Saturday Morning Webtoons: ORDEAL and POUND

Julia Roth

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Che standing in the rain with his back to the viewer in the Ordeal WEBTOON series next to a shot of Leo upclose looking determined while tying his glove on in the Pound WEBTOON.

Good morning, fellow WEBTOON readers, and welcome to this week’s installment of Saturday Morning Webtoons! This is where we shine a light on two WEBTOONs we are thoroughly enjoying. These stories have captivated us chapter after chapter each week, and we couldn’t pass up sharing them with you! So grab your favorite snacks and an electronic device and settle into these sensational stories.

DISCLAIMER: The following posts may contain spoilers for Ordeal and Pound.

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Che looking in the mirror in his dressing room while two men try to threaten him in the Ordeal WEBTOON Original Series.
Ordeal WEBTOON Original Series.

Kicking off the action this week is Brent Bristol’s Ordeal. The series follows Che, a human surrounded by a world filled with superpowered people. These “Kimyos” can have abilities that range from semi-normal to superhero/villain level. Che’s only wish is to become one of the world’s greatest fighters. But when he loses his beloved mentor, Che takes on a new mission to avenge his death, bring justice and uncover his true power.

We are always down for an action WEBTOON, and Ordeal fills all our needs. The series gives us Naruto and My Hero Academia vibes with a more mature feel. It still has comedic moments, but it’s the action we are over the moon about. Che is an incredible character to follow. The world is well thought out and something that we have found ourselves fully invested in. Plus, the action scenes are the perfect amount of beauty and bloody.

Ordeal updates every Friday. Readers can find it on the official WEBTOON page.

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Leo fighting another superhuman in the Pound WEBTOON Original Series.
Pound WEBTOON Original Series.

Our second series this week is keeping up on the action. Tony Karnowki and Orlando Caicedo’s Pound introduces readers to the World Fighting League. When regular sports like football, hockey, baseball, and so on become too dull, switch over to WFL. But these aren’t your average fighters. Each sports incredible superhuman powers that give audiences a gritty fight. Behind the scenes, it can be even worse as corruption and fame go hand in hand. That is until someone arrives on the scene with a mission to bring it all down.

Pound is another incredible action series that reminds us of anime like Naruto and My Hero Academia. Like Ordeal, this story takes a more mature route, though the action and story are slightly toned down. It’s a great bridge WEBTOON for readers looking to branch into the action series without fully committing to major blood and gore. The story has a feel-good vibe to it that makes watching Leo succeed feel like a win in your own book.

Pound is complete. Readers can find it on the official WEBTOON page.

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Julia Roth
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