HARLEY QUINN Recap: (S05E02) Back to School

Melody McCune

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A closeup of Harlivy in the official key art for Harley Quinn Season 5, featuring the couple smiling as they walk through Metropolis.

Harley Quinn Season 5 Episode 2, “Back to School,” is a big episode for our gal Ivy. We finally get an origin story for her, along with the introduction of another DC villain — Floronic Man. Harley’s lighthearted adventure in babysitting (and the welcome return of Bane) balances out Ivy’s more somber, heartbreaking, yet ultimately gratifying arc. Side note: if you weren’t suspicious of Lena Luthor last week, you will be this week. Something’s up with her. Another side note: Shaun Shark is my world. I will fight for that baby. 

RELATED: Read our recap of the previous Harley Quinn episode, “The Big Apricot”

Harley Quinn, “Back to School” 

We open with Harley (Kaley Cuoco) showing Ivy (Lake Bell) their swanky new apartment in Metropolis. Ivy gets revved up over the spotless marble countertops in the kitchen. But what seals the deal are the coasters Harley whips out with their faces on them. Sexy time ensues; however, King Shark’s (Ron Funches) arrival promptly douses that fire. 

Hot on King Shark’s heels are his adorable bundles of joy. He reveals he made the move to Metropolis. The school system is significantly better than what Gotham offers. The Dutch Immersion Program is the school’s crown jewel. KS tells his kids’ godparents that he has a date. We see the little terrors wreaking havoc on Harlivy’s new digs. One of them munches on the furniture. King Shark leaves the little sharks with Harley and Ivy for an unexpected babysitting sesh. 

The Past in the Present

Then, Ivy abandons Harley for a meeting with Lena Luthor (Aisha Tyler) at the Botany Research Center. Lena introduces her to Dr. Jason Woodrue (John Slattery), promising the pair will take the Green Initiative in Metropolis to new heights. Ivy and Jason have a history, though. Flustered, Ivy speeds off. 

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Lena chases Ivy down, reminding the latter that she pulled the strings to bring Ivy into the Green Initiative. Ivy admits she has a dark past with Jason. Lena encourages Ivy to cast that aside and move forward.

Meanwhile, Harley struggles to control King Shark’s kids. They don’t have an off switch. Harley prays to God, and She answers with a phone call from Lena. Lena invites Harley to a fancy-schmancy country club that so happens to be throwing a children’s birthday party. Fun for the whole family! 

Young Ivy

Next, Ivy sits in on one of Jason’s lectures. She’s teleported to the past, where a young (and non-green) Ivy has a younger Jason as a professor. Surprising no one, Ivy has revolutionary thoughts on plants. After class, Ivy and Jason share a smooch. Ivy wants to get to the next base, but Jason stops her. He’s trying to secure a grant and can’t be seen with a student. 

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In the present, Jason notices Ivy after his class concludes. He apologizes profusely for what transpired between them. After all, it was his fault. Ivy claims to let bygones be bygones. Why don’t they head to the lab to begin their work? 

Later, Harley takes the kiddies to the country club for the party. It’s a birthday shindig for Goldilocks (Carla Delaney), who first appeared in Kite Man: Hell Yeah! last year. Harley encounters a Pippa Middleton impersonator (Mary Deaton), much to her annoyance. This party can’t spring for the real one. 

Better School System

Harley reunites with Bane (James Adomian) and his lady love, Betty (Casey Wilson). They’re Goldilocks’ guardians. Oh, and Bane has also moved to Metropolis. Better school system and all. Goldilocks can even say “hello” in Dutch. One of King Shark’s kids, Shaun Shark (Kimberly Brooks), takes a bite out of Goldie’s dress. Bane scoops her up as she sobs. 

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He encourages Harley to join the club. It could use Harley’s brand of magical chaos. Bane points out Vincent Edge (Adomian), the club’s owner, as he gives an older lady the boot because her walker is scratching up the floor. 

Key art for Harley Quinn Season 5, featuring Harley, Ivy, Frank the Plant, King Shark and his baby and Clayface as they walk through Metropolis.
Harley Quinn Season 5

Stealing Her Work 

Meanwhile, we flashback to after young Ivy and Jason have sex in the lab. She shows Jason her latest experiment: baby Frank the Plant (JB Smoove). He’s pretty freakin’ cute. Ivy reveals she injected a special serum into Frank’s soil, combining plant and human DNA to make him part-human, part-plant. The serum also shields Frank from various pesticides and poisons. Jason is impressed. 

Jason decides to use Frank as his means of snagging that grant. He’ll take credit for Ivy’s work. Naturally, Ivy vehemently protests this. Jason insists she used his lab, so it’s his experiment. Ew. 

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Then, Harley tries to ditch Shaun Shark so she can meet Vincent Edge. However, Shaun is like her little chaotic shadow. Harley makes Shaun cry, and he barrels through a nearby vent. She gives chase. In Flashback Land, Ivy and Jason argue in front of baby Frank the Plant. Baby Frank starts crying big ole crocodile tears. Ivy cradles him as Jason tries to take him away. 

A New Beginning

Next, Jason shoves Ivy. She flies over the counter and crashes into vials of noxious green gas. She becomes exposed to said gas. Jason scoops up Frank and makes a beeline for the door. Thankfully, Ivy tackles him and retrieves Frank from his clutches. Jason locks her in the lab as she bangs on the door, begging him to free her. Otherwise, the gas will kill her. 

After Jason leaves, Ivy injects herself with the special serum she administers to Frank, hoping this will save her life. Suddenly, her skin turns green. She transforms into the Ivy we know today, vines and all. 

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Then, Harley and Shaun crash through the ceiling onto the floor of Vincent’s office. How convenient. Harley makes a case for her admittance into Vincent’s country club. However, an alarm blares, interrupting her. She leaps through the ceiling to fetch her mischievous godchildren. 

Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Green 

Meanwhile, present-day Ivy and Jason head to the lab. Ivy turns on Jason and uses her vines to hold him in place. Jason continues his Apology Tour, but it’s too little, too late. He was a giant asshole back in the day, and he almost killed her. Jason attempts to remind Ivy of how good she has it in Gotham. Ivy corrects him — it’s in spite of him that she succeeded. Oh, and the “Poison Ivy” moniker started because of him.

Ivy exposes him to the same poisonous gas from the flashback. We see Jason’s face melt away. Ivy later bursts out of the lab in triumph, having exacted her revenge. The person responsible for the most traumatic experience in her life is dead. 

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Elsewhere, Harley barges into the pool area to find the kiddo sharks munching on human flesh and causing mayhem. The Pippa Middleton impersonator is missing an arm. Not only that, but it’s her waving arm. She shan’t wave again. Animal Control officers arrive to seize King Shark’s kids. Harley kicks all their uniformed butts to prevent that from happening. 

Promotional art for Harley Quinn Season 5, featuring Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn embracing and laughing on a cosmic background with the text "Harley Quinn Season 5" written in neon pink cursive above their heads.
Harley Quinn Season 5

Secrets and Stolen Sharks

Ivy arrives to watch the show. Vincent attempts to bar Harley from entry into his country club, but Lena defends her. Lena ensures Harley becomes a new member. 

That night, Harlivy relaxes in bed. Harley asks Ivy about her first day working on the Green Initiative. Ivy remains tight-lipped on the matter. Instead, she distracts Harley with some lovin’. However, Shaun Shark bursts into the bedroom, interrupting them before exiting as quickly as he arrived. Ivy wonders how long it’ll be until King Shark realizes Shaun is missing. Harley has taken a liking to that little fella. 

RELATED: Read our Harley Quinn recaps

A clawed hand reaches for the countertop in the Botany Research Center lab. As it turns out, Jason isn’t dead. Floronic Man is here. 

Harley Quinn drops new episodes every Thursday on Max


Melody McCune
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