GGA Game Review: AS YOU ‘WICH Has You Building Very Odd Sandwiches

Julia Roth

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The As You 'Wich box.

Close your eyes and think of your favorite sandwich. What are your main ingredients? Think of the toppings and sauces. What kind of bread would you use to bring it all together? Got your perfect sandwich? Great, now toss it out the window and get ready to make sandwiches by the seat of your pants. Studio71’s As You ‘Wich is a card game that has players using ingredients in their hands to create the “tastiest” sandwich. It’s the perfect game to toss in when your group needs a break from those overly serious boardgames.

As You ‘Wich is easy to learn and even easier to play. All you need is a bit of imagination, an iron stomach and friends. The 300 card deck includes ingredients, preparations and action cards. Each player is dealt five cards, which will make up your starting sandwich. Finally, there are three open shops and a blind pick up pile for players to take from. The shops are face up, allowing the player to see exactly what they are getting.

The blind pile is just that, face down and a mystery. At the start of each player’s turn they can pick a card from either a shop or the blind pile. Then they choose a discard from their hand. Any time an action card comes into play, the player can choose to use it and complete the action. This could be reopening the shops or having one more or less card in their hand at a time.

Now the real thinking in As You ‘Wich comes with closing the shops. Each player has a chance to close a shop at the end of their turn. They do so by placing their discard face down on one of the shops. Once all three shops are closed, the second phase begins. Players will need to sort out their sandwiches, come up with a name and be ready to describe it.

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As You 'Wich box and card art.

This is where the game gets really fun or nauseating, depending on how you see it. The player who closes the final shop begins phase two. They introduce the title of their sandwich and then go through explaining it using the ingredients in their hand. They must use every last one, including the weird ones, like spit or poop. The goal is to sell your sandwich to the other players in hopes they pick it in the end.

After everyone has made their sandwich sales pitch, everyone votes on which one is their favorite. The winner of that round gets a good old slap on the back, and they get to start the next round. When all is said and done, As You ‘Wich is a popularity game. Not in the way of who is the better friend, but who has the most appealing sandwich. It all comes down to how you really sell it.

This alone makes it a game perfect for parties. Anyone can play it, even those who don’t usually partake in board or card games. The first phase of each round moves quickly, and allows enough time that people can still be social. Round two is where the fun really begins for everyone. It gives players the ability to think outside of the box.

As You ‘Wich started as a Kickstarter that was fully funded in its very first day. If you are able to sneak a pledge in before it ends on October 3, 2020 at 12:00 am I highly recommend doing so. If not, keep an eye out for when it goes live and pick up a copy for your next get together! 

RELATED: Be sure to check out more GGA Game Reviews!



Julia Roth
Catch Me

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