SDCC 2018: BROOKLYN NINE-NINE Panel (Title of Your Sex Tape)

Leona Laurie

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Brooklyn Nine Nine Comic Con Panel

Mediator Michael Schneider led the Brooklyn Nine-Nine squad in a cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool panel at SDCC, joined by executive producer Dan Goor, producer Luke Del Tredici and NINE-NINE stars Andy Samberg, Melissa Fumero, Terry Crews, Chelsea Peretti, Stephanie BeatrizJoe Lo Truglio, Dirk Blocker and Joel McKinnon Miller


SQUAAAAAD. #Brooklyn99 #SDCC

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The crowd response to the cast of the show, post-rescue by NBC, was amazing. Schneider roused chants of NINE-NINE from the audience before welcoming the cast and their producers to deafening cheers and a mutual standing ovation. The love in the room, and online, was overwhelming, and the only complaint to be heard was that Andre Braugher wasn’t on stage. 

What we learned:

  • Goor spoiled that season six is going to be “good”
  • They’re already well into pre-production on said upcoming good season
  • Jake and Amy are in for some new adventures in matrimony
  • Stephanie Beatriz’s real voice never stops being surprising
  • Beatriz, like her character Rosa, is bi, and she was consulted by Goor before Rosa came out
  • Rosa saying “I’m bi” was apparently a first for network TV
  • Gina Rodriguez cancelled a vacation to make a guest appearance on the show and may be back
  • Terry Crews loves the cast as much as Terry Jeffords loves the squad
  • Look for a Hitchcock/Scully episode- possibly with flashbacks to their past
  • Goor’s flustered response to a question about the possible return of Doug Judy says… probably
  • We will find out this season whether Kelly is Scully’s dog or wife
  • There is nothing that cannot be turned into a “title of your sex tape” joke

Enthusiastic fans literally rushed the mics when given the chance to ask questions, and one brought Terry Crews to tears when thanking him for speaking up as part of the #metoo movement. Another fan brought both Beatriz and Fumero to tears thanking them for their portrayals of Latinas on television. Samberg gave a thoughtful answer to how carefully they weigh mental health content for the show because of the depth of their care for doing it respectfully. A key take-away for content creators: the many moments that touched on how this show and its cast reach people through representation were a reflection of why the fan response to its cancellation was so effective in saving it.

RELATED: We Need More Women Behind the Scenes in Entertainment Media

Here’s the video that played before they all came in, capturing the bleakness of the time the show was cancelled and the joy we all felt when it was saved:


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Leona Laurie

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