Is SPOILER Dead During the Events of AQUAMAN?

Erin Lynch

Yesterday, EW released an interview with Aquaman star Amber Heard has she discussed how awesome Mera will be. But in the interview, she may have dropped a large hint, or more specifically a spoiler, on the fate of one of the characters in the film. For those who do not want to be spoiled, run! Run for the hills! For those brave ones who want to continue, here’s what we’ve learned.

Heard was discussing just how different her character is to her love interest Aquaman/Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa). But what she said was a little surprising! “She’s a warrior who was raised by the queen of Atlantis before she passed. We meet Mera after the queen has long since left and she’s been raised to take over as queen her whole life. She’s been raised to serve her kingdom and rule over Atlantis with King Orm.” So for those not up to date on their Aquaman lore, Arthur Curry’s mother is Queen Atlanna (Nicole Kidman), the Queen of Atlantis. So she’s dead during the film? 

RELATED: AQUAMAN: Amber Heard Talks Mera ‘Warrior Queen’

The wording is rather important to pay attention to though. Heard says “before she passed”, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s dead. And then it was followed up with “the queen has long since left”. So it’s entirely possible that the character is still out there, waiting for when she’s needed most. But you can’t help but think that Kidman will be playing a glorified cameo if the character has died already. I’m still crossing my fingers that she’s still out there. 

What do you think? Are you looking forward to seeing the trailer that debuts during SDCC 2018? Let us know! Be sure to come back to Geek Girl Authority for more DCEU news. Aquaman swims to theaters December 21st, 2018.


Erin Lynch

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