SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S14E08) Byzantium


It’s always hard when a hunter dies on Supernatural.  But this is different. Jack (Alexander Calvert) is more than another hunter, he’s like…a son.  So it’s so surprise that Dean (Jensen Ackles) is taking his death really hard.  So hard that he refuse to watch him die.  While Castiel (Misha Collins) retrieves Dean, Jack says … Read more

SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S14E07) Unhuman Nature

Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles of Supernatural

Supernatural has lost a lot of beloved characters in the past, but there’s something about losing Jack (Alexander Calvert) that is really heart wrenching.  Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) took Jack’s grace at the end of last season, making him human.  So when Jack developed a cough, he just thought it was part of being human.  He didn’t … Read more

SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S14E06) Optimism


Life in the Midwest can look really quiet on Supernatural.  But we all know it’s not. Take for example, McCook, Nebraska.  A young librarian Harper (Maddie Phillips) goes into work. She is startled by a young man named Winston (Amitai Marmorstein). Another young man, Miles (Eanna O’Dowd) checks on Harper. She politely tells him to … Read more

SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S14E05) Nightmare Logic

Supernatural has a bunker full of new hunters this season.  Sam (Jared Padalecki) has been teaching them how to do research and protect themselves. The main question is, when will they be ready?  And is Dean (Jensen Ackles) ready?  That’s an even better question! RELATED: Read the Latest Episode Recap of SUPERNATURAL, “Mint Condition” Newbie … Read more

SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S14E04) Mint Condition

It’s all fun and games on Supernatural, until someone dies, right?  Dean is home and trying to get back to his old self.  What better way than to retreat to his man-cave.  But if anyone knows what it’s like to be possessed by an archangel, it’s Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki). So he knows that Dean … Read more

SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S14E03) The Scar

I’m going into this episode of Supernatural cautiously.  Dean (Jensen Ackles) is back, but it was way to easy.  Sam (Jared Padalecki), Mary (Samantha Smith) and Bobby (Jim Beaver) have been looking for him for a little over a month. And out of nowhere, Michael up and leaves?  Come on! These Angels are tricksy! Meanwhile, … Read more

SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S14E02) Gods and Monsters

Angels and demons are a norm on Supernatural, so possession is also a normal thing. Dean (Jensen Ackles) has been possessed by the Archangel Michael for about a month. Michael is looking for allies, but is disappointed by every human and angel he meets.  So why not turn to monsters? The man who Lucifer possessed all … Read more

SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S13E22) Exodus


The gang’s all here on Supernatural!  The Winchesters captured Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) to use his grace to not only open the rift to the Apocalypse world, but to also keep it open.  While Rowena (Ruth Connell) was left behind to babysit Luci. Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles), Castiel (Misha Collins), and Gabriel (Richard Speight … Read more

SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S13E21) Beat the Devil


The band is back together on Supernatural, with one goal in mind…save Mary (Samantha Smith) and Jack (Alexander Calvert).  Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki), and Castiel (Misha Collins) have enlisted a couple of old friends to help. Rowena (Ruth Connell), who is alive after  casting a resurrection spell so she cannot die. And Gabriel … Read more

SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S13E20) Unfinished Business


Angels seem to always create problems on Supernatural. The Winchesters found what they needed to get to the apocalypse world.  BUT! They need more angel grace to get back. And not just any angel grace, they need ArchAngel grace. There are only one Archangel that has been seen lately…Gabriel (Richard Speight Jr.). When they found … Read more

SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S13E19) Funeralia


The Winchesters experienced a setback last week on Supernatural. The Archangel Gabriel (Richard Speight Jr.) declined to help Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) rescue Mary (Samantha Smith) and Jack (Alexander Calvert).  Even after Sam and Cas (Misha Collins) helped Gabriel regain his dignity and strength. The nerve! The Winchesters need his grace to … Read more

SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S13E18) Bring ‘em Back Alive

And we’re off to the Apocalypse World on Supernatural. Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) gathered all of the ingredients they needed to complete the spell to open the rift. Dean is wasting no time to get to Mary (Samantha Smith) and Jack (Alexander Calvert).  Arthur Ketch (David Haydn-Jones) provided the final piece, the … Read more

SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S13E17) The Thing

Scooby-Doo and the gang was a lot of fun, but it’s time to get back to business on Supernatural. Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Cas (Misha Collins)are trying to rescue Mary (Samantha Smith) and Jack (Alexander Calvert) from the Apocalypse World. They found a spell in a demon tablet that will open a … Read more

SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S13E16) Scoobynatural

Supernatural is back! The Winchesters are still trying to find a way to get to the Apocalypse world to save their mom.  Every now and then they have to take a side job to help someone in need. And well…the Winchesters are always getting into something strange.  Get ready for the strangest of all, “Scoobynatural!” … Read more

SUPERNATURAL Recap: (S13E15) A Most Holy Man

Then…The Winchesters have the spell, now they need the ingredients. Pretty simple, right?  Not on Supernatural…nothing ever is. When the guys asked their friend and prophet Donatello (Keith Szarabajka) to find a spell, even that was like pulling teeth.  The spell was Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam’s (Jared Padalecki) only way of getting to the … Read more