Love make people do crazy things on Rutherford Falls. In “Halloween,” Reagan (Jana Schmieding) and Nelson (Dallas Goldtooth) begin to question their relationship and Nathan (Ed Helms) meets Deirdre’s (Dana L. Wilson) parents.
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It’s Halloween in Rutherford Falls and everyone is preparing for Wayne (Bobby Wilson) and Sally’s (Julia Jones) Halloween party. Nelson sees it as an opportunity for Indigenous people to celebrate their trickster sides. And pumpkins are Indigenous. It’s going to be a fun time for all!
Nathan breaks into Deirdre’s house to set up a crib that he built. Well, not really breaking in. Deirdre gave him a spare key for emergency purposes. He just didn’t let her know that he’s coming. He also brought her a loaf of zucchini bread. Deirdre says the baby loves that bread.
Terry (Michael Greyeyes) and Renee (Kimberly Guerrero) asks Jimmy (Cha-tah Ellem) to hand out candy at home. He says he plans to go trick or treating with his friends. They think that’s code talk for partying. Jimmy says he has a date, so they ask who the girl is. Jimmy won’t say, so they tell him he has to stay home to hand out candy until he tells them the truth.
Nathan and Reagan go to a beading group and talk about Deirdre. Reagan invites Nathan to the Halloween party. She’s going with Nelson, so Nathan will have to be the third wheel. One of the ladies in the group, Chloe (Janae Collins) shows an interest in Nelson. She tells Nathan that its hard to find a good Native man with a good job and doesn’t lie about his height. Even Rayanne (Geraldine Kearns), Ray’s mom, thinks Nelson is a catch. If she were 10 – 20 – 30 years younger, Reagan would have to watch her back.
Bobby (Jesse Leigh) has a meeting with Terry, but Terry is preoccupied. Renee is dead set on finding out who Jimmy is dating. Bobby finds out in 10 seconds. He found a photos of Jimmy and the girl on social media and traced it to a girl named Emma (Isabella Madrigal). But there’s a catch. Emma is Feather Day’s (Kaniehtiio Horn) daughter.
Reagan and Nelson go to the party in couples costumes as a hot dog and ketchup. Her costume even squirts real ketchup. Nathan dressed up like corn and is wearing a microphone headset. He’s Popcorn Guy. Wayne, as Wayne from Wayne’s world; and Sally, as Billy the puppet from Saw, are not impressed.
Nathan leaves when he gets a text from Deirdre, who asks about a charcuterie board. Both Reagan and Nelson warn him against it, but he goes anyway. Reagan starts to take a photo when Chloe and her two friends, Shauna (Crystle Lightning) and Fay (Brandy Lewis) show up dressed as more condiments.
Nathan tries to leave the charcuterie board on Deirdre’s porch and knocks over her candy table. The noise brings Deirdre and her parents to the door. Deirdre told her parents that Nathan is the one who didn’t want a relationship. They call him a deadbeat and invite him to stay for dinner.

Terry runs into Feather who’s all worked up because Emma left with Jimmy after school. Terry insists that Jimmy is at home with his wife, but Renee texts saying she doesn’t know where their son is. Feather freaks out even more. She says she had a dream about a Japanese fighter fish that looked like Terry. She should have known something bad was going to happen.
Deirdre begs Nathan to let her parents hate him. Nathan resorts to agreeing with all the mean things that the Chisnehalls say about him. They say they listened to Josh’s podcast. They already know everything they need to know about Nathan. And none of it is good.
Reagan tells Wayne she’s not having a good time because she’s jealous. The condiment squad is all over Nelson. Ray (Martin Sensmeier) stops to talk to Reagan. Now Nelson is jealous. He asks Sally about Ray, thinking he’s Josh (Dustin Milligan). Bobby enters the conversation, dressed like Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala 2021. They show Nelson a picture of Josh, making Nelson feel worse.
Renee and Feather come face to face, determined to separate their children from each other. Terry tries to keep the peace. They have a tracker on Jimmy’s phone so they can find the kids. Terry offers to drive. When Feather tries to call shotgun, Renee threatens to break her arm.
Nelson and Reagan go outside. Things get crazy. Nelson wants to compete with Ray to show everyone who’s more manly. Sally asks them to start a fire and that starts the competition. Reagan faces off with the condiment squad over why Nelson needs a more tradish girlfriend. They say she has uneven beading lines so she sprays them with ketchup. The condiments gang up on Reagan.
The Chinsenhalls continue to laugh at Nathan and the podcast. He continues to agree with them that he’s just a buffoon. Deirdre has heard enough and starts defending Nathan, saying he’s making amends for his past actions. She also admits that they are not together by her choice. She lied because she didn’t want to hear their opinions. The Chisenhalls say they support Deirdre. Whether she finds someone at her level or stays with Nathan, how she raises her child is her choice.
The condiments surround Reagan. Bobby tells her to lay on the ground a play dead, but Sally says if she hits the ground it’s over. Reagan yells for Nelson, saying they have to leave. Nelson is busy trying to outshine Ray, but neither of them are actually getting anywhere on the fire.
Renee loses the signal on Jimmy’s phone. Terry calls Bobby for back up. Before Terry can tell him anything, Bobby finds a photo of Emma and Jimmy on social media. They are at the Big Larry statue. They send the picture to Terry. The photo shows the kids dressed in costumes with bags of candy. They were telling the truth about trick or treating. And for that, Feather and Terry wonder how they raised such dorks.
The condiments have a hold of Reagan, calling her a waste of the bloodline. Reagan punches Shauna in the stomach and they all let go. Reagan says the fight is anti-feminist. Shauna sets Fay on Reagan. Fay is an amateur MMA fighter. One hit and Reagan goes flying.

Feather, Terry, and Renee catch Jimmy and Emma vandalizing Big Larry. They spray painted “colonizer” on the statue. Renee and Terry aren’t mad about this, but Feather accused Jimmy of turning Emma into a vagrant. She’s ready to call the cops. Terry says if they call the cops, it will look worse for the parents and her campaign. They agree to forget that this night happened. Feather and Emma leave, while Renee fist bumps Jimmy.
Nelson finds Reagan who says she’s been fighting off the condiments all night. Nelson says he’s been keeping her ex from stealing her back. They both know that the fact that Ray is married doesn’t matter. Reagan says she doesn’t want Ray back. And the only condiment that Nelson wants is ketchup. He says next year they are staying home and passing out candy.
Deirdre feels good about how the night went with her parents. Nathan doesn’t think he looks too good in their eyes. She moves in to kiss him and he says they shouldn’t. He realizes that she likes him sometimes, but he likes her all the time. He wants to be with Deirdre. Maybe her parents are right. They’re just not good together. He also asks her not to put the charcuterie board in the dishwasher. He can’t take anymore heart ache.
RELATED: Read All of Our Rutherford Falls Recaps Here
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