Julia Roth

Masters of the Universe: Revelation

After what has felt like years of waiting (really, it has only been months), Netflix has dropped the second part of Kevin Smith‘s Masters of the Universe: Revelation! If you haven’t watched the first part, I highly suggest checking that out before continuing! Good? Okay! The last we left our heroes, things weren’t looking good. Just when Teela (voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar), Andra (voiced by Tiffany Smith) and He-Man (voiced by Chris Wood) thought they had finally saved Eternia, Skeletor (voiced by Mark Hamill) obtains the power! In part two’s first episode, Cleaved in Twain, the heroes watch on as Skeletor exploits his newfound power!

DISCLAIMER: This, my friends, is a recap and, by nature, will include major spoilers. I highly suggest watching Masters of the Universe: Revelation first before diving into these. Binge all five episodes here!

RELATED: Keep up with Masters of the Universe: Revelation with our recap for episode five, The Forge at the Forest of Forever!

Cleaved in Twain opens with a flashback to Teela-Na (Sorceress) (voiced by Susan Eisenberg) saying goodbye to baby Teela and Duncan (Man-at-Arms) (voiced by Liam Cunningham). She leaves Teela with a gift that will appear when she needs it the most and heads off on her own journey to explore the universe. It’s an emotional scene as Sorceress gives up her life as a mother to protect Castle Grayskull.

We flashback to the future as Skeletor and Evil-Lyn (voiced by Lena Headey) round up the heroes and thankfully, it looks like Prince Adam is alive – for now. Skeletor marvels on about how he now has the power and knows the true secrets of Castle Grayskull and that finally, he will be able to put a stop to He-Man once and for all. Adam uses this moment to stand up for himself and lay a trap so Cringer (voiced by Stephen Root) can knock Evil-Lyn’s scepter out of her hand and release the others.

A mini battle begins and while it looks like Teela might be able to get Adam out alive, Cringer, Man-at-Arms and Andra aren’t able to hold the others back for long. Especially since Skeletor still has the power. Just when the group is cornered and looking down the wrong end of the Sword of Power, Sorceress uses the last of her power to block Skeletor’s path and transport the others away. Angered, Skeletor decides it’s time for a new Sorceress and stabs her through the stomach, leaving Man-at-Arms to rush to her side. Even Evil-Lyn is shocked by the turn of events.

Masters of the Universe: Revelation scene featuring Skeletor and Sorceress.
Masters of the Universe: Revelation Image courtesy of Netflix.

The others awake at the palace and Adam is in rough shape after losing a lot of blood. Teela focuses on the power within her and with the help of the Sorceress, she is able to heal Adam. But it seems like this last bit of help is all she will get. Back at Castle Grayskull, Sorceress passes and Skeletor has Man-at-Arms locked away in the dungeon. Once everyone is out of the way, he turns his sights on setting Evil-Lyn up as the next Sorceress of Castle Grayskull. He also shares that he did indeed hide away in her scepter and fed off her power until he could return.

Evil-Lyn isn’t stupid and realizes that he used her to get them to exactly where they are right now. But, of course, he doesn’t see that as a bad thing. In fact, he is paying her back by granting her more of his power by making her Sorceress of Castle Grayskull. The catch, though, is that she will never be able to leave again. And now that she is bound to these halls, he plans on continuing to use her. The first job? Find out where Teela and the others went.

At the palace, Teela and Andra almost get into a fight with Clamp-Champ (voiced by Method Man) and Fisto (voiced by Ralph Garman) over a misunderstanding. Cringer, however, steps in and clears things up before it gets ugly. They are fine with Teela, but still not okay with Andra being there. However, this time Adam steps up and clears things up along with how he came back to life. They share that after what was happening at Castle Grayskull, the entire city of Eternos was told to evacuate, including Adam’s parents.

Masters of the Universe: Revelation scene featuring Savage He-Man.
Masters of the Universe: Revelation. Image courtesy of Netflix.

Just as Adam is getting Clamp-Champ and Fisto up to speed, Skeletor shows up and turns everyone in Eternos into members of the undead. Talk about not wasting any time on his part. Skeletor then spots Adam and the others and sends corrosive mists after them. After a few near misses, the crew is able to get safely within the castle walls. However, Clamp-Champ and Fisto were both touched and turn to the dark side. They put up a pretty good fight, but Teela and the others make it out alive in the end.

Adam tries to make Teela feel better about having to kill their friends, but Skeletor ruins the moment by popping up and reminding them that he has control over life and death. Which also means that he has control over Adam, who is technically dead but not dead? It turns out that this is the kind of power that Adam had while He-Man, but he never chose to use it against Skeletor or anyone else.

Cleaved in Twain comes to an end with Prince Adam standing his ground against Skeletor. It turns out that the Sword of Power was only ever a conduit to control the power and Adam has been wondering what kind of power he would get without it. And let’s just say that this new savage He-Man (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) looks like a real contender now.

RELATED: Check out all of our Masters of the Universe: Revelation recaps here!

What a way to kick start part two! We were left with quite the cliffhanger and this episode picks up on those feelings. Skeletor has the power and starts wrecking things right away. First, he puts an end to Sorceress and then locks up Man-At-Arms. He is in for a world of hurt when Man-At-Arms finally gets his revenge. As far as our heroes go, He-Man seems to be safe for now, but he is really playing with fire by trying to control the power without the sword. Is he going to be like the intelligent Hulk or the savage one without a care in the world? Only time will tell.

We’ve got four more episodes of Masters of the Universe: Revelation, so let’s waste no time and dive into the next one!



Julia Roth
Catch Me

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