Rick Is Ready to Finish the Fight in the New THE WALKING DEAD Trailer

Noetta Harjo

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It’s February! The second half of season eight of The Walking Dead is just weeks away. The latest trailer for 8B has just been released. If the rest of the season is anything like the trailer, then we can expect a faster paced story with lots of scary moments.

In the first half of season eight, Rick (Andrew Lincoln) had a plan. And if everyone had followed the plan, it might have given Rick the upper hand. Someone didn’t want to be patient and let Rick’s plan work. Those someones were Daryl (Norman Reedus) and Tara (Alanna Masterson). Their poorly planned attack on the Saviors led to a night of terror for all of Alexandria, the Kingdom and Hilltop.

The Kingdom lost all of their fighters in a shootout and the community was taken over by the Saviors. Carol (Melissa McBride) was able to get everyone out of the community except for Ezekiel (Khary Peyton).  

Hilltop actually gained some residents when Jesus (Tom Payne) took hostages from a Savior outpost. Maggie (Lauren Cohan) is not afraid to use them as bargaining chips, even if it means killing the hostages.  And Aaron (Ross Marquand) and Enid (Katelyn Nacon) took a road trip to Oceanside to convince them to join the fight. Enid shot their leader, leaving us uncertain about Aaron and Enid’s fate.

RELATED: Catch up with Season Eight of The Walking Dead Here!

Chandler Riggs as Carl Grimes in AMC’s The Walking Dead, amc.com

Alexandria had been burnt to the ground by the Saviors, forcing everyone to flee to the sewers. Once Rick and Michonne (Danai Gurira) caught up, they realized their worst nightmare had come true. Carl (Chandler Riggs) has been bitten by a walker.

The trailer doesn’t focus on anything specific. A lot of bits and pieces of the continuing war between Negan’s (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) Saviors and Rick’s Alexandria/Hilltop/Kingdom army. Well, what’s left of it anyway. It appears that the Alexandrians and the Kingdomers make it safely to Hilltop, so maybe they are now just the Hilltoppers. Negan has Eugene (Josh McDermitt) making bullets, Simon (Steven Ogg) renegotiating with the Scavengers, and Gavin (Jason Warner Smith) has captured King Ezekiel. Negan is not backing down anytime soon.  He was fond of Carl though, so I wonder how he will take the bad news.

Dwight (Austin Amelio) has revealed his treachery, but at what cost?  He is responsible for the death of Tara’s girlfriend.  And he was absolutely awful to Daryl when Negan captured him.  Can Rick’s people truly trust him?  In the trailer, Tara has a opportunity to kill Dwight. Will she pull the trigger?

It appears the Enid makes it back to the Hilltop safely and is seen breaking down, maybe at Carl’s gravesite. The scene goes by so quick, but…what else would make her breakdown like that?

RELATED: THE WALKING DEAD Renewed for Season 9 with New Showrunner Angela Kang

The Walking Dead has broken our hearts before. (RIP Glenn, Abraham, Sasha, Eric, etc.) And we’ve had about three months to prepare for what I think is the hardest death of all. I am upset that Carl is dying. I am a fan of the comics and the fact that Carl is still alive in those stories, makes me a little weary about where the television show is going. However, I am also a little excited about the big break from the comics.  It gives the writers a chance do surprise us and give us new story arcs that are not in the comics.

Yeah, I know. Other characters have died before their time and some characters are still alive that are supposed to be dead. The show has never followed the comics to the tee. BUT! Carl has been with the show since season 1. We’ve literally watched Chandler Riggs grow up on TV. I truly believed he was being groomed to lead the group if/when Rick dies on the show. Episode 809 “Hope”  will be the hardest for me to watch. I’m so ready for this war to be over.  

Rick faces new difficulties after a battle. Meanwhile, the fight continues in other communities as core members face hard decisions.

The Walking Dead returns Sunday February 25 on AMC.  Check back with Geek Girl Authority for recaps and breaking news!



Noetta Harjo
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