Saturday Morning Webtoons: LOVEBOT and OPPOSITE OF ALWAYS

Julia Roth

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Good morning fellow WEBTOON readers, and welcome to this week’s installment of Saturday Morning Webtoons! This is where we shine a light on two WEBTOONs we are thoroughly enjoying. These stories have had us captivated chapter after chapter each week, and we couldn’t pass up sharing them with you! So grab your favorite snacks, an electronic device and settle into these sensational stories.

DISCLAIMER: The following posts have possible spoilers for LoveBot and Opposite of Always.

RELATED: Check out our other Saturday Morning Webtoons!


Xada with his hands raised.
LoveBot WEBTOON Original Series.

We are still in super relaxation mode as we transition from the holidays to the new year. So, our first series this week is Chase Keels and Miranda Mundt‘s LoveBot. The story takes place in 2049 when human companionship has been replaced with highly advanced and affectionate robots. Xada makes a living off of modifying these bots to fit the needs of their owners. Things are going well until his new project includes a sentient LoveBot asking for his help. Sparks fly as Xada relearns human connection while uncovering the truth behind the LoveBot’s existence.

LoveBot is one of our favorite romance series. Keels and Mundt work so well together to weave a beautiful story that mixes romance with science fiction. When Mundt’s Muted came to a close, this series slipped right into that spot and kept us going. The series isn’t all romance fluff, either. It dives heavily into what human connection means to people and what a possible future could look like if AI were to take that role over. It’s a great read and should be high on your TBR list.

LoveBot updates every Sunday and can be read here!

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Opposite of Always

Kate in the hospital bed while Jack stands next to her.
Opposite of Always WEBTOON Original Series.

Our second series this week also follows the romance/science fiction genres. Opposite of Always comes from the minds of Justin A. Reynolds, Sharpteething, WmW and Darius Dudley. The series follows Jack and Kate, who are fated to be together. But something goes wrong, and Jack finds himself in a time loop that keeps him pursuing Kate forever. Jack has no idea how to break the loop other than how they met and Kate’s tragic fate. Now, it’s a race against the infinitely ticking clock to save them and break the loop for good.

Opposite of Always was a series we kept on the back burner for far too long. We had read through other series by WmW before and always had this one on our minds. So finally, we took the dive and couldn’t have been happier. It’s an incredible story of what someone will do to be with the person they love. The science fiction portion of it feels fresh, and the action is exciting. There is a lot of suspense built into the idea that Jack has no idea what he is doing, and the fear of eventually running out of time always has him on edge. It will be pure relief when we finally uncover what is truly happening. Don’t waste any more time and add this to your TBR.

Opposite of Always updates every Monday and can be read here!

Julia Roth
Catch Me

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