New Teaser for THE PUNISHER Shows a Brutal Side to Frank Castle

Matt Key

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It’s not exactly clear what the marketing strategy is for the next Marvel series out of Netflix, The Punisher, but what is clear is that they have our attention. Entering the final quarter of the year, we still know very little about the series, including an actual premiere date. In fact, short of a short teaser that followed The Defenders, we still don’t even have a trailer. Just about the only thing we know with certainty is that the series features Jon Bernthal reprising his Daredevil role of Frank Castle, the war hero who turned violent vigilante after watching the mob gun down his family.

Instead, what we’re getting from the studio are small little twitter teasers. Last week we got a teaser showing classified documents about an Operation Cerberus in Kandahar where Castle was apparently a whistleblower for some shady government work. We’ve also got some new pictures to give us a look at these characters, like Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Castles only “friend,” known as Micro.

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Today brings us a new teaser featuring Castle in action. He’s in the woods in broad daylight being hunted by soldiers. The footage comes a lot from body cams and has that sort of trademark jumpiness we’ve come to expect from these teasers. The soldiers are presumably men from his own platoon turning on him, but that’s unclear. It could just as easily be men sent to capture him stateside; after all, those woods look more “North America” than “Kandahar.” It’s not even really clear if this is footage from the series or footage shot exclusively for promotion.

Just about the only thing that is abundantly clear is that the hunted have become the hunter and Castle is a brutal, undaunted killing machine. But, really, we already knew that.

Matt Key
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