Geek Girl Cantina: Weekly STAR WARS Wrap-up – 03/26/17

Erin Lynch

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Here at Geek Girl Cantina we’ll be wrapping up the week in Star Wars news. This week we have a ton of Rogue One features prior to it’s home release, Han Solo movie news and more! Strap in for a long council session because there’s a lot to cover here!


Rogue One Alternate Endings

We all know Rogue One was changed a lot. However, since production, there were multiple endings that the team went through. In an interview with i09, John Knoll revealed two endings they had worked through. In his own words.

Jyn and Cassian realize if they don’t get the plans off the ship, the whole mission has failed. “So they discover that Leia’s ship has just taken off from Coruscant and is on its way to its diplomatic mission to Alderaan,” Knoll said. “They know that she’s secretly working for the Rebellion and they risk blowing her cover by transmitting the plans to her ship with the hope that this transmission won’t be detected but Vader’s ship.”

Obviously, it is detected, but Jyn and Cassian realize that whether Vader catches Leia’s ship or not, they will inevitably be tortured for information by the Empire and could reveal the Rebellion’s secrets, potentially leading to its destruction. So the two Rebels decide to blow up their ship with them on it.

The second alternate ending saw Cassian as a double agent planted by the Empire. However in the end, he switches sides.

They’ve got a carbon freeze bomb on the ship and the idea is that he forces everyone into the airlock. “I’m going to set this off and you’re all going to survive.” He sort of times it with one of the hits from Vader’s ship so he blows up the ship and sets off this carbon freeze bomb and everyone is frozen. Then on Vader’s ship they detect no life signs and they think everyone’s dead. And they’re like, “Where’s that ship the plans were transmitted too?” and they go. So I was going to leave our heroes out of the picture. It’s why they don’t show up in Empire or Jedi — they’re stuck in [carbon freeze].

Thank gourd we didn’t get that ending, as hopeful as it may have been. It would’ve been pretty awful. EW also released yet another alternative ending and you can see our coverage of it here.


The Sounds of Rogue One

Sound On Sound recently went to Skywalker Sound and interviewed sound designers about how they created the sounds for Rogue One. I may have said sound too much in that last sentence. In this 30 minute video, we get a lot of info! Including what sounds go into creating K2SO.


Darth Vader in Rogue One

In addition to the alternate endings, EW released more information on Vader’s original role. You can see our coverage of it here but check out the featurette below!


Lyra Erso Was Originally A Jedi

In one of the very early drafts of Rogue One, Jyn’s mother had been a Jedi, according to EW. It was to play out that Order 66 was commencing and Krennic was sent to kill Lyra. The filmmakers, however, rightly assumed that making Lyra a Jedi but Jyn lacking Force sensitivity would’ve been “a tease without a payoff”. As well as a distraction. So the filmmakers cancelled that route but kept one concept.

Our instinct told us that we wanted a scene where Jyn is orphaned because of what Krennic does, which sets her on her path of being a child of war…The problem was that the second you make her mom a Jedi you spend the entire movie questioning whether Jyn is a Jedi or not. Eventually, we came up with the idea that her father should have designed the Death Star. That became a stronger way into the stealing of the Death Star plans. We let go of the mother being a Jedi, and she became just a rebellious mom

This works out much better cause I was already questioning if Jyn was Force sensitive. Add a Jedi into the mix, it would’ve been worse. What do you think of the change?


Bodhi Rook’s Beginning

More EW revealings! According to them, Rook was quite different when Riz Ahmed was cast.

His name was Bokan, and he was actually Saw Gerrera’s engineer, living on a planet with a strong electromagnetic field, which meant that electronics were never working,” Ahmed says. “He was actually an Imperial engineer who had been kidnapped and kind of had Stockholm Syndrome. He had been living there for so long, he kind of lost it, like Dennis Hopper in Apocalypse Now.

Honestly there is so much more to the character that EW dives into you should definitely read the whole article!


Miss last week’s news? We have you covered! 


The Star Wars Show

Taking a break from all that Rogue One news, this week’s Star Wars Show! The official announcement of Star Wars Celebration streaming, more guest announcements and much more!


Woody Harrelson is Beckett!

While on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Harrelson revealed his character’s name was Beckett. Unfortunately there’s not much more to that. But WOO! Character name! Side note: No idea if it’s two t’s or one but…


Bob Iger Dropped Some Han Solo News

Disney CEO Bob Iger talked a bit more about the upcoming Han Solo film. He mentions that the film will cover Han being 18 through 24 years of age, his acquirement of the Millennium Falcon, how he met Chewie and how he got his name. You can see more comments on our coverage here.


Ian Kenny Will Be Joining Han Solo

Variety reports that Sing Street star Ian Kenny will be joining the cast of Han Solo. He joins an already massive list of actors attached! Unfortunately no other news about his character is released but hell yes more actors!


Is Darth Vader Going Too Far?

YouTuber HelloGreedo is one of my favorites. I’ve featured him here on the site before, it’s how much I love his parody videos. About 3 weeks ago he uploaded this gem and I feel the need to share. With the political climate being what it is in the United States, we needed a good laugh in the face of it. Thanks to HelloGreedo, we can in this week’s funny.


And that’s it for the news! Sorry there’s not that much and rushed but I’m amid packing my bags to move to a new planet! There will be no GGC next week due to the move so hold tight for more. Tune in (two weeks from now) for more Star Wars news here on Geek Girl Authority!

Erin Lynch

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