Don’t get your panties in a bunch…

Claudia Dolph

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~Claudia Dolph

I am exhausted that the subject of women’s equality and more specifically in the geek/pop culture world is still a constant fight.

Why is it so scary? Why do people hate to hear the word “Feminism”

Here’s the definition;

the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

I won’t go on too much because I’m sure it will be addressed again, sooner than later. But I will say if someone I don’t know finds out that my interest are of the geek nature the interrogation begins. Questions about comics, shows, movies, characters, what do I think of Zoe Quinn and on and on and sure I’m open to the discussion but why am I proving myself? Why would I make this up?

I completely understand that for some people out there this is a gimmick, a way to be popular and to make money. But please give those of us ladies who actually grew up, love and live this stuff, the benefit of the doubt, and please weigh in, I want to hear your thoughts on this topic!

For now, with light and love, So Say We(women)All,



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