LISEY’S STORY Recap: (S01E07) No Light, No Spark

Julia Roth

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Lisey and her sisters at Scott's funeral in Lisey's Story.

Apple TV’s adaptation of Stephen King‘s Lisey’s Story is down to its final two episodes. The sisters are finally reunited and it’s time for Lisey (Julianne Moore) to face off against Jim Dooley (Dane DeHaan). In episode seven, “No Light, No Spark,” we learn how Scott (Clive Owen) eventually died and what Lisey has in store for Jim Dooley once she gets him on Booya Moon.

DISCLAIMER: These are recaps and, by nature, will have spoilers. If you haven’t gotten the chance to catch up on Lisey’s Story, I highly suggest you do so! It can be found here on Apple TV.

TW: Self-harm, abuse, graphic violence, child abuse

RELATED: Catch up on Lisey’s Story with our recap for episode six, Now You Must Be Still!

“No Light, No Spark” opens with a flashback to one of Scott’s book tour signings and live reading. As he is making his way through the crowd, we see a man stalking him from the outside. It looks as if he is going to hurt him, but it turns out he only made him a replica wand from one of his books. We do get the impression, though, that situations like these have Scott on edge. Scott is feeling a bit under the weather and we start to see his previous injuries coming back. Almost like all the times he healed at Booya Moon are being revered.

He is trying to clean himself up in the theater’s bathroom when all the sinks mysteriously turn on and the toilets start to overrun and he disappears. Moments later, he appears back in the real world, good as new. Things are looking good, but when he gets on stage, the injuries begin to resurface. He tries to call Lisey but is unable to and eventually vomits water all over the stage before collapsing. At home, Lisey gets a call from the hospital, who warns her that she should get there as soon as possible.

Once at the hospital, the doctor explains that they have never seen a case like Scott’s. Once in the room, Lisey tries to get Scott to go to Booya Moon with her so he can heal himself in the pool. However, Scott shares that the Long Boy is blocking his path and isn’t able to get there. No matter what direction he tries to go, there is no way around the Long Boy. It seems to be hunting him and he believes it is because Paul (Clark Furlong) infected him with the bad before he went crazy.

Scott shares with Lisey that he has been trying to get back over and over, but the path to the pool is blocked every time. She isn’t ready to give up just yet and begs him to try. Scott just tells her how much he loves her and how she was able to find him when he was lost in the dark before dying. At the funeral, Lisey is surrounded by her sisters Amanda (Joan Allen) and Darla (Jennifer Jason Leigh) right up until the very end. Afterward, at the memorial, Lisey makes her way through the crowd trying to hold it all together.

Scott Landon in Lisey's Story.
Scott Landon in Lisey’s Story.

Later on that night, Lisey heads to Scott’s office and begins throwing away his belongings as she tries to figure out what she is supposed to say that he is dead. We hear different phrases that one would say to express that someone has passed on. Then, we see that Scott did make it to the pool on Booya Moon and has taken his spot among the many others who are now trapped there for good.

We are finally brought back to the present, where Lisey is waiting in Scott’s office when she spots the small lighthouse turning on and off. As she is investigating it, Officer Beckman (Sung Kang) decides to visit the Landon house. He tells his dispatcher that he has a funny feeling. Back inside, Lisey doesn’t seem to notice that Beckman is out front and starts making her way around the office.

Amanda and Darla arrive through the woods and head up to Scott’s office to find it empty. As they venture further in, calling out for Lisey, she appears behind them. The plan is that when Jim arrives, Lisey is going to knock him down and the other two will pile on top. This will give Lisey time to drag him to Booya Moon, where they plan to kill and bury him. Lisey asks Amanda if she knows why she was a double and why the afghan Good Ma’ gave them was as well. But Amanda has no idea and doesn’t believe Scott knew much either.

Lisey tries to get Amanda to open up about her time in Booya Moon, but she doesn’t remember much beyond it being beautiful. When Lisey tries to talk to her about the others that were sitting around the pool, Amanda throws a fit and refuses to answer. She does tell Lisey that there is one thing she remembers that Scott mentioned a story called Lisey’s Story. Lisey has no idea what this story might have been since she kept their private life separate from the rich and famous parts. Amanda doesn’t seem to remember anything about it either.

Jim at Booya Moon in Lisey's Story.
Jim at Booya Moon in Lisey’s Story.

Lisey tells her sisters that she needs to speak with Jim first in order to get close to him. If things go wrong and she needs their help, she will say the word Greenlawn as a sign. She then tells them to get inside the bathroom and hide before Jim shows up. Outside, we see him making his way up to the police car, where he shoots Officer Beckman in the head. Inside, Lisey doesn’t hear the gunshot go off over the thunder.

Downstairs, Jim shuts off the lights and puts on night-vision goggles before heading upstairs. Jim warns Lisey that he can see her, but she can’t see him and knows that she is hiding behind Scott’s lighthouse. In the bathroom, Darla shows Amanda that she has a gun too. Lisey tries to draw Jim closer to her by talking about Scott and how Jim must not be a true Camper. She also connects Jim with the man who shot Scott. How they must have known each other at the asylum.

Lisey tells him that she and Scott used to talk about guys like them. They referred to them as deep space cowboys and most of the time, they were harmless. But Jim isn’t. Just as the taunting worsens, Jim moves in to attack her and Lisey taps on Scott’s book. At Booya Moon, we see Scott shift his eyes towards the lighthouse and mysteriously, the one sitting on the desk turns on and blinds Jim. Lisey then rushes over and the two start fighting before Lisey calls out the code word.

Amanda and Darla join the fray, but even three against one, they aren’t able to put Jim down. Just as he is about the choke Lisey to death, she is able to transport him to Booya Moon. He is confused as to where he is and what Lisey is trying to do to him. Lisey wakes up there as well and grabs the shovel. In the distance, we can hear the Long Boy getting closer. Lisey continues to taunt Jim, calling out to him. Jim responds that Lisey was the biggest mistake Scott ever made and that she was nothing.

Even at the pool, Scott can hear their screams. And so can the Long Boy. It turns out that Lisey was calling for him the whole time. And this is where “No Spark, No Light” comes to a close.

RELATED: Catch up on episodes one through seven of Lisey’s Story before the series finale with our recaps!

This was such a satisfying episode of Lisey’s Story. Watching the sister’s come together for each other reminds me of my sisters and how we come together when things happen. We also got an answer to the question of how Scott died. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t that the powers of the pool would eventually stop working. But I guess that means that no one in this world can live forever. We also got to understand Booya Moon a bit more as well, which is always welcome.

I will admit I was kind of worried we were going to get an entire flashback episode. However, they didn’t make us wait long to see the face-off between Lisey and Jim. And now that she has him at Booya Moon, what will she do next? Does she plan on feeding him to Long Boy, or will she kill him herself? I also want to better understand how Scott is able to connect with Lisey between worlds. We’ve got one final episode left and I’ve got no doubt it will be a good one!

The final episode of Lisey’s Story will air on July 16, 2021, at 12 am PT on Apple TV.



Julia Roth
Catch Me

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