Where and When to Watch the ROGUE ONE Premiere Tonight!

Erin Lynch

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As with last year’s The Force Awakens, Disney and Lucasfilm have decided to stream the Rogue One premiere! This is really exciting for Star Wars fans who want to see some of the actors and celebrity guests. Plus any hijinks that happen on the carpet. So! Where can you watch the Rogue One premiere? There’s a few different places.

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One of the best places to watch will be on YouTube streaming. If you go onto their official channel, they will have a live stream going. So long as the channel isn’t blocked in your country, you should be good to go! Want a preview of the sort of things you’ll get? Check out The Force Awakens premiere from last year!


Another great places is the Star Wars website itself! As you can see, the site is gearing up for the premiere and will be ready to launch!


You’re at work and Youtube is blocked but Facebook isn’t? You’re in luck! The Star Wars Facebook page will also be streaming the premiere tonight.


go90 is a Verizon owned streaming service that will also be hosting the premiere. They have a website and also the app. Don’t have a Verizon phone? That’s okay! The app is available to you on the Apple and Google store. I personally have an AT&T phone and didn’t have trouble downloading the app. However, when I was watching a live stream of a soccer match, the picture kept rotating back so I couldn’t keep it full screen. I’m not certain if it was my phone or the app but that’s something to keep in mind.

Fios TV

Have a Fios TV? You’re in luck! You can watch the Rogue One premiere. Where on the TV? I’m not sure! I’m woefully ignorant as I don’t have a Fios TV and not much is out there about the premiere and the TV. But woohoo!

When will the Rogue One premiere start streaming?

5pm PST is the official start time of the premiere. That’s 8pm EST, 12PM on Sunday Sydney Time, 1AM Sunday GMT, etc. Not sure how to see when it starts for you? Use this Time Zone Converter to make sure you don’t miss out! Also, tune in maybe 20 minutes before the premiere, because they may show footage of the carpet before the show starts!

And that’s it! You should be fully ready to take in the Rogue One premiere tonight! Hope you enjoy the show and May the Force Be With You!


Erin Lynch

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