Netflix Drop Event: New Spooky Peek at MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVOLUTION

Julia Roth

Skeletor behind the Sword of Power in Masters of the Universe: Revolution.

Do you have the power? We sure hope so because Masters of the Universe: Revolution is back. During the Netflix Drop Event today, fans of the Kevin Smith adaptation of the iconic animated series got a glimpse at an exclusive clip. Smith dropped the first series, Masters of the Universe: Revelation, back in 2021, giving us Teela (voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar) as the main character.

The exclusive Masters of the Universe: Revolution clip features He-Man (voiced by Chris Wood) facing off against Scareglow (voiced by Tony Todd). During the first series, Scareglow went head to head with Teela as she tried to repair the Sword of Power after it was torn apart. We knew this wasn’t the last time we would see the terrifying villain, and we weren’t wrong.

RELATED: Check out our Masters of the Universe: Revelation recaps!

But why is He-Man here? And where are his friends? And why is his dad flying around in a suit? We have tons of questions, and hopefully, we will get some answers sooner rather than later. Revelation focused heavily on Teela’s story and uncovering her ultimate role within the universe. We are hoping that Revolution will expand on additional characters while also setting the focus on He-Man’s new chance at life.

We don’t have an official release date for Masters of the Universe: Revolution, but Netflix has promised it will drop in 2024. Check out the exclusive clip below. What are your thoughts so far? Let us know in the comments below and on social media! If you haven’t watched Revelation, check it out here!

Julia Roth
Catch Me

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