Welcome to this week’s installment of Geek Girl Authority Crush of the Week, wherein we shine a spotlight on strong women who inspire us. Now, this not only includes fictional female characters in geeky media but creators as well. These ladies are a prime example of female empowerment and how crucial it is for youth to have said example to follow.
DISCLAIMER: The following contains spoilers for Cowboy Bebop!
Edward Wong
Fast Facts:
Edward, affectionally known as Ed, was born to an eccentric and forgetful man who just so happened to leave her at a daycare center one day and never returned. In those two years she spent with Sister Clara, she found a new family and become close with another boy named Tomato. The two fell in love with computer science and she even named her computer after him.
Having grown up without parents, Ed gave herself the name: Edward Wang Hwe Pepel Cybulski 4th. After spending quite a bit of time at the orphanage, Ed fled for unknown reasons. Over time, she had built up a reputation as a skilled hacker and earning her the nickname “Radical Edward.” During her time, she also learned of the Bebop and its crew and instantly decided she needed to join them.
When the Bebop was following a hacker to Earth, Ed extorted Faye by making her promise to let her join the crew if she helped take down the hacker. Faye agreed but, in the end, wasn’t going to follow through. However, Ed’s quick thinking and hacking of the ship guaranteed her a spot and she quickly became the ship’s technology guru. When they needed information not readily available – Ed was on it.
The Real Deal:
Ed is the real deal. She is an eccentric, giggly, childlike, tomboyish, happy-go-lucky teenager. And, she also happens to be one of the best hackers in the universe and extremely intelligent. She made a name for herself even before the Bebop took her in. And because of her almost childlike demeanor, no one was the wiser that this copper-haired kid was the one behind everything.
Even though she is far younger than the rest of the crew, Ed is devoted to helping them. Partly because she sees them as her family and partly for the thrill of hacking. Over the series, we get to see some more serious Ed moments (and we say seriously sparingly), like when she plays against Chessmaster Hex for an entire week or when she gets down to some real information hunting.
Why She Matters:
So why does Ed Wong matter? In a series as serious as Cowboy Bebop, Ed is our small bit of humor. She lights up the room whenever she is in it while simultaneously being one of the most needed crewmates on the ship. Ed also helps nail home the idea of found family within the series. Each crewmate has their own reason for being there, but Ed really helps tie them together as a family. Her relationship with Jet is one of the best in the series.
So be like Ed. Wiggle your arms and laugh, stand by your family – blood and found, find out what you are good at, excel, and bring smiles to everyone’s face.
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