ORPHAN BLACK Continues in Comic Book Series CRAZY SCIENCE

Jenny Flack

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Clone Clubbers can cease their time of mourning after the end of Orphan Black! The story will live on in the form of a six-part comic book miniseries from writer Heli Kennedy and artist Fico Ossio. The comic is called Crazy Science, and it picks up after the TV series finale with Cosima and Delphine.  

The comic will follow Cosima and Delphine as they travel the world curing 274 other sick Leda clones. And, in an interview with IGN, Kennedy, who previously penned the Orphan Black: Deviations comic, confirmed that the old sestras and ‘Cophine’ will be drawn into “an international mystery.”  Kennedy also said this about working on the comic, “I’m so excited to send Cosima and Delphine around the world.  A scientist-superhero couple, saving clones in amazing locations — I couldn’t ask for much more, story-wise,” Neither could we!! 

RELATED:  ORPHAN BLACK’S The Final Trip Is the Gift That Keeps on Giving With Season 5 Blooper Reel

There’s no official word on whether Orphan Black will return to screens.  But, co-creators John Fawcett and Graeme Manson have expressed interest in making a feature film.  For now, the comic book series is welcome news. It launches this June.  



Jenny Flack
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