Julia Roth

Masters of the Universe: Revelation Skeletor.

Part two of Netflix’s Masters of the Universe: Revelation is wasting no time kicking the action into gear. We are seeing the effects of Skeletor (voiced by Mark Hamill) controlling the power. In episode seven, Reason and Blood, we see Skeletor and Savage He-Man (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) go head to head. What could go wrong? Actually, don’t ask any questions. It’s best just to enjoy the mayhem!

DISCLAIMER: This, my friends, is a recap and, by nature, will include major spoilers. I highly suggest watching Masters of the Universe: Revelation first before diving into these. Binge all five episodes here!

RELATED: Tiffany Smith Chats Masters of the Universe: Revelation and Her Love for Andra!

Reason and Blood picks up exactly where we left off. Savage He-Man is ready for a fight and Skeletor is in his sights. This turns into an all-out brawl bringing Teela (voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Andra (voiced by Tiffany Smith) into the fray. Skeletor manages to send Savage He-Man flying and while he heads off to put an end to him, he reanimates the rest of the army to deal with Teela and the others.

What Skeletor isn’t prepared for, however, is the immense power that Savage He-Man holds. Even with pulling out all the stops, he still isn’t able to bring Savage He-Man to his knees. Teela’s right when she tells Andra that the entire city will be destroyed if they don’t stop now. Just as Skeletor has Savage He-Man on the ropes, Teela uses her newfound power to transport them out of the city and away to safety.

At Castle Grayskull, Evil-Lyn (voiced by Lena Headey) is getting the troops up to speed on how things will be handled from here on out. How failure won’t be tolerated and dealt with accordingly. Her rousing speech is cut short when Skeletor returns demanding answers about Savage He-Man. Did Evil-Lyn allow him to access this power? She says no, but I don’t think I am entirely convinced just yet. She is the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull now and has just as much power as Skeletor. Plans change, of course, since Skeletor now needs Savage He-Man alive to figure out what is really going on. And once he understands that power, he will use it to put an end to him once and for all.

Reason and Blood jumps to Teela and the others who have been transported to the Mystic Mountains. Teela seems a bit winded, but that could be from using her power too soon after healing Adam (voiced by Chris Wood). Savage He-Man, however, is just as worked up as before. Even Cringer (voiced by Stephen Root) isn’t able to talk him down. His state of mind brings up a lot of questions that Teela doesn’t know the answers to. But I don’t think they need to be too worried about him attacking them; if he was going to, I think he would have done so already.

Savage He-Man in Masters of the Universe: Revelation
Masters of the Universe: Revelation. Image courtesy of Netflix.

Teela tries to explain to them that she transported them to the Mystic Mountains because she heard something calling to her. But before she can go any more in-depth, Savage He-Man sniffs something out and heads off running while the others chase after him. They can’t let Savage He-Man out of their sites; who knows what might happen!

Back at Castle Grayskull, Man-At-Arms (voiced by Liam Cunningham) is trying to wrestle down the Orlax of Primeria when Skeletor knocks it out. Man-At-Arms makes a snippy comment about Skeletor not killing it, which wins the rebuttal that it can’t be killed. Seems like there are things even Skeletor can’t do with his newfound power. We also learn that Man-At-Arms is still alive because, in a way, Skeletor respects him. As a warrior, he deserves to die in battle.

But Skeletor isn’t ready to give Man-At-Arms his final battle just yet. As a Guardian of Castle Grayskull and having knowledge of He-Man’s secret identity, Skeletor plans to question him first. Man-At-Arms (or who I will forever call Duncy now) sees Skeletor as stealing the power, never allowing it to return when he is done using it. What makes Adam the true hero is that he only ever used the power to help others. Which might be precisely why it sees him as worthy of calling it down without the Sword of Power.

Reason and Blood transports us back to the Mystic Mountains, where Teela and the others try to catch up with Savage He-Man. It turns out he sniffed out a Manticore and turned the poor thing inside-out. Andra is rightfully terrified of Savage He-Man and is still worried that something terrible could happen to them. And rightfully so, because while Teela is trying to explain how Adam isn’t able to hold onto reason when calling down the power without the sword, Savage He-Man has set his sights on them. Guess my earlier theory was wrong.

Teela, Andra and Cringer in Masters of the Universe: Revelation
Masters of the Universe: Revelation. Image courtesy of Netflix.

Teela tries to call him down and promises that she will find a way to get him back. However, when she mentions his father, the rage comes back. She tries to pry him off and tell him that he is hurting her, but it’s the horns that send him running again. Teela and the others set off after him again. It turns out the horns are coming from Point Dread, which has been shrouded from Castle Grayskull and Skeletor. It appears that Savage He-Man is actually after his father, King Randor (voiced by Diedrich Bader).

Teela tries to calm him down again, but Savage He-Man’s rage is at an all-time high. He nearly takes out the entire army until he is literally tied down. When Randor realizes that this must mean Prince Adam is back, he struggles to share how losing Adam the first time left him near dead inside. He even admits how he failed as a father by focusing too much on who he thought Adam should be and not who he truly was. He was already incredible and the true hero they always needed. Randor tells his men to stand down and just as Savage He-Man is going to crush him, Randor hugs his son.

This moment between them is precisely what Adam needed to regain control of the power and send it back. Such an emotional moment between father and son and something that Adam has needed since the very beginning.

We return to Castle Grayskull, where Evil-Lyn and Beast Man (voiced by Kevin Michael) share why they choose to follow Skeletor. Beast Man doesn’t seem to like how Skeletor played Evil-Lyn and reminds her that as Sorceress, she has the power to take it all from him. When she shares that she is worried that Skeletor has no idea where he is leading them, Beast Man suggests she take over leadership. This definitely seems to anger Evil-Lyn and she sends him on his way.

Reason and Blood come to an end as Evil-Lyn looks in on Randor and Adam, sharing their bonding moment. It seems that she is searching for all of the times that the power has been sent back. Either by choice or force. What could she be up to? Is this to help Skeletor? Or is she still hurt over his actions before and looking for a way to stop him?

RELATED: Check out all of our Masters of the Universe: Revelation recaps here!

What an episode. It balances the action we have been expecting to see within Masters of the Universe: Revelation with the emotional journey Kevin Smith and his crew have been taking these characters on. I am actually relieved to see He-Man and his father, King Randor, forgive each other for the past. It shows how much they both have grown. Also, I would be 100% down for Savage He-Man to return. No brains, all brawn here. The perfect weapon to use against Skeletor! But, I imagine that He-Man will find a way to balance the power and his sanity. Now let’s see if Teela and Andra get any more growth over the next three episodes!

Let’s not waste any more time and jump into the next episode of part two!



Julia Roth
Catch Me

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