BIG SPOILERS:  This article is meant as a reminder and refresher for those who have seen and/or read and/or can’t stop thinking about GAME OF THRONES.  You will likely be confused if you haven’t done.  But, read on friends!  All are welcome in these nerd halls!} * * * Game of Thrones’ eighth and … Read more

Who Is the GAME OF THRONES Prince that was Promised?

Game of Thrones logo for Season 8.

Throughout the first seven seasons of HBO’s Game of Thrones, we’ve been hearing about this Prince or Princess that was Promised. With the final season just around the corner, Geek Girl Authority wanted to explore this prophecy and the fan theories that answer the question: Who is the Prince that was Promised? Let’s take a … Read more

Who Will Win the Iron Throne? A Breakdown of the Possibilities in GAME OF THRONES!

Game of Thrones Season 8 predictions about who will live and who will die

As Cersei Lannister famously said in season one, “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.” The final season starts Sunday, and a few short weeks later we’ll know who’s won and who’s died. So let’s break down some vital stats of the remaining players, and play fantasy Westeros! Still playing … Read more

GAME OF THRONES Character Recap: Jon Snow, Seasons 1-7

a close up on jon snow

{WARNING: BIG SPOILERS:  This article is meant as a reminder and refresher for those who have seen and/or read and/or can’t stop thinking about GAME OF THRONES.  You will likely be confused if you haven’t done.  But, read on friends!  All are welcome in these nerd halls!} * * * Game of Thrones’ eighth and … Read more

GAME OF THRONES Character Recap: Arya Stark, Seasons 1-7

{WARNING: BIG SPOILERS:  This article is meant as a reminder and refresher for those who have seen and/or read and/or can’t stop thinking about GAME OF THRONES.  You will likely be confused if you haven’t done.  But, read on friends!  All are welcome in these nerd halls!} * * * Game of Thrones’ eighth and … Read more