Mystery Unveiled: Marvel Confirms Jude Law’s Character in CAPTAIN MARVEL

Erin Lynch

Promotional Image of Jude Law playing Yon-Rogg in MCU's Captain Marvel

Speculation has been surrounding Jude Law‘s character in Captain Marvel since the very beginning. Was he the original Captain Mar-vell whose DNA granted Carol Danvers her powers? Was he the villain Yon-Rogg whose battle with Mar-vell helped create Ms. Marvel? Could the character he’s playing be someone new? Well the answer has finally been revealed thanks to Marvel’s red carpet coverage of the premiere.

Jude Law will be playing Starforce Commander Yon-Rogg, a decorated Kree soldier who shows hostility towards Earth and it’s civilians. In the comics, he’s a villain but it’s unclear whether or not Law’s version will always be a villain. He could always be on her side until the very end. However, with Starforce members like Ronan the Accuser, Korath the Pursuer and Doctor Minn-erva, things could get very messy very quickly for Carol.

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The announcement of Law’s character comes close after Annette Bening revealed she was playing the Supreme Intelligence, leader of the Kree Empire. So now with these mysteries out of the way, the only one still looming is – what do the Skrulls want with Earth and Carol? That’s something we won’t know for another 9 days. For now, we can all begin to speculate on whether or not this Yon-Rogg will remain an ally to Carol or immediately betray her, sending her on an anti-war path. 

What do you think of the news? Are you looking forward to Jude Law playing Yon-Rogg? Let us know! Be sure to come back to Geek Girl Authority for more Marvel news. Captain Marvel is directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. The script comes from Boden, Fleck, Liz FlahiveCarly MenschMeg LeFauveNicole Perlman and Geneva Robertson-Dworet. The film stars Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Jude Law, Clark GreggLee PaceDjimon HounsouGemma Chan, Ben MendelsohnLashana LynchAlgenis Perez SotoMcKenna Grace and Annette Bening. 

Captain Marvel soars into theaters on March 8th, 2019. Higher, Further, Faster, baby.



Erin Lynch

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