At midnight PST last night, Netflix released their newest Marvel series, The Defenders. This half season mini-series has been the culminating promise of almost three years in the making, bringing all four of Netflix’s Marvel heroes — Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist — together for the first time to fight a common foe.
However, the second season of Daredevil brought in one other hero — The Punisher Frank Castle, played perfectly by Jon Bernthal. It was always assumed that he’d get his own series but then, when fan reception of the character was so high, it was a foregone conclusion and now we have a teaser for his upcoming first solo outing.
RELATED: New Posters for Defenders and The Punisher Arrive at San Diego Comic Con
This does not appear to be the teaser that played at SDCC last month, but we still get some great bits in there. It seems that there is a lot of wartime footage in the trailer, which leads us to wonder if there will be any nods to the Garth Ennis story, Born, which saw the hints of the Punisher to come while Frank Castle was stationed in Vietnam. That story is a brutal one about how much the men in Castle’s unit feared and respected him and how Castle refused, in the most brutal of ways, to let any commanders put his men needlessly at risk. It’s a challenging story where Castle seems to always do the worst things, but always for the right reasons.
Over images of Castle’s past in the military and happy times with his children, we hear Frank Castle saying, “All the things I’d done, memories, they never hurt me. But the past is more than memories; it’s the devil you sold your soul to. And he’s coming. He’s coming to collect.” We get the feeling that his words could go in both ways, that either the devil is coming for Castle, for all he’s done, or Castle himself is the devil and he’s coming for those who have sold their souls.
Edited in with the clips of Castle’s past, we see him smashing concrete with a sledge hammer. It’s unclear what exactly he’s doing, what exactly he’s attempting to do, but the end result is to see the Punisher’s skull logo smashed into the concrete. Which is awesome. So the end result of all that smashing was to have some awesome.
EDIT: Original video replaced with an HD version
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