Top 10 Badass Marvel Female Characters

Collage of Marvel female characters: Daisy Johnson, Monica Rambeau, Wanda Maximoff, Peggy Carter, and Gert Yorkes.

Happy International Women’s Day! It’s no secret that we at Geek Girl Authority love to celebrate women. Let’s face it — we kick ass. Not only that, but we love strong, complex women in geekdom. The nerdsphere. The geek-iverse. I’m a Marvel gal myself, so it stands to reason (sorry, WandaVision fans) that I should drum up … Read more


Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbactch) in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

The next big-screen entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Flowing from the events of several previous MCU movies and Disney+ streaming shows, Multiverse of Madness might be the most complicated MCU movie yet. Fortunately, Geek Girl Authority has a primer for the movies, shows, and additional … Read more

WHAT IF…? Has a Brand New Teaser With Steve Rogers

Captain Carter getting ready for action in the new What If...? teaser.

In a brand new teaser today for Marvel’s upcoming Disney Plus animated series What If…? we finally got the chance to see what Steve Rogers (voiced by Josh Keaton) is up to. The show’s premise is that the Watcher (voiced by Jeffrey Wright) is guiding us through different timelines within the MCU where the events differ … Read more

Marvel Dropped a New Watcher Poster for WHAT IF…?

The Watcher in Marvel's What If...? Series

In an exclusive interview with Entertainment Weekly, Jeffrey Wright from Marvel’s upcoming series What If…? on Disney Plus. The interview is a fantastic read and delves into voice work, recording during the pandemic and what it was like bringing the Watcher to life. Marvel also dropped a brand new character poster for the series featuring … Read more


the falcon and the winter soldier - sam wilson

This week we are continuing our series to prep you for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. A couple weeks ago, we did a bit of a deep dive into the comics that shaped Bucky into the Winter Soldier we see on the silver screen. It was quite a tipsy-turvy tumble down the rabbit hole; … Read more


the falcon and the winter solider logo

And now, we come to the end — the end of my three-part series prepping all of us for the release (eventually) of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney+. It was originally slated to hit the streaming service later this year, but due to complications with Covid-19, its release has been pushed.  But … Read more

We Asked Which Fictional Female Character Would Make the Best President and the Internet Answered!

It’s another rough Presidential campaign season. A woman, once again, will not sit in the Oval Office. The country finds itself with only white men over 70 as frontrunners in the United States election for both parties. Sigh. It’s 2020 for forks sake!  But, today is International Womens Day! So we took his grim reality … Read more

Marvel’s WHAT IF…? Releases First Look Trailer

Still of Marvel's What If...? title card

Ever thought about what would happen if the events of the Marvel Cinematic Universe played out slightly differently? If events had different outcomes or if another character had been in the spotlight? Well, that’s exactly the concept that Disney Plus’ new animated series, What If…?, explores! A new trailer was released as part of Marvel’s … Read more

All the Marvel News from Disney Investor Day

Marvel Studios Logo

There were so many Marvel announcements today at the Disney Investor Day. It’s all the news we’ve been waiting for and more. Is your head spinning? Mine is! Let’s take a look at coming for us.  DISNEY PLUS SERIES There were four trailers today for the Marvel series on Disney Plus. WandaVision, The Falcon and … Read more

Best Quotes From Female TV Characters

Still of Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m fairly certain this has been the longest three years of my life, and it’s only March. It’s easy to plunge into the melancholic abyss when your daily routine takes a turn for the dismal. Thankfully, we’re resilient creatures. We’ll weather the storm and then some. However, I … Read more

AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. Recap (S07E05): A Trout in the Milk

Agent May adapts to life in 1973 in Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. made some major waves last week when they saved Agent Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) from his historic death without changing history. In “A Trout in the Milk,” the Chronicoms are changing the game. The main Chronicom called Luke (Tobias Jelinek) stayed behind in 1955 to help Wilfred Malick (Neal Bledsoe) get … Read more

AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. Recap (S07E03): Alien Commies From the Future!

Enver Gjokaj as Daniel Sousa in Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are jumping through time to stop the Chronicoms from destroying S.H.I.E.L.D. In “Alien Commies from the Future!” Enver Gjokaj returns as Agent Daniel Sousa as the agents travel to Area 51. The agents barely missed their tide window, leaving 1931 and Enoch (Joel Stoffer) behind. They stopped the Chronicoms’ mission to … Read more

AGENTS OF SHIELD Unveils Final Season Poster

As excitement continues to build, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. reveals the poster for its highly-anticipated final season. We attempt to break it down below. With May 27th fast approaching, ABC and Marvel continue to release promo for the seventh and (unfortunately) final season of their flagship superhero show (see below). ABC/Marvel This season’s poster is … Read more

TV Review: Netflix’s CRIMINAL UK

Netflix‘s original mini-series Criminal: United Kingdom follows a small team of police detectives as they attempt to solve three separate and intriguing cases. With phenomenal performances and shocking twists, here’s our review. Whilst not an anthology series, each of Criminal‘s three episodes focus on a different criminal event, covering such topics as sexual assault, murder … Read more