GENTLEMAN JACK Recap: (S02E04) I’m Not the Other Woman, She Is

Melody McCune

Anne Lister and Mariana Lawton sitting at the breakfast table in a brightly-lit house in Gentleman Jack Season 2 Episode 4 "I'm Not the Other Woman, She Is."

DISCLAIMER: This recap of the Gentleman Jack episode “I’m Not the Other Woman, She Is” has spoilers. Proceed at your peril. 

Welcome back, Ann/Anne fans! Gentleman Jack‘s fourth outing is chock full of steamy romance and torrid emotions. Suranne Jones and Lydia Leonard lead the charge with powerhouse performances, their electrifying chemistry highlighting the nuance and depth of Anne Lister and Mariana Lawton’s connection. They’re a collective tour de force with an enthralling dual onscreen presence. 

Not to worry, folks — I’m still Team Ann (e). This episode addresses the disparities between Anne and Ann, and while Mariana lambastes Ann for her purported “simplicity,” Anne feels a profound attraction to her wife’s soul and tender heart. So, suck on that, Mariana!

Ready to dig deep into “I’m Not the Other Woman, She Is”? Let’s get to it. 

RELATED: Gentleman Jack Recap: (S02E03) Tripe All Over the Place, Presumably 

We open with Anne (Jones) and Mariana (Leonard) arguing about their relationship. Mariana asserts her belief that Anne’s only with Ann Walker because of money. But we know Anne loves her Adny, so finances don’t factor into the equation. 

Later, they have dinner, and Mariana grills Anne over various topics, including her love for Ann. Anne hopes they can all be friends one day, but Mariana seems keen on being a hater. Anne reunites with Mariana’s husband, Charles (Rupert Vansittart). 

Mariana Lawton supporting herself on a fireplace while looking distraught in Gentleman Jack Season 2 Episode 4 "I'm Not the Other Woman, She Is."
Pictured: Lydia Leonard in GENTLEMAN JACK Season 2 Episode 4, “I’m Not the Other Woman, She Is.” Photo credit: Aimee Spinks/HBO.

Meanwhile, Ann (Sophie Rundle) plays cards with Marian (Gemma Whelan), Aunt Lister (Gemma Jones) and Jeremy (Timothy West). Ann appears to be assimilating into her new surroundings. Marian informs her about visiting Aunt Walker with Jeremy for the sake of complete transparency. 

Ann learns about her aunt offending Marian amid the latter’s last visit. Marian chalks it off to Aunt Walker’s age. 

Next, we see Mariana visiting Anne in her room after dinner. Mariana confides in her Freddie, revealing that once Anne departs for Shibden, she doesn’t think she can continue living. Anne comforts her former lover, culminating in Mariana kissing her. Anne politely rejects her, citing her devotion to Ann. 

The following morning, Anne hears all about Martha Booth, the daughter of John Booth, who works for the Lawton residence. Martha isn’t adjusting to her job, so Anne offers advice. Then, Anne wonders aloud why Mariana didn’t visit her before breakfast, but you can’t have your cake and eat it, too! 

Meanwhile, Marian and Jeremy chat with Aunt Walker (Stephanie Cole) about her new living companion. Aunt Walker asks about the well-being of her niece. Marian talks about Anne’s love for the company of older women because of their intellect and wisdom and her desire for younger women because reasons. Whelan knocks this moment out of the park. 

Later, Anne and Mariana get much-needed fresh air and exercise, strolling around the lavish Lawton estate. They discuss the past and how Scarborough holds fond memories for Mariana, while Anne feels otherwise. Anne chastises Mariana for making her feel ashamed for being herself in public. Ann doesn’t judge Anne for how she dresses or carries herself, whereas Mariana is too critical regarding Anne’s appearance. 

RELATED: Gentleman Jack Recap: (S02E02) Two Jacks Don’t Suit

Additionally, Mariana’s parents treated her like crap. Anne reminds Mariana that she was willing to risk it all for her; they would’ve survived sans riches and opulence. The ball was in Mariana’s court. However, Mariana insists she didn’t have a choice concerning her marriage to Charles. According to Anne, you always have a choice. 

Next, Ann receives a guest at Shibden — James Ingham (Tom Morley). They catch up on things, and James reveals why he’s calling on her. Ann’s cousin, William Priestley, believes James needs a wife, so he sent the lad Ann’s way. Ann kindly but firmly rejects him, citing her happiness at Shibden. 

Mariana Lawton standing in her house with clasped hands in Gentleman Jack Season 2 Episode 4 "I'm Not the Other Woman, She Is."
Pictured: Lydia Leonard in GENTLEMAN JACK Season 2 Episode 4, “I’m Not the Other Woman, She Is.” Photo credit: Aimee Spinks/HBO.

Anne reads the letter Ann sent to Mariana, who passes harsher judgment with every written word. Mariana compares Ann to a schoolgirl and believes her “simplicity” doesn’t suit Anne’s lofty intellect. Hey, don’t insult our Adny. 

Marian and Aunt Lister encourage Ann to mend fences with her Aunt Walker. After Ann decides to take her tea upstairs, Marian and Aunt Lister debate whether Ann is content at Shibden Hall. Aunt Lister, like Mariana, muses whether she’ll continue to be happy with Ann. 

After a hearty dinner with stimulating conversation, Anne and Mariana retire upstairs while the menfolk chat politics and do manly things (eye roll). Mariana urges Anne to kiss her, and the pair partake in another stimulating “conversation.” Mariana insists that Ann doesn’t need to know about Anne’s indiscretion, but cheating is cheating, y’all. Mariana looks happy as a clam. 

Later, Anne meets with Martha Booth and urges her to stay the course while at the Lawton estate. She cannot return to Shibden unless she shapes up (or ship out). Anne and Mariana attend church together. Mariana floats on Cloud Nine, while Anne looks utterly remorseful, wracked with guilt. 

However, Mariana insists that Ann’s “the other woman,” not her. Before Anne departs for Shibden, Mariana gives a pocketbook to her as a gift for Ann. She wants to be buddy-buddy with Anne’s wife! 

Then, Anne returns to Shibden Hall and reunites with Ann. They have sex, and Anne declares her love for her wife. While I don’t doubt that love, she needs to come clean regarding her adultery. 

Next, Anne attends the shareholders’ committee meeting, spearheaded by John Waterhouse Senior (Nicholas Farrell). She makes her stance known regarding the canal situation, and most of the men agree with her, much to Rawson Briggs (Richard Hope) and his son William Briggs’ (Hywel Morgan) chagrin. The law Anne supports passes with flying colors, a.k.a. the one for which the Briggs men didn’t advocate. 

Anne Lister wearing a black top hat and standing in a courtroom in Gentleman Jack Season 2 Episode 4 "I'm Not the Other Woman, She Is."
Pictured: Suranne Jones in GENTLEMAN JACK Season 2 Episode 4, “I’m Not the Other Woman, She Is.” Photo credit: Aimee Spinks/HBO.

Anne finally feels accepted in the world of men until William not-so-subtly threatens her by revealing he knows about her living situation with Ann Walker at Shibden Hall. He also calls her “Gentleman Jack.” Uh oh. The Homophobia is strong with this one. 

RELATED: Gentleman Jack Season Premiere Recap: (S02E01) Faith Is All

Gentleman Jack boasts an overarching theme this season — faith. Anne’s belief in divine providence guides her through the tribulations of life and the harsh, discriminatory judgment she faces as a queer woman in the 19th century. 

“I’m Not the Other Woman, She Is” is an in-depth character study of our leading players and a deep dive into Anne’s relationship with Mariana. It’s fascinating, and I know this isn’t the last we’ll see of Mariana Lawton. Here’s hoping she causes more chaos in the episodes to come. 

Do you think Anne will tell Ann about her night of passion with Mariana? Will William Briggs make life hell for Anne? Join me next week while I recap Gentleman Jack, only on Geek Girl Authority. 

Gentleman Jack airs Mondays at 10 pm on HBO and HBO Max.



Melody McCune
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