POKEMON SCARLET and VIOLET Second Trailer Reveals New Details

Lauren Darnell

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet logos.

The second trailer for the upcoming Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet series just dropped, and it gives the players a look at the new professors, mechanics and Pokémon! The most exciting news from this update is that Pokémon Scarlet and Violet will include upward of four-player multiplayer for its open-world adventure. We haven’t been given too many details on how this mechanic will work, but The Pokémon Company released this statement:

Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet allow multiplayer gameplay with up to four players. Along with series staples, such as trading and battling Pokémon, you will be able to explore the various locations of the region in these games with other players. You can discover new Pokémon and explore unfamiliar areas with your friends and family, opening the door to an adventure more precious and fun than ever!

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Professor Sada and Turo are the new professors to guide you on your journey through Scarlet and Violet, respectively. They will be responsible for introducing you to this new generation of pocket monsters and the new open-world layout. 

Something the trailer didn’t spend very much time on is the combat mechanics. It appears that we will be using the traditional menu-based combat rather than the Pokémon Legends: Arceus-style, but any specific changes were not explored at this time. 

new pokemon pawmi, lechonk, and smoliv

We might not have seen much combat, but we did see some of our new friends. Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet will be home to many pokémon you are probably familiar with, like Pikachu, Talonflame and Gengar, alongside the newest generation. In this new roster, we saw at least three Pokémon, including the best-named pokémon in history: lechonk. LECHONK! CHONKY BOI! The official descriptions for pawmi, lechonk and smoliv (in order of the picture above) are as follows:


In addition to the electric sacs in its cheeks, Pawmi has electricity-discharging organs on its forepaws. It generates electricity by rubbing its cheeks, then it shocks its opponents by touching them with the pads on its forepaws.

The fur that covers its body is good insulation against the cold and serves the purpose of storing electricity. When it feels uneasy, this cautious Pokémon will begin rubbing its cheeks, preparing itself to discharge an electric shock.

  • Category: Mouse Pokémon
  • Type: Electric
  • Height: 1′
  • Weight: 5.5 lbs.
  • Ability: Static / Natural Cure


Lechonk uses its sense of smell to find and eat only the most fragrant wild grasses and the richest Berries. As a result of its dining habits, it has come to radiate an aroma resembling herbs that Bug-type Pokémon dislike. If attacked by an opponent and startled, it will charge forward in a panic.

It may appear fat at first glance, but in reality, the Pokémon’s body is mostly muscle built by constantly walking around in search of food.

  • Category: Hog Pokémon
  • Type: Normal
  • Height: 1’8″
  • Weight: 22.5 lbs.
  • Ability: Aroma Veil / Gluttony


The oil that comes out of its head has a very strong bitter taste, and it is not suitable for consumption.
When startled or attacked, Smoliv will shoot this oil out, slowing its opponent down. It will then seize that moment to run away.

In the fruit on its head, Smoliv stores oil made from nutrients it gathers through photosynthesis. As a result, it can go for a week without eating or drinking. It prefers dry and sunny climates, and it seems to spend its days sunbathing.

  • Category: Olive Pokémon
  • Type: Grass/Normal
  • Height: 1′
  • Weight: 14.3 lbs.
  • Ability: Early Bird

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Starters Sprigatito, Fuecoco and Quaxly

There were also new details released for the new starter Pokémon Sprigatito, Fuecoco and Quaxly (as seen in order above) ahead of their Scarlet and Violet debut. 

Starting with the grass cat Sprigatito, it always needs to be the center of attention and has shifting moods. When it kneads its paws, it can release a mesmerizing aroma with therapeutic qualities that makes an opponent lose its battle tenacity. Its fur, which has a plant-like quality, can also perform photosynthesis.

Fire croc Fuecoco’s description reveals it has the same personality as me. It states that it is chill and eager to eat food at seemingly any time. Its square scales absorb external heat and convert it into “fire energy.” In turn, its scales can become burning hot. When Fuecoco gets excited, extra flames burst out of its head.

Water duckling Quaxly is more serious and likes to stay clean. Its feathers secrete a gel to repel water and grime, and “The coif on its head is slicked back using a rich, moist cream.” Quaxly uses its powerful legs to swim and deliver fast kicks to opponents.

Finally, we did get a look at the box art and the legendaries. The Pokémon Company has not yet released details on these Legendaries beyond that their names are Koraidon and Miraidon.

Which starter will you be picking? Who will you be playing with on this multiplayer journey? Tell us in the comments; we love to hear from you, gamers! Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet will be released on November 18, 2022, and are available for pre-order. 

The box art for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet.





Lauren Darnell
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