Stardate 95484.92 through 95504.07
November 19, 2017 – November 25, 2017
Welcome to the twenty-first edition of GGA Ready Room! Let’s take a look at what Star Trek news we missed last week, shall we? As a reminder: the standard date for the post will be shown in the title but the week being recapped (November 19 through November 25 in this case) will be shown in the main header in Stardate format as calculated by Star Trek:Online – this calculator will be used since there is not a standard format across all the television shows and feature films and it is easily accessible.
Featured Summary
- To find any Star Trek news on Geek Girl Authority, Click on this link!
- Netflix released a Star Trek: Voyager + Orange Is the New Black mashup! Watch the video HERE!
In the News: What did we miss?
Were there any juicy tidbits that GGA did not feature this week? Find it here!
- Adam Nimoy is stepping down as director of What We Left Behind: Star Trek Deep Space Nine Documentary, a crowd-funded film revolving around Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The Indiegogo campaign shared the news in their most recent update, along with a few additional important bits of information. Nimoy, son of the late Leonard Nimoy, is stepping down for “personal commitments and other creative endeavors”, presumably as a result of the expanded project that has now pushed back the release from February 2018 to “Early 2018”. Watch the campaign video below and read all the updates over on Indiegogo.
A Look Back This Week in Star Trek History
What episodes of what shows aired this time in history? What movies were released? If these are questions you constantly ask, you’ll find the answer here!
- ST:TNG, Season 2, Episode 1, “The Child”, November 19, 1988
- ST:Voyager, Season 4, Episode 10, “Random Thoughts”, November 19, 1997
- ST:Enterprise, Season 3, Episode 10, “Similitude”, November 19, 2003
- ST:Enterprise, Season 4, Episode 7, “The Forge”, November 19, 2004
- ST:TNG, Season 7, Episode 10, “Inheritance”, November 20, 1993
- ST:DS9, Season 4, Episode 8, “The Sword of Kahless”, November 20, 1995
- ST:Voyager, Season 2, Episode 11, “Maneuvers”, November 20, 1995
- ST:Voyager, Season 3, Episode 10, “Warlord”, November 20, 1996
- ST:Enterprise, Season 2, Episode 9, “Singularity”, November 20, 2002
- ST:TNG, Season 1, Episode 9, “Hide and Q”, November 21, 1987
- ST:DS9, Season 2, Episode 9, “Second Sight”, November 21, 1993
- ST:DS9, Season 3, Episode 9, “Defiant”, November 21, 1994
- ST:Enterprise, Season 1, Episode 10, “Fortunate Son”, November 21, 2001
- ST:TOS, Season 3, Episode 10, “Plato’s Stepchildren”, November 22, 1968
- Star Trek: First Contact, November 22, 1996
- ST:TOS, Season 1, Episode 12, “The Menagerie: Part II”, November 24, 1966
- ST:Animated, Season 1, Episode 12, “The Time Trap”, November 12, 1973
- ST:DS9, Season 6, Episode 9, “Statistical Probabilities”, November 24, 1997
- ST:Voyager, Season 6, Episode 9, “The Voyager Conspiracy”, November 24, 1999
- ST:DS9, Season 5, Episode 9, “The Ascent”, November 25, 1996
- ST:DS9, Season 7, Episode 9, “Covenant”, November 25, 1998
- ST:Voyager, Season 5, Episode 7, “Infinite Regress”, November 25, 1998
Celebrating Thanksgiving
This past week, the United States of America celebrated Thanksgiving. Below is a collection of how your favorite Star Trek cast spent their day of thanks or their wishes for your holiday. Cast and crew include William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk, ST:TOS), Jonathan Frakes (Commander William T. Riker, ST:TNG), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Deanna Troi, ST:TNG), Brent Spiner (Lieutenant Commander Data, ST:TNG), Rick Berman (producer and writer), Gates McFadden (Dr. Beverly Crusher, ST:TNG), Chase Masterson (Leeta, ST:DS9), James Frain (Sarek, ST:Discovery), Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine, ST:Voyager), Zoe Saldana (Commander Uhura, Kelvin Timeline), Ted Sullivan (producer and writer), Nana Visitor (Kira Nerys, ST:DS9), and Anthony Rapp (Lieutenant Paul Stamets, ST:Discovery).
Planning on frying your turkey this year? Check out this quick video from @WilliamShatner first:
— Philadelphia Public Health (@PHLPublicHealth) November 22, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving!!! Hope everyone enjoys their plant based turkeys today!
— Brent Spiner (@BrentSpiner) November 23, 2017
What's Thanksgiving without an android.
— Rick Berman (@berman_rick) November 24, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving!!
— Nana Visitor (@NanaVisitor) November 23, 2017
— Anthony Rapp SAG-AFTRA National Board Member (@albinokid) November 23, 2017
What have our favorite Star Trek players been up to?
- Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine, ST:Voyager) has been sharing updates on her new film, The Relic. Her newest update? Filming has wrapped!
That’s a wrap! #therelic
— Jeri Ryan (@JeriLRyan) November 19, 2017
- William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk, ST:TOS) has a new project: “Tweeting for Good”. Read all about it in the Forbes article shared by Shatner:
My new project:
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) November 23, 2017
- When the New York Times shared a news story about a potential life-sustaining planet, Jonathan Frakes (Commander William T. Riker, ST:TNG) and Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher, ST:TNG) formed a short salute thread with the words of Gene Roddenberry:
An Earth-sized planet about 11 light-years from Earth could hold liquid water and conditions favorable for life
— The New York Times (@nytimes) November 20, 2017
- NBC has announced that Better Late Than Never, starring William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk, ST:TOS), has been renewed! A second season of the comedy will arrive soon.
We're thankful for #BetterLateThanNever! Season 2 is coming soon to @NBC.
— Better Late Than Never (@nbcbetterlate) November 23, 2017
- William Shatner fans can also catch him as David Marlowe in the Canadian show, The Indian Detective. For non-Canadian fans, the show will be available on Netflix on December 19th, 2017.
.@WilliamShatner is David Marlowe – a powerful man with many secrets. #TheIndianDetective premieres Thursday at 9PM/8MT.
— CTV (@CTV) November 20, 2017
Mixed Media
Whether it be fan art, a mash-up music video, music from the series, game related news, or just recently discovered concept art, below you will find all the arts of Star Trek from this week.
- A new Star Trek novel will be released on November 28th, 2017! Star Trek: Prometheus: Fire with Fire, 384 pages written by Bernd Perplies and Christian Humberg, is being published by Titan Books and can be pre-ordered right now on for $6.47 USD, but full list price is $7.99 USD. Read the synopsis below and see the cover:
A mysterious terrorist organization has carried out several attacks against the Federation and Klingon Empire. Tensions are running high in a region already crippled by conflict. The perpetrators are tracked to the Lembatta Cluster, a mysterious region of space whose inhabitants, the Renao, regard the the Alpha Quadrant’s powers as little more than conquering tyrants. The Federation are desperate to prevent more bloodshed, and have sent their flagship, the U.S.S. Prometheus, into the Cluster to investigate the threat before all-consuming war breaks out.
- There’s a new book out for ST:Discovery fans! Star Trek: Discovery – Official Collector’s Edition is a 96-page book that delves into the behind-the-scenes secrets of the new Trek series. The book, from Titan Books, boasts exclusive photographs of props and production artwork as well as short character biographies, as shown in the preview images below, courtesy of The book can be pre-ordered NOW on and will release on November 28th, 2017. Current sale price is $12.21 USD with a list price of $19.99 USD.
- February previews have been released for upcoming comic releases from IDW!
- Star Trek: Boldly Go #17, which is Part 5 of the 6-part IDIC arc, has three cover variants. The story is written by Mike Johnson with art and cover by Marcus To and two variant covers by Fico Ossio and Yoshi Toshitani. The 32-page book retails for $3.99 and can be pre-ordered from your local comic book shop.
- Star Trek: New Visions: Isolation is written by John Byrne. Byrne is a photo-manipulator, which means he alters existing photographs, and his work will tell a ST:TOS story over 48 pages. Retail price is set at $7.99 and can be pre-ordered from your local comic book shop.
- A new adventure into the Mirror Universe awaits with Star Trek: The Next Generation: Mirror Broken. The 128-page story is written by Scott Tipton and David Tipton and the art and cover are by JK Woodard. The retail price is $17.99 and can be pre-ordered from your local comic book shop.
- See how James Frain transforms into Sarek for Star Trek: Discovery!
Take a behind-the-scenes look at @britjfrain's transformation into Ambassador Sarek. #transformationtuesday #StarTrekDiscovery
— Star Trek on Paramount+ (@StarTrekOnPPlus) November 21, 2017
- Who doesn’t love a fan-made holiday card? LikeFreedomeInSpring shared a group photo of the ST:Discovery crew in festive, holiday sweaters:
Convention Circuit: News and More
I’m breaking this out of the above segment, What have our favorite Star Trek players been up to?, because there have been so many conventions pop up that I am worried about things getting too crowded.
[PAST] Starbase Indy 2017 (November 24 – 26)
- Indianapolis, Indiana, hosts Starbase Indy, a Star Trek themed convention every year that, this year, introduced a humanitarianism and STEM based education focus. Lisa Meece and Savannah O’Conner, two of the convention’s organizers, sat to discuss the rebranding of Starbase Indy with local station, Fox 59. Watch the interview on the news station’s website. Their Kobayashi Maru room sounds fantastic and I may need to make a trip out next year, just for that!
[UPCOMING] Destination Star Trek: Birmingham 2018 (October 19 – 21)
- Two new guests have been revealed for next year’s Destination Star Trek: Birmingham, Europe’s Official Star Trek Convention. Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s Jonathan Frakes (Commander William T. Riker) will be joined by former NASA astronaut Fred Haise (Apollo 13 and Commander of the Enterprise).
Official Federation Sanctioned Events
If you are lucky enough to live near enough, one of the following events coming up this month may be of interest to you. If you do attend, take pictures and let us know how it went!
- May 21, 2016 – September 30, 2018 – Star Trek: Exploring New Worlds in Seattle, Washington. This event is an exhibition showcasing the impact that Star Trek has had on every day life from culture and arts to technology and even sports.
- May 02, 2017 – December 16, 2017 – Star Trek Original Series Set Tour in Ticonderoga, New York. Relive the days of 1960’s Captain Kirk with the set of the show that started it all.
- October 28, 2017 – May 28, 2018 – Starfleet Academy Experience in Jersey City, New Jersey. The interactive exhibit resides inside the Liberty Science Center and allows fans to get a feel for the life of a Starfleet Cadet. Attendees begin at orientation, learn what is required to be in science, engineering, medical, and command, and end with graduation. The exhibit includes the real-life science behind the show, including the science developed or inspired by Star Trek.
- January 05, 2018 – January 17, 2018 – Star Trek: The Cruise II in Miami, Florida. Two cruises, each 6 days long, are set to sail from Miami to the Caribbean with various Star Trek stars and themed events.
The Neutral Fan Zone
Becoming the Fan of the Week is a simple two step process:
- Follow @geekgirlauth and
- Tweet any GGA Star Trek article with the tags #GGANews FanZone.
Boldly Go On Your Way
This wraps up this week’s GGA Ready Room! Thank you for joining us as we explore the universe of Star Trek, one week at a time. If I missed anything, please let me know and it’ll be included in next week’s news round up! Until next time, boldly go on your way, in your own way, and report back your findings.
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