GENTLEMAN JACK Recap: (S02E06) I Can Be as a Meteor in Your Life

Melody McCune

Anne Lister stands tall while looking intently at something off screen in Gentleman Jack Season 2 Episode 3 "Tripe All Over the Place, Presumably."

DISCLAIMER: This recap of the Gentleman Jack episode “I Can Be as a Meteor in Your Life” has spoilers. Proceed at your peril. 

Welcome, Ann/Anne fans! Gentleman Jack‘s sixth outing shows the cracks in Anne Lister and Ann Walker’s marriage while the seeds of destruction planted episodes earlier begin to blossom. Suranne Jones and Sophie Rundle are a collective tour de force, with each performer churning out powerhouse performances. 

This episode probably boasts more letter reading and writing than your average Gentleman Jack installment. There’s a lot of gossiping and “he said, she said” bits. It’s the 19th-century version of texting! 

Ready to dig deep into “I Can Be as a Meteor in Your Life”? Let’s get to it. 

RELATED: Gentleman Jack Recap: (S02E05) A Lucky and Narrow Escape

We open with Anne (Jones) meeting with Mr. Parker (Bruce Alexander), who reveals that the editor who posted the Ann Walker marriage announcement apologized. Anne reminds Mr. Parker that said marriage announcement made its way into the papers not once but twice.

Additionally, Ann Walker suffers embarrassment and rudeness from others in public. Anne won’t let these obstacles deter her from living life with her wife. Anne expands on her real estate desires while Parker urges her to pay off her debts before plunging headfirst into more financial trouble. 

Ann Walker wearing a red dress and sitting at a dinner table in Gentleman Jack Season 2 Episode 6 "I Can Be as a Meteor in Your Life."
Gentleman Jack – Season 2 Episode 6, “I Can Be as a Meteor in Your Life” – Picture Shows: Ann Walker (SOPHIE RUNDLE) – (C) Lookout Point – Photographer: Sam Taylor

Later, Anne learns from Marian (Gemma Whelan) that Mr. Sunderland passed away. Aunt Lister (Gemma Jones) mourns the loss, so Anne suggests they call on Dr. Jubb despite Marian’s objections. Then, Jeremy (Timothy West) informs Anne about a mysterious letter he received. It contains the marriage announcement article from an unknown sender. Anne suspects the Briggs are the culprits.

Then, Anne visits Hinscliffe (Daniel Betts), and the pair discuss business affairs. Anne hopes to protect her coal supply from thieves. Anne wonders whether keeping James Holt in his current position will help or harm her objective. Hinscliffe believes Anne should entrust him with the coal situation. 

So, Anne knocks on Holt’s (George Costigan) door, and the latter bombards Anne with a work-related speech. After dealing with men all day, Anne seeks advice from Jeremy. Jeremy apologizes for his earlier remarks, wherein he tells Anne to stop standing out. However, he follows up with another inadvertent insult. Not cool, dad. 

Next, Anne climbs into bed to find Ann (Rundle) in a sour mood. Ann discloses the source of her ire — a letter Anne wrote to a friend. Anne mentioned her wife but said mention is in brackets. Ann claims that Anne addressed her in the letter as an afterthought. A footnote. 

Anne counters that she never intended to hurt Ann’s feelings, and she doesn’t see Ann as secondary. I don’t like seeing them argue!

Later, Anne comforts Ann while the latter weeps. Ann confesses she’s not as brave as her wife. Her anxiety causes her to dissect every seemingly inane interaction. Anne believes they should continue stepping boldly into town, proving they deserve to live life like everyone else. Rundle is captivating in this scene. 

Next, Anne meets with Mr. Parker again while armed with sketches of a potential enclave she wishes to build, consisting of a casino, a hotel, etc. The revenue it accrues will support Halifax significantly, but Parker urges Anne to exercise caution. Hey, you gotta spend money to make money.

Dr. Jubb (Tony Turner) visits Shibden Hall to check on Aunt Lister. Anne gets an update regarding the latest political news coming out of Halifax. She urges Dr. Jubb to persuade certain parties to move Parliament toward a more unified “blue” front, but not to mention from where the idea came. 

Marian sitting by the fireplace in a red dress on Gentleman Jack Season 2 Episode 6 "I Can Be as a Meteor in Your Life."
Gentleman Jack – Season 2 Episode 6, “I Can Be as a Meteor in Your Life.” Pictured: Marian Lister (GEMMA WHELAN) – (C) Lookout Point – Photographer: Aimee Spinks

Ann delivers an eye-opening revelation after Anne deals with unofficial memorandums and oversees more coal business. She believes that her sister, Elizabeth Sutherland, gave her share of the estate to Captain Sutherland. Unfortunately, that goes against her father’s will, detailing that if Ann and Elizabeth’s brother dies first, the sisters stand to inherit the family estate. They cannot hand it over to their spouses.

Ann notes that this explains her sister’s cryptic letters. Ann visits Aunt Walker (Stephanie Cole), who reveals the estate situation. Aunt Walker was under the impression Ann had already made Anne the executor of her estate. However, she never did, despite Anne’s proclamations to Aunt Walker. Aunt Walker states point-blank that she removed Ann from her will. 

RELATED: Gentleman Jack Recap: (S02E04) I’m Not the Other Woman, She Is

Elizabeth (Katherine Kelly) reads a book while Captain Sutherland (Derek Riddell) peruses the local paper. Sutherland informs his wife that he received a letter from Mr. Washington stating that her “distressers have been carried out.” Elizabeth whispers that she didn’t request anything of Washington. She expresses her dislike for evicting innocent people. 

He tells his wife to write a letter to Ann claiming she accepts the division of the estate, but she wants to wait until they visit Shibden Hall. Sutherland is one shady dude. 

Anne chats with the older Mrs. Rawson (Sara Kestelman) about her development plans. Anne asks Mrs. Rawson to plant a bug in the right person’s ear regarding said development plans so that they move forward without a hitch. Christopher Rawson (Vincent Franklin) pops in to visit his mom. He reveals he’s standing in at Parliament, which Mrs. Rawson feels is unwise. She believes Anne is better suited for politics. 

Then, Mariana (Lydia Leonard) writes a letter to Anne, appearing in better spirits than before. She expresses her rejuvenation and how Anne contributed to that. Since Ann will also read Mariana’s notes, she urges Anne to write the former’s name in full instead of hinting at it.

Mariana Lawton staring at the camera with her hands on the window on Gentleman Jack Season 2 Episode 6 "I Can Be as a Meteor in Your Life."
Gentleman Jack – Season 2 Episode 6, “I Can Be as a Meteor in Your Life” – Picture Shows: Marianna Lawton (LYDIA LEONARD) – (C) Lookout Point – Photographer: Aimee Spinks

Mariana also not-so-subtly hints at the newspaper article about the fake marriage announcement regarding Ann. As she’s writing to Anne, we see Mariana sport a smug facial expression. Could she be behind it?

Later, Ann receives a letter from an anonymous source urging her to steer clear of her wife. It mentions Eliza Raine, one of Anne’s lovers in real life. Ann asks whether Eliza is another Mariana or Isabella Norcliffe. Anne explains that Eliza currently resides in a mental facility, and she visits her from time to time. Anne insists this anonymous writer spews lies. 

After discussing creating pits to sink, more coal and building a dam (honestly, these bits of the episode are less captivating than the family drama), Anne runs into William Priestley (Peter Davison), who called on his cousin at Shibden. He claims he wanted to ask Ann to contribute to a widow’s fund, but Anne suspects something sinister is amiss. Priestley never liked the idea of Ann living with the Listers at Shibden. 

Next, Ann confesses a deep-seated desire to her wife — she still wants kids. Anne assumes Ann intends to marry a man so that she can bear children. However, Ann reassures her wife that her love for her takes precedence over kids. (The first adoption law didn’t pass in the US until 1851.)

Emotions run high, culminating in a full-blown argument between our lovebirds. Anne says the episode title to Ann, “I can be as a meteor in your life,” meaning she can be a moment of transience before continuing on her trajectory. It’s a simultaneously beautiful and poignant line. 

Ann continues to reassure Anne that she wants to spend the rest of their lives together. So, after an intimate hand kiss and facial caress, Ann packs their things for York. 

Ann defuses the emotional bomb, but Anne still has her doubts. 

RELATED: Catch up on all the Shibden Hall action with our Gentleman Jack recaps!

Gentleman Jack soars when it leans into the family drama and the romance between Anne and Ann. As I mentioned above, the coal business stuff is less intriguing. I feel it’s a means of showing us that Anne is business-savvy, but that’s about it. 

On another note, the show seems to abandon the Sowden family and the pigsty murder, which is strange given how much screen time they got at the beginning of the season. Anne’s story is significantly more exciting, so I’m okay with that. 

“I Can Be as a Meteor in Your Life” is an emotional outing laden with searing vulnerability, revealing our lovebirds’ insecurities: Anne fearing Ann will leave her and Ann fearing Anne thinks she’s inferior. It brims with top-tier performances, heart-wrenching beats and even introduces another facet of Anne’s love life. Additionally, the return of Mariana to stir the pot will undoubtedly yield more juicy drama for the final two episodes. 

Do you think the Sutherlands will visit Shibden Hall? Will our favorite wives find a way to bridge the ever-expanding rift between them? Is Mariana responsible for the fake marriage announcement? Join me next week while I recap Gentleman Jack, only on Geek Girl Authority. 

Gentleman Jack drops new episodes every Monday at 10 pm on HBO and HBO Max.



Melody McCune
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