New MIDDLE-EARTH: SHADOW OF WAR Vignette Gives Us a Look at the Warmonger Tribe

Renee Lopez

We’re only a week away from the release of Middle-Earth: Shadow of War and Warner Bros. and Monolith Productions just released a new vignette giving us an in-depth look into the Warmonger Tribe.  

The Warmonger Tribe is probably the most bloodthirsty of all the orc tribes in Shadow of War. According to the press release, for a Warmonger Orc “every moment not spent in battle is a moment wasted as their greatest warchiefs are those who have cared a bloody swatch across Mordor.” To describe them as “terrifying” might be an understatement.

In Shadow of War, orcs will now belong to seven different tribes, and those tribes will provide the players with missions, deeper exploration opportunities, and a closer look into Orc society. In the past month, we have been given quick peeks into the other tribes including:  

The Dark Tribe 
  • Stealthy, assassin orcs who use the night to their advantage.
  • Watch the video here
The Mystic Tribe
  • Arcane orcs who can raise the dead.
  • Watch the video here.
The Feral Tribe 
  • Wild hunter orcs who control fearsome beasts.
  • Watch the video here.
The Marauder Tribe 
  • Ostentatious orcs who fight for power and glory (and a lot of bling).
  • Watch the video here.
The Machine Tribe 
  • Powerful orcs who build weapons and warmachines to tear down their enemies.
  • Watch the video here.
The Terror Tribe 
  • Fierce orcs who relish in inflicting pain and instilling fear.
  • Watch the video here.

Now that we have seen all seven tribes, there is no doubt that Talion (Troy Baker) and Celebrimbor (Alastair Duncan) will have their work cut out for them. With the new Nemesis System in place, players will be able to lead their own Orc army against Sauron. Players can also utilize Followers who will fight alongside our protagonists as they storm the unique fortresses of each Orc tribe. This level of customization will be key in bringing down Sauron and turning all of Mordor against him.  

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War will launch on October 10th for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The game, like 2015’s Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, is set between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It continues the story of Talion and Celebrimbor, the Bright Lord, as they go into Mordor to forge a new Ring of Power. You can see the new Warmonger Tribe video on YouTube and you can see some screenshots below in the Gallery.


Renee Lopez
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