OUTLANDER Season Finale Recap: (S07E16) A Hundred Thousand Angels

Melody McCune

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Lord John Grey and Jamie stand in a dimly lit room while engaged in a serious conversation on Outlander Season 7 Episode 16, "A Hundred Thousand Angels."

Outlander Season 7 Episode 16, “A Hundred Thousand Angels,” is a propulsive, heart-wrenching finale. We lose Jane and Rollo. Jamie and John still aren’t in a good place. To be fair, neither is Jamie and William. On the plus side, Roger reunites with his family, and they plan to return to the Frasers’ timeline. We also get a lovely Master Raymond appearance. However, the most jaw-dropping moment comes at the end with the revelation about Claire and Jamie’s stillborn daughter. She lived! 

“A Hundred Thousand Angels” is a solid season closer that moves at a decent clip and boasts compelling performances from the cast across the board. I’m excited to see where Season 8 takes us. 

RELATED: Read our recap of the previous Outlander episode, “Written in My Own Heart’s Blood”

Outlander, “A Hundred Thousand Angels” 

We open with two young girls, Jane and Fanny, as they run through a field together. They embrace their mother. We return to the present, with Jane (Silvia Presente) sitting with a reporter. He asks her questions for an in-depth piece on her, specifically about murdering Captain Harkness. What prompted her to stab him 26 times? Jane remarks that there are 52 cards in a deck: 26 red and 26 black. Perhaps Satan took hold of her.

Jane sits across from a white man at a table in a dimly lit home while looking distressed on Outlander Season 7 Episode 16, "A Hundred Thousand Angels."
OUTLANDER Season 7 Episode 16, “A Hundred Thousand Angels.” Photo courtesy of STARZ.

Jane refuses to give the journalist the time of day. The man insists that she’s marked for death. This might be her last chance to speak to someone. In fact, her sister might read the reporter’s article someday. That night in the church, Rachel (Izzy Meikle-Small) and Denzell (Joey Phillips) watch as Jamie (Sam Heughan) sits beside a sleeping Claire (Caitríona Balfe). Denzell already performed surgery on Claire. Now, she’s convalescing. 

Jamie tearfully refuses to let Claire die. She can’t leave him. Heughan is wonderful in this scene. He wishes he could give her his blood, but transfusions aren’t a thing in the 18th century. Claire wakes and promises she won’t die. They compare Claire thinking Jamie was dead (only five episodes ago) to Jamie almost losing Claire (again). But Jamie’s Sassenach is strong. 

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To Free Jane 

Next, William (Charles Vandervaart) asks Lord John Grey (David Berry) for help. He wants to free Jane. However, he’s not her family, making the situation significantly more challenging. William explains how he met Jane and that she was under his protection. He adds that, yes, she killed Harkness, but the act was in defense of her little sister. John vows to gather intel on Jane. 

William sits at a table in the British Army camp with his father Lord John Grey on Outlander Season 7 Episode 16, "A Hundred Thousand Angels."
OUTLANDER Season 7 Episode 16, “A Hundred Thousand Angels.” Photo courtesy of STARZ.

Then, Ian (John Bell) returns from scouting and reunites with Rachel and Rollo. Ian also reunites with Jamie, informing him that he and John saved William. All is well. Jamie and Rachel tell Ian about Claire’s injury but reassure him that she’s on the road to recovery. Meanwhile, John returns with more info on Jane. He reveals that she signed a confession. Jane’s only objection was that she allegedly stabbed Harkness 26 times and then cut his throat. William insists Jane only stabbed the man once. 

Rachel and Ian embrace while standing outside in the countryside on an overcast day on Outlander Season 7 Episode 16, "A Hundred Thousand Angels."
OUTLANDER Season 7 Episode 16, “A Hundred Thousand Angels.” Photo courtesy of STARZ.

John discloses Jane’s location at a cabin under guard by British soldiers. She won’t receive a trial and will be executed. John grabs William’s hand, reminding him it’s not all in vain. Jane saved Fanny. 

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Someday, You Will Know 

Meanwhile, Jamie helps Claire urinate. Claire examines her urine, and thankfully, there’s no blood. She asks Jamie to snuggle up with her in bed. Claire reveals she wants to go home to the Ridge. Jamie honors her wish. That night, Claire receives an unexpected visitor: Master Raymond (Dominique Pinon). He asks her for forgiveness. When Claire asks for context, Raymond simply replies, “Someday, you will know.”

The following morning, Claire wonders if Jamie saw Master Raymond. He claims nobody passed through the church while she slept. She explains she chatted with her Parisian friend. Jamie suggests Claire dreamt about him. Claire pivots, remembering their stillborn daughter, Faith. She asks Jamie if she’ll see Faith when she dies in Heaven. Jamie reassures her she will. That’s what makes death easier to bear. 

Buck and Roger wear 18th-century-era garb while leading their horses through the Scottish countryside on an overcast day on Outlander Season 7 Episode 16, "A Hundred Thousand Angels."
OUTLANDER Season 7 Episode 16, “A Hundred Thousand Angels.” Photo courtesy of STARZ.

A Heartwarming Reunion 

In 1739 Scotland, Roger (Richard Rankin) and Buck (Diarmaid Murtagh) reunite with Brianna (Sophie Skelton), Jemmy (Blake Johnston Miller) and Mandy (Rosa Morris). Naturally, Roger is overjoyed to see his family. Elsewhere, John visits Claire. He calls her “dear.” Jamie ain’t a fan of this. John whirls around, asking Jamie if they need to revisit their conversation from Philadelphia. It’s clear Jamie is still struggling to forgive John. Before John leaves, he updates Jamie on William and the latter’s mission to free Jane. 

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Denzell expresses his relief that Claire is up and about. Claire thanks him for a successful surgery. He pulled it off. Back in 1739, Brianna chats with Brian (Andrew Whipp), who’s unaware he’s interacting with his granddaughter. Brian allows the MacKenzies to stay at Lallybroch. Brian admits Bree reminds him of his late wife, Ellen (Jamie’s mother). The resemblance is striking. They discuss familial ties and how we connect with loved ones, especially after they pass. 

Later, William winds up on Jamie’s doorstep, asking for help. Claire encourages Jamie to give his son a helping hand. At the same time, Jane stands in her room, a bottle of liquor in hand and her wrists shackled. She takes a swig of alcohol while watching the Northern Lights dance across the sky. She waves at them. 

William Ransom, a white young man, wears a Revolutionary War-era dark blue jacket with a brown belt around the waist. His dark blonde hair is pulled back in a ponytail. He looks at someone out of frame with focus.
OUTLANDER Season 7 Episode 16, “A Hundred Thousand Angels.” Photo courtesy of STARZ.

A Tragedy 

Then, Jamie and William arrive at the cabin where Jane is held. They break in through a window. William knocks the sole British soldier standing guard over her unconscious. They race upstairs to Jane’s bedroom. 

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Unfortunately, it’s too late. William and Jamie discover Jane has slit her wrists with the liquor bottle. William removes the shackles from her wrists and places her in her bed. Jamie cuts a lock of her hair and gives it to William. He says it’s for young Fanny. William wants to give her a good burial; however, more British soldiers are on the way with torches. Jamie persuades William to hightail it out of there. RIP, Jane. 

Later, William takes Fanny (Florrie Wilkinson) to the church to meet Claire and Jamie. After the Frasers offer Fanny a place to sit, Jamie vows to protect her. She can accompany them to Fraser’s Ridge. Fanny refuses to leave until she sees Jane one last time. 

Fanny and William walk through the countryside during the day while a horse stands behind them on Outlander Season 7 Episode 16, "A Hundred Thousand Angels."
OUTLANDER Season 7 Episode 16, “A Hundred Thousand Angels.” Photo courtesy of STARZ.

The Truth 

Then, Claire and Fanny give Jamie and William privacy to chat. William wants to know everything about Jamie’s night of passion with his late mother. Did Jamie take her by force? Did he love her? Jamie reveals he didn’t love her, but he also didn’t have sex with her after she wed. Jamie regrets the nature of his union with William’s mother and her death; however, he doesn’t regret William’s birth. When it seems like William has softened toward Jamie, he declares he’ll never call Jamie “father.” Ouch. 

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Next, Jamie and Claire take Fanny to where the soldiers buried Jane. Unfortunately, none of the graves there are marked. Fanny cries out, wondering aloud how she’ll find Jane. Claire sits with the weeping Fanny and gives her Jane’s personal effects. Among them is a necklace with a rendering of their mother. Claire notices the name “Faith” etched on the outside. She remarks that it’s a lovely name (the same as her stillborn daughter). 

Claire encourages Fanny to tell her stories about Jane. Memories keep our loved ones alive. We learn that Jane loved the Northern Lights. Their mother called them the dancing of “a hundred thousand angels.” If you wave to them, they’ll take you home to Heaven. Fanny wonders if Jane is in Heaven. Side note: Florrie Wilkinson is so good here. What a talented young actress. 

Jamie Fraser, a middle-aged white man, wears a Revolutionary War-era white button-down blouse with a dark blue vest. His blonde hair is pulled back in a ponytail. He stands in a dimly lit room while looking focused.
OUTLANDER Season 7 Episode 16, “A Hundred Thousand Angels.” Photo courtesy of STARZ.

The Goodest Boy 

After this, Ian and Rachel lay in bed. Ian wants to return to the Ridge, but only if Rachel is okay with it. She admits she’ll miss Denzell. However, she longs for a place to call home — a place where they can raise a family. The following morning, Ian wakes up and calls for Rollo. Rollo is unresponsive. He died overnight. This is the worst thing ever to happen. Admittedly, I was a weepy mess during this part of the episode. RIP, Rollo. 

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In 1739, Roger and Bree wonder whether they should return to 1980 or go elsewhere. Roger reveals it’s not a question of where but when. After all, Mandy is in good health. Bree misses her parents. Perhaps they’ll go forward a few decades. 

Later, Jamie, Ian and Rachel pack up their belongings for their journey to the Ridge. Jamie offers his condolences on Rollo’s passing. Claire overhears someone singing inside the church. She ventures within, noting that Fanny sings a song from the 20th century. 

Faith Lived 

Claire asks Fanny where she heard the tune. Fanny reveals that her mother sang it to her when she was younger. We see a flashback of Claire singing the song to her stillborn daughter, Faith, in Paris. It dawns on Claire. She whirls around to Jamie to share quite the bombshell. Claire believes their daughter lived. That would make Fanny their granddaughter. Mind. Blown. 

RELATED: Read our Outlander recaps

This must be why Raymond asked for forgiveness. It has something to do with Faith. 

Outlander is now streaming on the STARZ app. Outlander: Blood of My Blood, a new prequel series, debuts this summer on STARZ. 

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Melody McCune
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