Geek Girl Authority Crush of the Week: ROSIE

Melody McCune

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Rosie, played by Clark Backo, stands outside on a sunny day while looking pensive in Letterkenny Season 11 Episode 3, "Lost Dog."

Welcome to this week’s installment of Geek Girl Authority Crush of the Week, wherein we spotlight strong women and nonbinary folks who inspire us. This includes fictional characters in geeky media and creators as well. They are a prime example of empowerment and how crucial it is for youth to have said example to follow.

DISCLAIMER: The following contains spoilers for Letterkenny, particularly Rosie’s arc. Figure it out, bud, and proceed at your peril. 


Fast Facts: 

Rosie, played by Clark Backo, stands next to Wayne, played by Jared Keeso, outside on a sunny day in Letterkenny Season 10 Episode 4, "Prostate."
Letterkenny — “Prostate” – Season 10 Episode 4 — Wayne (Jared Keeso) and Rosie (Clark Backo), shown. (Photo by: Lindsay Sarazin/Hulu)

Rosie (Clark Backo) hails from Tobermory in Ontario. She’s Gail’s (Lisa Codrington) cousin. She first appears in the Season 2 finale, “Finding Stormy a Stud,” when Gail urges her to take her dog Cito to Letterkenny in the hopes Cito mates with Wayne’s (Jared Keeso) dog Stormy, a German Shepherd. The canines are a match, and Rosie and Wayne become smitten with each other. They begin dating. Rosie prefers the company of a good book and is more of a homebody, which casts her in a suspicious light among Wayne’s friends. Thankfully, Wayne gives her the space she needs. 

In the Season 3 finale, “Bradley Is a Killer,” Rosie’s cousin Bradley (Adrian Holmes) visits town. The Hicks idolize Bradley. One night at the bar, they irritate Bradley. He reaches his breaking point, punching Daryl (Nathan Dales) and Squirrely Dan (K. Trevor Wilson). Never one to leave his friends out in the cold, Wayne steps in to defend them despite his promise to Rosie, fighting Bradley on the spot. Rosie witnesses the altercation and storms out. 

RELATED: Looking for another crush? Check out our Geek Girl Authority Crushes of the Week here!

Later, by Season 4’s end, Tanis (Kaniehtiio Horn), leader of the Natives and Wayne’s ex-girlfriend, invites Wayne to the barn for a roll in the hay. Wayne rejects her, instead driving to Rosie’s house to inform her of what occurred. Before he gets the words out, she reveals she’s moving to Vancouver to work at a pit bull rescue. 

A Rekindling 

Rosie returns to town by the end of Season 7, rekindling her romance with Wayne after he catches Marie-Fred (Magalie Lépine-Blondeau) cheating on him. Rosie bonds with Katy (Michelle Mylett), Wayne’s younger sister. The pair, along with Bonnie McMurray (Kamilla Kowal), embark on a crusade to find the man responsible for leaking a nude photo of Gail. Rosie helps successfully locate the culprit and brings him to justice. 

RELATED: You can catch up on the Texas-sized 10-4 madness with our Letterkenny recaps if you want to. 

By Season 12, Rosie heads back to Vancouver to work at said pit bull rescue. She plants the idea in Wayne’s head of potentially moving there. She isn’t looking forward to returning to Letterkenny after her stay in Vancouver. However, Rosie understands that Wayne belongs in Letterkenny, delivering a beautiful monologue in the penultimate episode regarding how he’s where he needs to be and accepting their break up (even though it tore my heart in two). 

The Real Deal: 

Rosie, played by Clark Backo, sits next to Gail, played by Lisa Codrington, while leaning on a table and drinking a beer in Letterkenny Season 9 Episode 1, "American Buck and Doe."
Letterkenny — “American Buck and Doe” – Season 9 Episode 1 — Rosie (Clark Backo), Gail (Lisa Codrington), shown. (Photo By Amanda Matlovich)

Rosie is incredibly intelligent. She’s always quick to dish out incisive retorts and quips — you have to be in a town like Letterkenny. Her loyalty to her loved ones is second to none. She bears a soft spot for animals, notably dogs, evidenced by her work with the pit bull rescue, a breed most ignore out of ill-informed fear. As Mrs. McMurray says, there’s a special place in Heaven for animal lovers. Rosie puts her vast canine knowledge to good use in Season 11 by searching for degen Thibodeaux’s dog, Gregory. 

She shares many qualities with Wayne and the hicks, wholeheartedly believing in the adage “Be kind but take no sh*t.” If someone asks her for help, she helps them without question. Rosie understands the importance of healthy boundaries and honors them. She’s more of an introvert than an extrovert and would rather stay home with a book than put herself in an unwanted social situation. That profoundly resonates with me. 

RELATED: Catch up on the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs’ antics with our Shoresy recaps!

It’s refreshing to see a character on TV who practices self-love and values her alone time, not to mention having a male partner who respects her independence and her need for privacy. 

Why She Matters: 

Still of Clark Backo who plays Rosie and Michelle Mylett who plays Katy in Letterkenny episode "NDN NRG."
Letterkenny — “NDN NRG” – Season 9 Episode 7 — Gail (Lisa Codrington), Rosie (Clark Backo), Katy (Michelle Mylett), shown. (Photo By Amanda Matlovich)

Rosie is a nuanced, layered and kind woman who loves to lend a helping hand when needed but also knows her limits, never shying away from alone time to recharge. She’s in a healthy relationship with open communication and equally healthy boundaries. That, in and of itself, is admirable and seldom depicted on TV. She’s one of the few people of color on Letterkenny. Representation matters.

So, be like Rosie. Be kind but take no sh*t. Always keep a few witty remarks in your arsenal. Be a friend to all animals. Remain steadfastly loyal to your loved ones. Oh, and never be afraid to decline a social invitation in favor of staying at home with a good book. 📚

Melody McCune
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