LETTERKENNY Recap: (S12E02) Sun Darts

Melody McCune

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Stewart and Roald wear matching black berets and sunglasses while standing on either side of a dry-erase board covered in country buzz words while in the Ag Hall in Letterkenny Season 12 Episode 2, "Sun Darts."

How’re ya now? Good, ‘n you? Letterkenny offers another banger of an episode with Season 12 Episode 2, “Sun Darts.” Jimmy Dickens’ dream of becoming a Country-Western star comes true (well, he at least makes a music video), thanks to the help of the Hicks, Skids and Hockey Players. Hey, when a friend asks for help, you help him. Elsewhere, Daryl sets foot in Degen territory while getting close to Mick’s sister. I love the continuation of the plot established in the premiere episode. Could Season 12 have somewhat of an arc? 

“Sun Darts” is just plain fun. It’s hard to believe that Letterkenny hasn’t attempted a country music video before, but the series tackles it with its signature cheeky humor and innovative wordplay. There’s one Sammy Hagar/Huey Lewis episodic running gag that’s delightful. On a separate note, the camaraderie between the cast has never been stronger. It bleeds through onto the screen, and you can see the collective growth for these characters (even if it’s not much for some). I’ve said it once, but it bears repeating: I will miss this show so much. 

Katy and McMurray sit next to each other in the Ag Hall while chatting in Letterkenny Season 12 Episode 2, "Sun Darts."
LETTERKENNY Season 12 Episode 2, “Sun Darts.” Photo credit: Lindsay Sarazin/Hulu.

Side note: Apparently, everyone experienced masturbation for the first time to Shania Twain’s music videos in the ’90s. Understandable. 

Pitter-patter … let’s dive into “Sun Darts.” 

RELATED: Check out our recap of Letterkenny Season 12 Episode 1, “Live at MoDean’s”

The One Where McMurray Talks Too Much

We begin with a cold open featuring Wayne (Jared Keeso), Katy (Michelle Mylett) and Squirrely Dan (K. Trevor Wilson). The trio introduces us to a particular friend who tells tall tales. How do they know said tales are phony? Because this person talks too much. We see it’s none other than McMurray (Dan Petronijevic). While smoking darts, McMurray regales Wayne and Squirrely D with an account of his trip to the Chilean Patagonia. He was flirting with a pretty lady when a massive dude tried to start a fight with him. 

Wayne and Squirrely Dan are incredulous. However, they follow up his story with their own unbelievable stories of times in South America when they engaged in battles of fisticuffs. McMurray takes them as fact, though. Sometimes, ya talk too much, bud. 

Where’s Dary? And Why’s Dan Wearing a Very Smart Chapeau?

Later, Wayne and Katy wonder where Daryl is. Squirrely Dan makes a fashionably late entrance with a hat he received as a gift from his lady, Lovina Dyck. Wayne and Katy proceed to poke fun at him by delivering various Mennonite zingers. But hey, Squirrely’s starting to understand why the Mennonite way of life ain’t too shabby. A life without social media? That sounds like heaven. 

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Jimmy Dickskin — erm, I mean Jimmy Dickens (Alex McCooeye) pulls into the driveway. He reveals he’s always been an auctioneer. However, his dream of becoming a Country-Western music star never left him. It’s high time he made that dream a reality. He wants to record a hit tune and shoot a music video that he can throw up on YouTube. What transpires next is a stream of brilliantly clever country music wordplay that only Letterkenny can produce.

Reilly, Jonesy and Katy fire water guns at each other while laughing and running around outside on a sunny day in Letterkenny Season 12 Episode 2, "Sun Darts."
LETTERKENNY Season 12 Episode 2, “Sun Darts.” Photo credit: Lindsay Sarazin/Hulu.

Dickens wants to give it a run like Brooks & Dunn. Get his fix, like The Chicks. He’s good and keen, like Jason Aldean, you know. He plans to be better than good, like Carrie Underwood. Unfortunately, the Hicks aren’t super into country despite living that country life. That said, when a friend asks for help, you help him. So, they offer their services to Dickens. 

Yer Momma and Yer Daddeh 

Then, the Hicks attend “Country 101” with McMurray and Dickens, as taught by Stewart (Tyler Johnston) and Roald (Evan Stern). Our fave Skids boast matching black berets with dark sunglasses. I love that this is always their go-to filmmaker look. Since the Skids aren’t country aficionados, they relied on AI to fill in the blanks. They’ll also utilize AI to write Dickens’ hit Country-Western single. But first — what makes a good country song? 

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The group brainstorms a title by rattling off various Hick activities. They land on the title “Sun Darts” because what’s more country than smoking darts on a sunny day? Our dynamic Skid duo flips over a dry-erase board to reveal a ton of country buzz words, aka “Hick sh*t.” The plan is to feed the AI as many of these descriptors as possible to create Dickens’ boogie of the boot-scootin’ variety. 

Firstly, a good country song should talk about yard beverages, dirt, boots (that are made for walkin’), horses (Maybe donkeys and cows?), Hick-esque rhyming wordplay, and, last but not least, yer momma and yer daddeh. Now that they have an idea of the song’s direction, they can prep to shoot the video. Simultaneous Skid spin! 

Harley and Daryl 

Elsewhere, Daryl (Nathan Dales) walks into MoD3an’s to find a beautiful woman at the bar as Gail (Lisa Codrington) pours her a drink. Reilly (Dylan Playfair) and Jonesy (Andrew Herr) reveal she promptly rejected them when they made a collective run at her. However, when the woman whirls around, she is instantly attracted to Dary. Her name is Harley (Amalia Williamson), and she’s Mick’s sister. Side note: my favorite insult of Harley’s is when she tells Reilly that he looks like Charlie Hunnam if he were born in Chornobyl. Anywho, Harley invites Daryl to a party. 

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Later, the Skids set up their equipment to film the music video. The algorithm plopped out “Sun Darts” for Dickens to sing. One of the shots will include Wayne, Squirrely Dan and McMurray smoking darts in a specific part of the yard. Then, the Skids want to showcase the Hicks in their element: doing country stuff while looking cool. They rattle off examples of cool Hick stuff, which starts innocuous until it gets inexplicably (and expectedly) sexual. Katy, Gail and Bonnie McMurray (Kamilla Kowal) appear in sexy garb to fill the necessary sexy gal quota. 

Stewart and Roald wear matching black berets and sunglasses while standing on either side of a dry-erase board covered in country buzz words while in the Ag Hall in Letterkenny Season 12 Episode 2, "Sun Darts."
LETTERKENNY Season 12 Episode 2, “Sun Darts.” Photo credit: Lindsay Sarazin/Hulu.

Meanwhile, Daryl reunites with Mick (Morgan Bedard) as he walks with Harley. They run into Jivin’ Pete (Ian Ronningen) and his Degen buddies. Sure enough, Mick and Harley are considered Degens (I predicted this!). They persuade Daryl to join them. He’s practically one of them anyway. Don’t do it, Dary!

Talkin’ ‘Bout Sun Darts 

Finally, Jimmy Dickens speaks before the world premiere of “Sun Darts.” Honestly, this music video is a lot of fun and sounds like an actual country song. We see everything from McMurray and Squirrely Dan lighting each other’s darts to Katy and the Hockey Players firing water guns at each other. Wayne arm wrestles STRT (Stewart) and wins, obviously. There’s lots of sexy dancing. A scantily clad Bonnie McMurray washes a truck. The Skids try their hand at Hick things. And through it all, Jimmy Dickskin wears a brown jacket with the requisite fringe, arms outstretched and singing his lil heart out. 

Meanwhile, Daryl dances with Harley at the Degen party. Sparks fly between the two. I sense a conflict between Dary and the Hicks is on the horizon. 

RELATED: You can catch up on the Texas-sized 10-4 fun with our Letterkenny recaps if you want to. 

Letterkenny Season 12 is now streaming on Hulu


Melody McCune
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