MS. MARVEL Ramps Up Action in New Trailer Ahead of Disney Plus Debut

Lauren Darnell

Kamala Khan (Iman Velleni) in the new Ms. Marvel poster art.

Gather round, geeks; we have our second look at the upcoming Ms. Marvel series! The first trailer was overlaid with graphics, giving off the same vibe as a mid-2000s lighthearted teen crush movie. Thankfully, this trailer went a different direction, providing the setup and expectations for a good superhero series. This second trailer reveals a better look at the serious tone the series will be taking with Kamala Khan’s (played by Iman Vellani) story. 

How Ms. Marvel is introduced reminds me of another teen hero, Spider-Man. We learn Kamala’s mantra for her hero work. The mantra provides the audience with something to connect to; even if we can’t understand her pressure as a superhero, we can comprehend this.

Peter Parker has his famous “with great power; there must also come great responsibility” line from Uncle Ben. Kamala gets her mantra from her Sheikh, a leader in Arabic communities, who says to her:

“Good is not a thing you are, Kamala. It is a thing you do.”

RELATED: What To Know About Ms. Marvel

Speaking of her Sheikh, we see more of Kamala’s home life and religious practices. One of the reasons many people love Marvel stories is they’re not only a mythic struggle between superpowered beings; there is always a focus on the humanizing elements of the characters.

I’m relieved to see there will be a focus on her story outside of high school. Being an Islamic-practicing Pakistani-American teenager is one of the most vital parts of her story and character development. 

The new trailer also gives us a better look at Ms. Marvel’s power set and how she inherits her mantle. We see Kamala find an old band with a powerband. The energy it emits is blue but seems to work similarly to how Green Lantern’s power set does regarding matter manipulation. We have action, drama, friendship, community and nerd talk in one trailer! What more could you want? 

Ms. Marvel will start streaming on Disney Plus on June 8. Check out the trailer below!



Lauren Darnell
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